Chapter 30

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I go back into my room and decide to just do homework for awhile. I needed to clear my mind, and possibly not think about Peter and Felicia. Fortunately I actually get some work done, and end up finishing an essay or two pretty quickly. As I'm submitting some early work I hear a knock on my door. "What?" I ask casually but still sounding upset.

"Can I come in?" Felicia asks from the closed door. I roll my eyes and get up and open the door. "Hi," she says lightly.

"What?" I say the exact same way I already had. She sighs a bit and flips her blonde hair back behind her shoulder, it's actually down for once in her life.

"Look I know you're mad at me for not telling you about Black Cat, but I wanted to at least talk to you about it," she explains. I roll my eyes again as I let go of the door letting it slam in her face and walking back over to my desk to do more work. As I sit I hear my door open and Felicia comes storming in. "Look I get it. You don't love me right now, but we need to discuss it."

"Discuss it with someone who gives a shit Felicia," I say not turning around to look at her and instead scrolling my Spotify for something to listen to.

"You do give a shit. I know you do." She sounds tired. Does she even give a shit?

"Felicia you lied," I say turning to look at her. "You lied for months, YEARS even. You really expect me to want to talk to you after that? You think I'd still be your friend after that?"

"You're friends with Peter," she says lightly. Her eyes are glasses over like she holding back tears but her voice is steady. I once again find my eyes rolling. "How come he gets to hide things from you? Because you like him?"

"No Felicia, because I've known he was Spider-Man for years. Everytime a Spider-Man story was on the news I knew who was under the mask. That's why I was never impressed when people talked about him. Cause he wasn't some superhero to me," I pause. "It was just Peter."

"Why didnt you tell anyone? It's not like y'all stayed friends you could've really made yourself rich with telling the identity of Spider-Man." I shake my head.

"I could never do that to him," I say lightly. I feel my heartache again as I remember Peter pulling her into a kiss. I decide to press her about it so I am able to stay mad and not cry again. "So you two talked for awhile," I say changing the subject. "What'd he say?" As if I don't already know. She shrugs.

"He's trying to put Fisk, my dad, back into the Raft," she states.

"Is Black Cat going to help him?" I ask her. I was going to bring up how silent they got, but she doesn't know I went up to the roof and didn't hear anything else. Maybe they talked after their little sexual excursion.  She shrugs again.

"I want to, but also, if Fisk goes down I'll probably go with him," she says simply.

"Maybe Peter can help you get a lesser charge. I'm sure he has lawyer friends and he can go on as a-

"Spider-Man up on the stand?" She laughs interrupting me. "Peter Parker can't do anything. All he can do is put on a red and black suit and fight bad guys as someone else. His identity is the mask, that's something he have in common."

"So then if Black Cat is just a mask, Felicia Hardy can't be prosecuted unless she's caught," I state my wheels turning. Felicia sees my wheels are turning and watches as I get up and start pacing. "You just need a plan that puts you there without being there. Catch the Black Cat, but it just happens to not be you."

"But, then I can't be the Black Cat anymore," she says this more sad. I give her a confused look.

"Felicia isn't that good? You can finally be normal!" She gives me a furrowed look.

"You think I'm normal?" She asks. "Stella have you ever wondered why? Why does Peter run around saving the world as a Spider? Why a spider?" She seems like she's asking but then again I believe they are rhetorical questions, but I know what she's getting at.

"How'd you get them? Bitten by a radioactive cat?" I ask. She shakes her head.

"No, I was," she pauses and doesn't look at me anymore. "Do you remember in high school there was those two weeks I was 'on vacation' with my parents in Bora Bora?" I nod and almost laugh.

"I was so jealous cause when you explained to Mr. Zimmer why you couldn't do homework while you were away he just said to forget it. I was convinced you were sleeping with our principal," I laugh. She rolls her eyes with a smirk.

"I had much higher standards at that time, but I also had slipped to him that maybe my Bora Bora trip wasn't exactly what I was telling everyone else," she explains. I lose my smile. "I wasn't in Bora Bora. I was in New York, in a warehouse facility that my father had brought in special scientist to do experiments on me." I widen my eyes.

"Felicia oh my god!" She shakes her head to tell me to calm down.

"I was fine. I was attacked by this guy, well, sort of, Sabertooth, a mutant that Fisk had been working with, but the mutants have disappeared since then. Gave me all these weird powers that I was then trained to control and do dear old dad's bidding."

" So it wasn't even you wanting to do it. Why would you want to keep being Black Cat then?"

"Because I like it. I like the goons, I like the crime, and it gives me something to do," she explains. I blink a couple times and sigh. Then I get an idea. I stand up and go get my phone off the charger. I open Snapchat and go through my friends list and I see Sid and the others are heading to a frat tonight. I look at Felicia and smile.

"Go get ready," I say. She gives me a confused look. "Not in your Black Cat suit. I want you to put on your hottest, crystal bitch, going out outfit," I tell her. She smiles.

"Stella I have-

"No, cancel whatever criminal plannings you have tonight. When's the last time we hung out? As humans?" I ask. "No Spider-Man, no Peter, no Fisk. Just me and you tearing up a frat," I say. "Like high school," I add. She smiles wider.

"Fine," she says. I smile as she goes to her room to get ready. I walk over to my closet and get ready for the party.

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