Chapter 11

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We walk out of the frat house into the lawn and I look around a bit looking for Felicia. "Stella?" Peter questions as I realize I didn't drop his arm. I let go and keep glancing and find myself searching for her voice, or something. "Stella?" Peter questions again. He sounds loud. Like he's screaming. I want to tell him everything but my heart is skipping beats. I need to find Felicia to make sure she's still in an area I can control what she does. I whip out my phone ignoring Peter once again who is trying to get my attention. "I thought we needed to talk? You aren't making any sense," he says crossing his arms and relaxing his body a bit. I scroll through my apps and see if Felicia has posted anything about her whereabouts, but she's silent. She's also taken herself off of snap maps. I sigh a little and look up at Peter who looks really annoyed at me.

"Okay I'm sorry. I'm just trying to protect you," I say half listening in for Felicia... that's new. I can hear people talking in the party but I'm still here with Peter. It's not like a fit, it's like I'm in control, for once.

"Stella I don't need protection I'm S-" I quickly push my hand to his face and cover his mouth causing him to give me a shocked look and stop talking. I can tell he's upset by the way he says my name muffled.

"You need to shut up, just for a second," I whisper to him. I feel something is off. How does he not feel it? I keep glancing around and see some frat bros sitting outside the house smoking. At least I think they are frat Bros... but why wouldn't they smoke in the house like everyone else? "We have to get out of here," I say. I keep glancing at them as I let go of Peter's face. I realize they are watching us. "Offer me your drink," I whisper. He looks down at the empty cup he's holding. "Just do it," i say through my teeth. "Loudly," I add.

"Ummm," he pauses and glances back at the bros. "I'm just trying to give you this drink. Didn't have to attack me like that," Peter says awkwardly and loudly. "I'm not with these guys," he says louder. I furrow my brows in embarrassment, but try to go with it. I start laughing fake and drunkenly.

"I was just trying to grab the drink," I say loudly. "Your face got in the way," i laugh and slur a bit putting my acting face on. "Ask me to get out of here," I send to him. I'm not even sure if that works, but the guys have seemed to become less interested but also more there. It's an odd mix.

"Do you wanna go back to my place?" Peter asks loudly grabbing my hand and pulling me closer. I raise my eyebrows and blink a little surprised. It was a bit smoother than the first try at convincing these guys we weren't up to anything besides random college flirting. I nod and look at the dude who seem to be texting and less interested. I keep my mind set on them as Peter leads me towards his apartment.

"You think that's him?" One of the guys says.

"Nah, they just normal kids. Cats got her head in a bag or something," another man says.

"Let's go, we got better things to do," the third says as I hear their footsteps off the front porch of the house and into the grass. I sigh and turn back to make sure they aren't following us and sigh turning back when we are far enough away from the frat house. I walk next to Peter not talking. I can tell he wants to start but I'm still not all there. I'm searching the city for anything that could lead me to Felicia any mention of Black Cat or even her in general. I come up blank. I feel myself stop walking, I look up at Peter who is looking at me.

"What's going on?" He asks. I sigh.

"I'm sorry. I know that was weird, but I think there are people trying to find out the identity of Spider-Man," I say delicately. He kind of laughs a bit, but it's more of just letting breath in and out.

"Stella I'm way too careful for that too happen. I'm totally covered up. I don't give out my name or address, or anything that could remotely correlate me to Spider-Man," he explains.

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