𝟎𝟏𝟖. the one who's drunk all the time

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❛ the weak can never forgive. forgiveness is the attribute of the strong ❜

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VALERIE DIDN'T NORMALLY HAS TO WORK THE OPENING SHIFT. SHE USUALLY PREFERRED MID-MORNING OR AFTERNOON SHIFTS, to avoid the early commuter's demands or the older women's gossip over coffee, and ensure that she wasn't late to school. There also the times when she somehow got guilt tripped in doing the closing shift and followed by the opening the next morning, that would leave her with headache, that felt as though someone was stabbing her brain. 

Today was a different case as Riley had called her around 1 am begging her to take his shift because somehow he forgot to start a assignment that was 30% of his overall grade. Valerie only agreed after he promised to buy her a brownie from her favorite bakery when they next when for a day trip to Philadelphia.

"Jeez, kid, I don't know if you are going to make it to school on time."

Valerie gave a kind elderly man an amused look, sliding an empty coffee mug across the counter and beginning to fill it up. "Don't worry, I have plenty of time and Harry here loves to see me suffer on a Monday morning."

"Val, don't start spreading rumours about me." Harrison said dryly, sliding the elderly gentleman a piece of cherry pie on a porcelain plate.

"Wow, do I come here this much?" He questioned, staring at the food he didn't ask for.

"Yup, which makes you our favorite customer." Valerie smiled as she started to clear the counter of debris and wiping away the spilt coffee. "And Harry it isn't rumour if it's true."

The man quickly finished his pie and coffee before leaving he left the young girl a twenty-dollar tip. "You're like a ray of sunshine in the morning."

"Sir, I can't take this." Valerie exclaimed, moving from behind the counter, however, the man didn't even turn around and smiled at her sweetly from outside the window. She shook her head, making sure that they next time she saw him to give him an extra piece of his favorite pie.

For the next ten minutes of serving people who sometimes forget the simply decency of saying thank you, she wished for her friend to get a 0 of his assignment. As she moved back to the counter she noticed a group of boy scouts waiting for her to take their orders. Valerie jotted down their orders and started to grab some of their donuts and muffins while she couldn't stop the smirk as Harrison argued loudly on the phone with an unknown person.

"Why's he so angry?" A rather short kid questioned Valerie

The girl leant over the counter with mock serious expression on her face. "Can I tell you a secret that you can't tell anyone ever?" All the boys nodded their heads with eager smiles on her faces. "He is jealous of you because he was never a single one of his boys scout badges. Now you may want to hurry off before he comes back, it's mean to rub your success in someone else's face."

𝗳𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗹𝗲 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗱𝘀, pretty little liarsWhere stories live. Discover now