57.♡Whipped Cream♡

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B×B Bangtan Smuts by stackedbrokenthyrsus
And now the thing is that this book is in ao3 in his/her/their acc <3

For some month I may be updating once a week cuz these chapters are looong:)

Thigs had drastically changed after their third anniversary. All colors of love went grey, unexpectedly.

They wouldn't talk much, they would come home late, stressed or drunk, Namjoon would leave early for work, not even having his breakfast.

All of a sudden, everything went dry. Even if they had a day off together, they wouldn't cuddle like usual or shower each other with affection.

They'd be busy, making music or finishing documents. They barely talked.

There were no fights, no arguments, just some kind of tension between them which they tried their best to ignore, but failed.

Talking it out was the best option but timings would never agree. Namjoon would be asleep, when Jin came home, late at night.

If Namjoon, one day, decided to come home early, he'd find Jin sleeping, tired due to over-pressure.

The idea of divorce crossed their minds too, but such a big decision for a small thing would be immature of them.

They were mentally and physically frustrated which concerned their close friends too.

The two of them would pent everything up, cry into the pillow or cry on the couch, sob in the shower or roam in the park.

Was it due to a fight? Was it due to a third person? Was it that one of them was cheating? Nobody knew.

Four months had passed, both of them suffered on the inside. Oh, the texts. Dry, fucking dry. Replying with 'k's 'hmm's was not at all how they used to text each other.They were dying on the inside, as if a fish struggling to get air on a land surface.

Both of them chose work over each other but still kill themselves, mentally. Subconsciously they needed each other, but consciously their egos didn't let them.

He should make the move, they would think, but little did they know that all they had to take was a small effort, somewhere on the road of love, that would make them hold hands again and walk it through.

Jin's birthday was around the corner and he was on the last month of his tour.

Namjoon all together missed Jin. His presence.
His citrus scent.
His soft smile,
his soft pale hands warmly cupping his cheeks.
Forehead kisses.
Morning hugs.
Tasty meals.
His loving warmth which he would give him on cold nights.
The list could really go on and on and on.

He sat on his bed, their wedding albums surrounding him. A thick album was on his lap as he flipped through the photos, smiling at how young and cute they looked.

Memories of how they met on a bus to Busan. Later on meeting repeatedly at the same places again and again and how their numbers were exchanged and how they fell in love. He still remembered Jins expression when he proposed to him for the first time, under the shade of a beautiful cherry blossom tree.

They were so happy, they were so in love, they were crazy for each other and would go to any extent.

It was no less for Jin. He felt the same way. He sat in his hotel room scrolling through the photos he had taken from their wedding albums, the corners of his lips tugged upwards as he reminisced everything.

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