79. -Daddys back-

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More Namjin oneshots(Pt.28)by KIMSEOKJINLIFES

Seokjins Pov:

"Are you excited, Jin?" Hobi asks as we sit in the airport. I nod excitedly.

"W-Wanna see daddy." I grin.

"It's been a while since you've seen your daddy, hasn't it?" Hobi asks.

"Y-Yesh. It's been almost a year wifout daddy." I pout. "But he's back fwom his business twip!"

"Hey Jinnie. Look over there." Hobi points behind me. I turn around, and gasp. My daddy smiles when he sees me. I run over to him, and jump into his arms.

"Daddy missed you too, baby." He sniffles. "How was my little angel while I was gone, hmm?"

"J-Jinnie missed you!" I cry.

"S-Sad an' lonely." I pout."Well, daddy isn't going anywhere for a long time." He says. "He's going to stay with his baby."

"R-Really?! Pwomise Jinnie?" I look up at him.

"I promise." He links our fingers.

*Time Skip*

Namjoons Pov:

"Are you going to let go of me now, Jinnie?" I ask my little, who's been clinging onto me since I'd gotten home.

"N-No. Wanna stay wif daddy." He mumbles into my neck.

"C'mon baby. Daddy has to use the bathroom. I'll be out in just a minute." I say.

"Otay." He huffs. I set him onto the couch, and run into the bathroom. When I'm finished, I walk back into the living room and sit with Namjoon. 

"Honey, why are you crying?" I ask. Namjoon lets out a sob, and buries his face in my chest.

"C-Cause I made daddy ups-set." He sobs.

"No baby, daddy isn't upset." I hold the crying boy to my chest. "What made you think that daddy was angry, hmm?"

"I d-dun know." He sniffles.

"You're tired, aren't you?" I ask. When he's tired, he usually cries and thinks that he's upset me.

"Yes you are." I life him up, and carry him into our room. I set him on the bed, and go into the kitchen to make him a bottle. When I arrive in the room, he reaches out for me. I lie next to him, and hand my baby his bottle.

"N-No. Not tired." He yawns.

"Sleep well, darling."

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