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Namjin🛏 (Pt.9)by hyunj1nluvr

Jimin and Jin walked inside the club were people's sweaty body's rub against other.

People making out in the corners, most likely people having sex in the rooms.

The loud music pumped into their ears as they walked towards the bar stand.
They both sat down in need for a drink, they had both worked at the same place and their boss was being incredibly bitchy today so they skipped half of work and went straight to the club.
Jimin rubbed his temples.
"that bitch is always yelling for no reason." Jimin mumbled.
"what!" Jin yelled over the loud music.
Jimin groaned, he just needed a drink and fast.
He just shook his head at Jin.
"Hello! What can i get you this very fine evening?" The man said he was super cute he had mint hair and just a button up shirt with mostly likely skinny jeans. Those were in nowadays.
Jimin rubbed his temples not looking up at the boy."I would just like a beer." He yelled over the loud music not once looking up.
"Okay! And you?" The boy asked smiling at Jin. He could see the boy wanted to glance at Jimin, but he couldn't because it would be rude to not listen to Jin, know what I mean?
"The same. Just a beer." Jin smiled. The boy nodded walking into the back. Suddenly a girl sat next to Jimin as if he would actually pay attention to her.

"Hey sexy." She smiled, you can tell she had recently been making out and who knows what because her lipstick was smeared, her hair was messed up and she wasn't breathing normally. It's just like she just got done and saw Jimin immediately.

"Not in the mood." Jimin stated blankly. The girl smiled of course as if he was joking. Jin wasn't paying any attention, he was too busy staring at the guy across from him. All Jin can see is his back, but a back can tell you everything right? That your a guy. That your...a guy is pretty much all you can tell about a back.Anyway Jin couldn't take his eyes off of the guy.

"See something you like?" The same mint haired boy said setting down a beer in front of Jin and then Jimin.
"U-uh, what's his name?" Jin asked looking down blushing.
"Should I be offended that you didn't ask my name?" The boy smirked. Jin blushed once again.

"Its Joon. His name's Namjoon." The boy smiled at Jin, the boy had to admit, Jin was really attractive. He had light purple hair that just matched with his skin tone.
"And your name?" Jin asked smiling at the boy.
"Nice name." Jin smirked. Yoongi nodded.
"Yeah, i know. And yours?"
"Jin. Kim Seokjin." He smiled taking a long drink of his beer.
"You seem like you had a long day." Yoongi smiled as Jin continued to drink his beer.
"Well our boss isn't exactly the nicest person." Jin said sighing setting down the empty glass.
" 'nother one?" Yoongi asked.
"Ah, nah. Who else would drive Jimin home?" Yoongi chuckled looking at Jimin who was drinking his third beer. How did he even get two more?
"I'm taking it you don't really drink that much?" Yoongi asked.

"I do when i'm stressed or i just really want to party. I usually have to be the one to not drink as much when i'm with my friends, because i'm just really responsible for everything they do." Jin rolled his eyes. Yoongi nodded understandingly.

"Then stop. Just stop doing that. What ever happens to them isn't your fault. That's their fault. They should be responsible enough to not drink that much." Yoongi said putting a hand on Jins shoulder.

"No. I can't."
"Then let me make you a deal. How about i give you all the drinks you can handle, and after my shift i'll take you and your friend home. Just write your address down and i'll take you when my shifts done." Yoongi said dropping his hand putting it under his chin leaning on the counter.

"Well......." Jin started looking behind him as Jimin grinded on another dude.
"Okay. I'll do it." Jin sighed.
"Great. Here. I have a pen and a piece of paper." Yoongi said handing it to Jin. Jin scribbled the address down onto the paper. Yoongi smiled at the man's sloppy handwriting.

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