74. -To Save My Child-

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More Namjin Oneshots(Pt.3)
So uh...Is anybody into Manifesting. I want a Manifesting friend or just friend whom to talk...But I'll say I'm not the most talkative:)

Namjoons Pov

"Officer Kim, we have a man in custody." Officer Min says. "You'll be the one to question him."

"What was the crime?" I sigh.

"Assault. Our victim says that the man beat him up out of nowhere." Officer Min says.

"Will you get me a cup of coffee. I'll be in the questioning area." I stand, and walk into the room. A man is sitting in a chair, his head on the table.

"I'm Officer Kim." I say as I sit across from him. "I'd like to ask you a few questions...Seokjin."

"I'm not going to talk." Jin chuckles humorlessly.

"That's fine." I shrug. "But when that man you beat sues your ass, you're going to regret not talking."

"Fine. Start asking questions." He says.

"Why were you in that alley last night?" I ask."To beat this guys ass." He says, lifting his head off of the table. Damn, he's attractive. Focus Namjoon!

"Why did you want to beat the victim?" I ask.

"The victim?" His hands grip the table, his knuckles turning white. "That prick isn't the victim!"

"Lower your voice." I say.

"No! You don't understand, what that asshole did to me!" His voice cracks. "He hurt him."

"Hurt who?" I ask.

"He hurt my child!" He sobs. "He hit him over the head, with a fucking bat! My Taehyungie could've died."

"What relationship does this man have with your child?" I slide a picture of the man he'd beaten onto the table.

"He's m-my ex Boyfriend's boyfriend." He sniffles. "They're abusive toward my Taehyung.

I've tried to take them to court, but they always win! No one believes me!"I grab my radio, and press a button to talk to my partner. "Bring the kid in." The door bursts open and a 6 year old child runs in.

"Daddy!" The child cries. He runs over to Seokjin, who picks him up.

"I'm so sorry Tae." Jin sobs. "I'm gonna get you away from them."

"It h-hurts Daddy." Taehyung cries.

"Did they hit you again?" Jin starts examining Taehyung.

"Taehyung, can I ask you a few questions?" I ask. "You can sit right here with your Dad."

"O-Okay." The boy sniffles.

"Does your Eomma ever hit you?" I ask. He nods.

"W-When I'm bad. B-But sometimes she hits me when I didn't do anything." He says.

"Here's your coffee, and some snacks." He says. He leaves the room. I can see Taehyung eyeing the food.

"Does your Eomma's friend ever hit you?" I ask. Before he can answer, Officer Min opens the door.

"Are you hungry?" I ask. He nods, so I hand him a snack. "Now, does your Eomma's friend hit you?"

"Y-Yeah. He hit me with my bat the day I went to my Dad's house. I don't wanna live with my Eomma anymore. She doesn't give me any food." He mumbles.

"Okay honey. I'm going to ask your Dad some more questions, and we'll get something worked out, okay?" I say. "Will you go play with Officer Min?"

"N-No. Wanna stay with my Dad." He tightens his hold on Seokjin."That's Alright." I smile slightly, and turn to Namjoon.

"I'll try my best to make sure that your child doesn't go back with that woman. But, her boyfriend is pressing charges. So you'll need to appear in court for that, and try to get the jury on your side."

"Yes sir. Thank you." He sniffles.

*Time Skip*

"The hurry finds Kim Seokjin...not guilty." The judge says. "Park Jimin and Jung Hoseok, are found guilty of child abuse, and endangering the welfare of a child. They're sentenced to 10 years in prison."

Jin grins, and turns to hug Taehyung, who sobs into his Dad's shoulder. "It's okay Tae. You don't have to go back to those people."

I walk up to them, and place a hand on Seokjin's shoulder. He lifts his head, and hugs me.I walk up to them, and place a hand on Jins shoulder. He lifts his head, and hugs me.

"Thank you so much Officer Kim!" He cries."Call me Namjoon." I smile slightly.

*4 Years Later*

"Daddy, Appa's home!" Taehyung shouts. Tae runs over to me.

"Hey kiddo." I lift him up.

"I missed you Appa!" He smiles."I missed you too kid." I say. "Where's your Dad?"

"He's in the bathroom. He doesn't feel good." He says. I set Tae down and walk over to the bathroom door.

"Jinnie? Honey, are you alright?" I ask.

"Y-Yeah. Namjoon, open the door." Jin says. I open the door to the bathroom. "N-Now don't be mad at me. But I took a test..."

He places three sticks in my hand. Pregnancy tests. And they're all positive. I look up from the tests, and smile. "You're pregnant?"

"Y-Yeah. Are you upset?" He asks.

"Sweetheart, do I look upset?" I chuckle. "I'm so happy!"

I set the tests on the counter and pull him into my arms. Taehyung runs into the room. "Dad's having a baby?!"

"Y-Yeah. Namjoon, open the door." Jin says. I open the door to the bathroom.

He places three sticks in my hand. Pregnancy tests. And they're all positive. I look up from the tests, and smile. "You're pregnant?"

"Y-Yeah. Are you upset?" He asks.

"Sweetheart, do I look upset?" I chuckle. "I'm so happy!"I set the tests on the counter and pull him into my arms. Taehyung runs into the room. "Dad's having a baby?!"

"You're going to be a big brother Tae." I grin.

"Big brother?!" He smiles. "Yay!"

"I love you. All three of you." I say to my perfect family.

"I love you too Appa." Tae smiles.

"The baby and I love you as well." Jin presses his lips to my cheek.

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