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Fluffy purses, Roomies, and Down the Rabbit Hole

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Fluffy purses, Roomies, and Down the Rabbit Hole

His look holds mine.

"You are insane." I shake my head at him. 

"It will go away, don't worry." He turns his back from me and walks towards the stairs. He is finishing this conversation way too soon, and I am not allowing it. 

I run past him towards the stairs. I take one step up, and face him, preventing him from walking any further. My idea was to stand taller than him, but I fail miserably.

"It will have to fade away because last time I checked, I was not even hot to tempt you," I growl.

He takes a step up the stairs, forcing me to take a step up, and back. "I'll fuck Camille and get over you in the blink of an eye, so don't let it go over your head." He taps the side of my skull, then, he takes a step up, but this time I don't budge. 

"You'll stay here until I say so," I sneer, my hand involuntary grabbing a fistful of his sweater. 

"Careful Alice," he warns me. "You're hurting me." His eyes drag to my fist clenched around his clothes. I release him from my grasp immediately.

"Oh boy." I glare at him, while the sole gesture of my index finger forces him to walk downwards. "If my eyes could burn stuff, you would be a small, steamy crumble of ashes, Dean Jackson." The anger that boils in my veins is bursting through my words.

"Please, don't tell me you are jealous because of Camille. Honestly, just any girl could be good enough." His eyes glance at the screen of his phone for a second. 

"I- You- I am not jealous. You are saying all the wrong things. But I'm not mad at you because you claim to care about me. Like, I don't believe you. We both know you don't care about anything but yourself!" 

"Then, chill blondie." His blue eyes look vacant and emotionless as he stares at me. 

"I will not chill." My finger pokes his chest violently. "The reason I am mad at you is that you freed the books without my help!" 

He blinks. Then, he blinks again. "This is unbelievable."

"Of course it is!" My hands run desperately through my hair. "I showed you this library. I made you part of this and you just keep me out of your plans?" 

"But I did the one thing you wanted! I saved them. You are just never satisfied." He throws me a puzzled, annoyed look.

"How did you do it? I need facts, and I need them now!" I decide to just ask questions and ignore all the insults he subtly drops in between his utterances. 

"God, Sunset, it's not such a big deal. It's done. They are free. Can't you just be glad and let it go?" He looks up at me, as my eyes continue to burn him with my madness. Then, when I'm about to speak, he grabs a cigarette from his back pocket, and takes it to his lips.

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