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Hi, it means so much to me that you care enough to read this page. I promise it will be worth it.

Also. I AM SO SORRY. In case you didnt't notice, I write stories with layers of meaning. And I'm sure you may have a lottttt of questions. So, here are some that may help you understand what just happened.

What's up with ending?

💛What Sunset experiences in the last paragraphs of the epilogue, is what a character goes through when his/her book is opened and they materialize in the real world.

Is Sunset trapped in a physical book?

💛 Yes. She is trapped in Book Boyfriends.  Whether that is a paperback or a digital version, we'll see in the second book. 💔

When did she get trapped?

💛 The specific moment in which this happens is when she asks Harry Potter to help her with the Wattpad publication to bring changes to the characters.  Harry warned her that this could be dangerous because they were also blurring the limits between fiction and reality, not only for the characters but for herself.

Does Dean know about this?

💛 Not yet. Neither him nor Lukah or any of the other characters know that they are characters. Elizabeth Bennet opened Book Boyfriends on the first chapter of Book Boyfriends, which is why she appears with Jason, her ex-boyfriend from chapter 1 before she moves to Toronto.

Why does Sunset switch costumes with Camille?

💛 I haven't revealed this yet, but that's Sunset rebelling against what was written for her, even though she hasn't realized yet.

Let me be honest here, I love Lukah, but she wanted to go dressed as Ashy. Since she couldn't manage to do that, switching costumes has two ways of rebelling:

1. She rebells against Lukah because he technically chose the Hermione costume for her.

2. She rebels against her own story, and the love triangle in which the author framed her (Harry/Hermione/Draco). By dressing up as Alice, she becomes her own choice. Also, Alice (from Alice in Wonderland) goes on a journey of discovery when she falls down that hole. Sunset will go on a similar journey in the second book of Book Boyfriends.

How did you come up with the story?

My life basically. I suffer from anxiety. I hate sunsets because they make me sad. And I have lamely been in love with two brothers *face palm*.

Aside from that source of inspiration, this story was born out of my love for books and literature, and some of the items listed below.

💛Originally, it was meant for a contest so it was based on this prompt: "A job application results in you becoming embroiled in the very real lives of the characters of your favorite fandom."

Then, when I lost, I decided to turn it into a blend of things I love and hate. One of the things that fueled this story has been my anxiety and the feeling of being trapped, like feeling claustrophobic in my own body. And I quote Sunset, "how do you escape yourself?" I have no answer for that one yet.

💛 I always cared a lot about fictional characters. They always felt real to me. For some reason, I have this feeling they are alive in some parallel universe. I'm crazy, btw. Please, ignore me.

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