Chapter 1

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Breakups and New Beginnings

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Breakups and New Beginnings

Pages drift, zig-zagging in slow motion around me. Some of them are blackened by the sun rays behind them, others are bathed in a beautiful, pale yellow hue. Then, I notice some sparks taking flight before me.

Two sources of light provoke the view in front of me. The first one and most obvious is the sun. The other one is the fire in my trash can.

I was too lazy to bring trash bags, so I decided to use the metallic bin I had in my soon-to-be abandoned bedroom to start a small, controlled fire to burn useless paperwork from university—small and controlled being the keywords.

We live in Thunder Bay in the True North, that is Canada. But we are moving to Toronto now, and burning stuff seemed like the fastest and most eco-friendly option when my dad started rushing me.

At least, five minutes ago.

That was until I started adding some other stuff, like my mum's copy of Pride and Prejudice. But then, I regretted it and I took it out before any real damage could be done. I set the book on the bed, then threw my future, ex-boyfriend's favorite t-shirt into it. No regrets there, in fact, I pressed it downwards with the stick of the broom, making sure it would catch fire soon.

Of course, I didn't expect Jason to burst the door open while I was doing that. That's how I got here.


"YOU PSYCHO!" he shouts when his eyes take in my actions. He, now, inserts his hand in my burning cauldron and tries to save his River Plate T-shirt. I wish he had tried that hard to save our relationship.

"This meant something to me!" He starts shaking the shirt off, trying to put out the fire, but it is a lost cause.

He throws it into the can again, his arms akimbo and defeat clear in his dark gaze. His eyes stare blankly at a random spot before him until he blinks out of his short trance.

My eyes follow the direction of his eyes, but he is already stretching his hand to grab my mum's copy of Pride and Prejudice.

I see it happening before it actually happens. He grabs the book and starts pulling out bunches of pages and they start floating around me. He doesn't stop until the whole book is gone. A shower of Austen's pages hovers around us as he starts talking.

"I'm so done with you, Sunset! Short distance didn't work for us, much less long-distance." He keeps tearing apart my book, and I remain stone-still admiring the beautiful sight of my mom's highlighted pages showering around me.

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