Chapter 35

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This one might hurt.

Ink, Paper, and Goodbye

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Ink, Paper, and Goodbye

My heart bumps into concrete when my eyes contemplate the scene before me. "Mrs. Woolf?" I gulp.

"This is the last box." Dean's head appears in the window frame we broke a couple of weeks ago. He slides out a heavy box and Mrs. Woolf quickly bends to grab it.

Lukah, Raiden, and Camille arrive at the scene and the three of them quickly crawl down and help Dean come out. Once he is out, his back collapses against the wall and he drags himself down until he is sitting on the floor.

Camille throws herself at him, with her arms around his neck. He starts coughing non-stop.

"I have some water." Dawn hands him a bottle.

Dean pushes Camille aside with a jerky and sudden movement. "Just let me breathe. I'm okay."

My eyes drag to Mrs. Woolf's wrinkled hands trying to pull up the box Dean has just dragged out of the library. Behind her I spot two white, metallic containers that are taller than me. There are tiny wheels at the bottom of them, and towards the center of one of them, there are two locks on it. A heavy padlock hangs from each of them.

"What do you have in there?" I ask, my voice comes out broken.

"This boy helped me put all the books safely into these boxes-where they should have always been." Mrs. Woolf looks pointedly at me. Her chin is held up, and her eyes are blazing with anger.

"Dean?" I glare at him. A thousand questions flash before my eyes. "You helped her lock them in here?"

"I just got a few of them out, Sunset. It's better to be trapped in a box than for them to disappear forever." His grey eyes look wildly at me.

"For the love of God! It's just books, people!" Camille waves her hands in the air.

"Let me help you." Lukah grabs the box himself and tries to put it inside the container.

"No!" I yell at him.

I sprint towards him and snatch the box out of his grasp. The box was so heavy that I accidentally throw it on the ground. Pride and Prejudice, The Hunger Games, and other books lie scattered on the pebbled surface of the street. My knees fall to the ground and I start tucking each of the books against my chest.

"Mss. Williams, you have to give them to me." She crawls down until she is at eye-level with mine.

I shake my head. Then, her eyes look up and they transform into a glare, emphasized with her furrowed grey eyebrows.

"You took them out again?" she sneers.

I look behind me and I find Tessa and Hardin. "It was just today. I brought them back."

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