Chapter 38

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Cardigans, Holes, Wholes and Oh Boy

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Cardigans, Holes, Wholes and Oh Boy...

I wish the void would just disappear, you know? Some people come into your life and they become such a big part of you, whether you wanted it or not. It's like little by little they carve their existence into your being.

But what do you do when they leave?

It's like when the day is chilly and you are wearing a delicate, thin cardigan that keeps you just warm enough. Then, you get used to it to the point that you forget that you are wearing it. A few minutes later, you start feeling a bit too warm, a faint layer of perspiration materializes at the nape of your neck, and you decide to take it off. At that moment, the chilly air of an undecided spring day hits you strongly, and you realize that you needed the cardigan more than you thought so. And you just put it back on, and everything is okay again.

They-the characters-were my cardigan.

The difference is that I can't bring them back. So I just have to endure the chilly air that laces around my soul.

I wish I could be over them, you know? Like, move on. And I think I have moved on in so many ways. I'm driving my dad's car, and I'm not freaking out. I'm going to university. I'm dealing...or trying to deal with Lukah. I'm proud of myself. But I still feel that coldness creeping up at the sides of my heart.

While my friends, the characters, were here I felt whole, even when I was aware of the many things I was lacking in my life. Now that they have been gone for a month and a half...I still feel the hole they left. There's this void in my chest, this emptiness almost palpable that pulls me down, as if it would weigh a ton but is made of thin air.

Holes have two possible endings. One, they progressively close down until they stop existing, or maybe they leave a small mark to remind you that they were there. Two, the hole continues to widen its boundaries, eating everything that is around them until you stop existing because you become part of it. I think the latter is what is happening to me. I keep living and doing stuff, but the hole is eating me alive.

Anyway, Never mind my depressive mood-or rather depressive state. In short, I just miss them. I wish I could see them again and free them from those prisons.

My tornado of emotions comes to a sudden halt when I find a spacious spot to park my car, right next to the StarDust Café.

The busy streets of Toronto take no notice of the small herd of workers that are refurbishing the StarDust Cafe. Painters, builders, all of them focused on different tasks and areas of the small café. I close the door of my car, and a messy orchestra of all the annoying sounds in the world surrounds me.

The basement was the only thing that caught fire, but they took the opportunity to refurbish the whole place. They...are Joe and Dean. Yeah, the evil twin spent all his savings and now he owns the coffee shop with Joe, and they are transforming it into a coffee/bar shop.

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