Chapter 41

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The picture above may help you visualize some of the scenes of this chapter.

Chapter 40 is the last one, and then the epilogue. 😭

   Speeches, Mirrors, Books, and Bad Boys

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Speeches, Mirrors, Books, and
Bad Boys

I wish Tessa and Hardin would listen to this.

I know Elizabeth Bennet would be the first one to give me thumbs up from the first line in the audience.

Mr. Darcy would definitely give me a severe look, while taking a seat next to Mr. Dickens.

Peeta and Katniss would be ready to pounce on anyone who laughs at me today. She may bring her bow with her and all.

A layer of frost feels creeping up from the center of my chest to the edges, slowly freezing me whole.

I just can't swallow.

My chest heaves up and down while my eyes scan the place from up to down, and right to left, and then backwards. The hall is filled with secondary school students-also known as mean teenagers. And all of their eyes are set on me. Why on earth did I agree to do this?

The students are sitting at their desks, which follow the c-shape disposition of the room. It's like an auditorium with desks that are scattered in the place from up above the room until they fade into the base, where professors usually deliver their talks.

Professor Dickens greets the loud crowd, summoning them to complete silence. Today, he is wearing the same outfit he has worn the whole semester: a dusty grey jacket, plus worn, blue, straight jeans. "I'm proud to present Mss. Sunset Williams, daughter of a graduate-with-honors from this university, and renowned author, Mrs. Lockpage."

Some people whisper something undistinctively when he mentions her name, and the sheer cold in my heart threatens me to run away before even starting.

"Sunset is almost finishing her first year in this university and I personally selected her to talk to you Zentennials, or whatever you call yourselves today, over how important it can be for you to study Literature. So..." He claps his hand once, nodding his head at me. "The public is all yours."

I feel like a deer strucken by the incandescent lights of a car in the middle of the night.

I stand up from my place, my knees feeling weak. I walk to the front of the room, and I freeze right before the gigantic whiteboards.Two hundred people stare at me while only the sound of the heating central system is audible.

I hold my handwritten notes in my hands, but I just can't speak them out loud.

"Hi, hello. I'm Sunset." The microphone produces a loud screeching sound.

I think I'm going to faint.

"Sorry about that." I swallow and take a deep breath. The seconds stretch in a never-ending agony. "All of you must be excited to leave secondary school and start college...I wouldn't be that thrilled." I laugh nervously.

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