Chapter 20

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"Did you ever think we'd become one of those people?" Alice asked, watching her boyfriend settle their two-week-old son in her bassinet.

"One of what?" Joel turned to face where Alice lay. "Are you okay? Do you need anything? More pillows? Anything to drink?"

"No, I'm good. Thanks anyway," Alice shifted, trying to get comfortable. She was still recovering from giving birth and comfortable sleeping was proving to be the worst part of her recovery "One of those people who go to bed at like 10pm on New Year's Eve."

"Well, we have a newborn who can't tell night and day apart yet," Joel chuckled, slipping back into bed. He wrapped his arm around Alice's waist. "He'll be up by midnight anyway. Plus, I haven't celebrated New Year's Eve in a very long time."

It had been a strange two weeks. In the span of that, they had celebrated Tommy and Maria's wedding anniversary. Alice then managed to push a melon-sized tiny human out of her cooch. She then had to help said tiny human adjust to life on the outside while recovering herself. She was also dealing with an influx of hormones that were running rampant. It wasn't unusual for her to end up crying on Joel for anything and everything including but not limited to toilet paper commercials, old classical music records, clinical textbooks and the lack of pudding. This made Alice realise her boyfriend must be a saint.

Alice managed to sleep for two and a half straight hours. It was one of the longest stretches she'd been able to rest since Luke came home. She'd only woken up when the baby started to cry.

Bleary-eyed, Alice snapped awake. As she tried to wake up, the soft cries became piercing shrieks.

Alice felt her panic start to rise. She knew Luke was just loud because that was his only way of communicating. She just couldn't manage to get up fast enough. Her abdominal muscles screamed in protest, still not used to having to work this hard.

"Coming," Alice spat out, trying to brace herself against the pain. "Coming, Luke."

"Hey, what's wrong?" Joel asked, his voice full of sleep. "Are you okay?" He rolled over to face Beth.

"I'm okay." Alice finally managed to stand. "I couldn't get up fast enough." She braced herself with a hand on her stomach.

"I can get him?" Joel offered, moving to get up.

Alice shook her head. Not only was she already up, but she had to do this.

It was almost as if her entire life as a parent depended on her being able to get Luke.

"I'll get the bottle." Joel stood with far more ease than Alice.

"Luke, why are you so loud?" Beth asked, managing to pick him up out of the bassinet. "You're going to be changed. You're going to be fed and we'll get you back to sleep."

Alice settled down on the side of the bed, Luke safely cradled in the crook of her arm.

"You would think we starved 'im," Joel teased, handing Alice the small bottle. He squatted next to the chair, watching Luke take his bottle.

"Thanks," Alice said sheepishly. She really couldn't figure out how she would have managed without Joel. He made things with the baby so much easier. 

She stared down at Luke, his mouth moving frantically as though he feared this might be his last meal.

"Anytime. Sorry I didn't get up in time so you didn't have to get up," Joel smiled, gazing lovingly at Alice.

"No, you're fine." Alice chewed on her lower lip. "I need to get used to this, especially being back on my feet. I'm never going to recover if I don't start somewhere." She set the bottle aside, bringing Luke to her shoulder. She pressed her spare hand to his back, supporting him as she sets him up to burp.

"Don't forget a towel," Joel whispered, draping the linen towel over Alice's shoulder.

Alice was definitely grateful to have Joel right here. It sounded insane but she didn't know what she'd do without her boyfriend. She could barely manage to get out of bed on her own, let alone keep herself alive.

"Is this how you ever imagined spending New Year's Eve?" Joel asked, his gaze firmly fixed on Alice and the baby.

"What? In a town set up by your brother and his wife in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, taking care of our newborn baby?" Alice rubbed Luke's back, trying to get him to burp. "Is he stubborn when it comes to gas or does he just hate me?" Alice stopped rubbing and tried patting.

"Just be patient," Joel advised, scooting closer to her on the bed. He gently squeezed Alice's shoulder. "You've got this."

"I just don't want to hurt him," Alice sighed, patting harder. Luke's fussing grew steadily louder. "Come on, honey. Don't be stubborn," She shot Joel a desperate look.

Joel reached over, gently pressing his hand on top of Alice's and moving in sync with her as they work together to burp the baby.

Finally, Luke burped, a thin trickle of milky spit landing on Alice's shoulder. As she wiped his mouth with a clean edge of the towel, Alice silently thanked Joel for his help. Luke gurgled as Beth brought him back to the crook of her arm.

"He takes after your side of the family," Alice said, staring at Joel. "Gassy and stubborn, just like you and Tommy." She stuck her tongue out.

"You're lucky you're holding our boy. Don't be a brat," Joel said, mussing Alice's hair. "Happy New Year."

"What time is it?" Alice asked, looking up from the baby.

"Just after midnight," Joel replied. He reached out, gently caressing Alice's cheek. As Alice turned to look at him, Joel leaned in, giving her a chaste kiss. "Happy New Year, darlin'." He sighed happily. "This is probably one of my all-time favourite New Year's Eves."

"Tell that to my exhaustion." Alice blinked sleepily. Her eyes grew heavy. It would appear that the stress of the last few weeks are finally catching up with her.

"Why don't I change and settle Luke and you go to bed?" Joel asked, squeezing Alice's shoulder. "You look dead on your feet."

"I feel dead; does that count?" Alice retorted.

"It counts for something," Joel replied, easing the baby out of Alice's arms. "Good night. I love you."

"Night. Love you too." After a second kiss, Alice headed to the bathroom. She relieved herself, brushed her teeth a second time and then headed back towards the bed.

Joel had changed Luke's diaper and was now working on getting him back to sleep. Based on his coos and gurgles, Alice could tell he was wide awake.

In the low light of the bedroom, Alice snuggled under the blankets. She was ready to get back to sleep.

The sheer amount of happiness and joy Alice experienced in the last two weeks was indescribable. She had known they would experience a rush of emotion when the baby came. Alice just never realised she wouldn't be able to put proper words to it.

As she started to doze, she could just make out the words to the song Joel was singing in an effort to get Luke to sleep.

My name is Luka

I live on the second floor

I live upstairs from you

Yes I think you've seen me before

In this moment, Alice realised she couldn't envision a better way to spend the evening.

Just her, the love of her life and their miracle

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