Chapter 25

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Joel opened his eyes, instantly realising how downright awful he felt. His entire body ached, and his leg- or what was left of it- was giving a sharp pain whenever he moved. He felt oddly and unnaturally warm... but he pushed it aside to having been laying under the covers for so long. It happened from time to time. 

He glanced over at the window, groaning when he realized it was already morning. Seemed like it had only been minutes ago when he'd laid down... but then again it wasn't that far off. He'd stayed up late last night trying to repair Ellie's guitar after JJ had gotten a little too excited. He chuckled to himself, thinking of the potato. His grandson. 

Joel pushed himself into a sitting position, wincing as he moved his leg to swing over the side of the bed. He looked about the room, hoping to see Alice, but she was nowhere to be found. Probably downstairs making a start on breakfast for the family before she had to go to work and Luke had to go to school. The boy loved walking to school with Joel and showing all his friends how his dad was a robot. Plus it gave Joel a chance to practice walking on different surfaces.

Joel stumbled to his foot, making his way to the armchair in the corner where he'd foolishly tossed his leg the night before. He was still getting used to his new leg, having only got it a few weeks earlier. Tommy heard of a doctor who had been taken in by the Navajo people, or what was left of them. He specialised in developing prostheses from whatever he could get his hands on and had made Joel his own prosthetic leg from metal, wood, and old scrap parts from cars. Joel felt like something out of the Robocop movies but it helped him get around easier so who was he to complain. Joel stumbled, and fell against the chair, turning around so he could strap the prosthetic on. After doing that, he proceeded to change into a heavy green woolen shirt and a pair of jeans before heading for the stairs.

He stared down them, gnawing on his lower lip as he tried to build up the strength and desire to make it down the multiple stairs. He took a deep breath before placing his good leg on the top step, hesitantly bring his other half-metal leg to copy it.

Joel was doing fine until the fifth step, when his leg went out on him for an unknown reason. Joel reached out to the wall to steady himself, but he crumpled to the ground anyways. Thankfully he only had about five steps to go so he didn't fall very far.

He heard scuffling come from the kitchen, and he sighed.

"Joel!? Are you alright?" Alice's voice asked in concern as she hurried over, reaching down and helping him to his feet. Joel leaned against the wall, kicking out his bad leg in half anger, half embarrassment.

"Dumb leg," he murmured. He smiled at Alice, hoping to calm him down. "I'm fine Al. Just... tripped."

Alice's face softened and she reached up and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"Good morning," she smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too," Joel smiled before he pushed himself away from the wall, removing his hand. He limped heavily to the table, gripping onto it lightly as he passed. Joel could feel Alice watching him from behind at the steps. 

Alice shook her head doubtfully. "Joel... I think maybe you should stay inside today. I can take Luke to school instead. It's really icy-"

"I'll be fine," Joel reassured, taking a sip from his coffee. 

Alice sighed, then nodded. "Alright... but be careful. And no snowball fights... alright?"

"DAD!" Luke came barrelling into the room before Joel could reply. He was a cute four-year-old with a mop of curly dark hair and bright green eyes. A perfect mix of Joel and Alice. Ellie followed after him; JJ balanced on her hip.

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