Chapter 24

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Joel stood propped up on his crutch, staring at the photos on his bookcase before him. He was three weeks into physical therapy with Alice and Danny and while it was rough, Joel was enjoying having something to put his head to. Since the ambush, he'd been taken off the rota for patrols, guard duty, and even the more menial day-to-day jobs. Maria wanted to make sure he was fully focused on getting used to his new normal but, for Joel, it was torture.

He picked up the photo of Sarah and him and chuckled softly. He still remembered that day like it was yesterday, even though it was almost 40 years ago. Sarah was hyped up because her team had won the final thanks to a goal she had scored. He remembered watching her celebrate with her friends when the final whistle was blown before she ran over to him and leapt into his arms. He could still smell the scent of her shampoo and the hot dogs they got in the diner.

"Sorry, I just had to put Luke down for his nap," Alice bounced down the stairs and padded over to where Joel was standing. She looked down at the photo and smiled softly as she rested a hand on his arm. "He's gonna know all about his big sister Sarah, y'know?" she smiled and gestured to the armchair he spent many evenings watching movies from. She watched as he hobbled over to the seat. "You're getting the hang of the crutches."

Joel nodded as she took a seat on the sofa across from him. "I am. Honestly, I don't see why I need to be here, Al. I think I'm perfectly capable of managing my own rehab."

"Says the man that forged a note from me to clear him for full duty?" Alice chuckled, raising an eyebrow. Joel ran a hand through his long hair, knowing he was screwed. "Love, I understand your hesitation. You're not the first Jackson resident to resist needing help to get back out on patrols. And I'm sure you could do it on your own, but as intelligent are you are, I would also think you would agree that deferring to an expert would improve your chances of a faster recovery."

"Alright, I'm listening." Joel nodded, conceding that point.

"I'm not sure about this," Joel mumbled as he stared at the small pond in front of him. He heard Alice sigh beside him.

"I swear the water temperature is just fine. The floor is super level and you and the buoyancy the water will give you will decrease the pressure on your good leg to try walking some. We can't let those muscles waste away. Now get in the pond, Joel." He continued to stare at the pond until he felt her starting to pull away his one crutch.

"Fine, fine, I'll do it before you cause me to fall on my face in this cement," he grumbled as he hobbled over to the edge and began to lower himself. He was so focused that he didn't feel her gently support him so he could sit on the edge and lower himself in. In fact, he didn't even realize she was next to him until he felt her now wet hands on his hips from behind. "Wh-what are you doing?"

"Steading your gait. I think you can make it to the other side of the pond on your own but we're not taking any chances. Now go." He could barely detect the smile in her voice at his surprise.

"Yes ma'am." He felt some water splash on his back.

"Ma'am is my mother," she stated, annoyance in her voice. A laugh escaped him as he reached the side of the pond; he should have picked up on how annoyed she got about being called 'older' terms. "Oh, now you're just being cute."

"Hey, I thought I was the only cute patient you had." 

"Well, I mean," Alice shrugged. "That Tommy Miller is pretty dang cute."


Alice and Joel reached the other side of the pond once more. Alice took her hands off his hips and came to his side. 

"We're gonna add in some more resistance exercises," she smiled. "This is a straight leg hip flexion and extension combo." She demonstrated what to do and Joe copied her. "Good, and again. Keep your hips above your feet."

"Foot," Joel chimed in.

"Huh?" Alice raised an eyebrow once more. 

"You said feet," Joel smirked. "I've only got one." He let out a chuckle and Alice blushed. She hadn't fully grasped the fact that he had one leg yet. They worked on some more resistance exercises before Joel spoke up. "It's getting cold," he said and Alice agreed.

"You're right," she said. "Come on, love, let's get out of here." She hopped out of the pool and helped him up before handing him his crutch.

"I can't believe you talked me into this," Joel groaned, taking a sip of his beer as they waited for the rest of their order in the Bison. Alice chuckled and nudged his side affectionately.

"Come on, Texas, we all need a little fun. Plus it's been ages since we've been able to go out like this." Alice gestured to the bar, Maria and Tommy sitting a little way back from them. He couldn't help but nod in agreement. It had been a rollercoaster the past few weeks. Jackson wasn't completely back to normal after Tommy and Joel's ambush, but they were getting there with time.

"You're not wrong," he chuckled, taking another sip from his beer. "I'm just not sure leaving Luke with Ellie and Dina was the best idea."

"Why not? They're grown-ups," she smiled. "You gotta trust her, Joel. Plus, it's a great way to gain some of her trust back, like she said that night on the back porch."

"Correct again," he smirked. "What did I do to deserve you?"

"I love you too," Alice giggled, leaning over the table and pressing a gentle kiss to his nose. "You gave me a scare, y'know?"

"Mhm..." he mumbled. "I know."

"I'm glad you're still here," she smiled, taking his hand softly.

"Me too."

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