Chapter 14

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"Where have you been?" was the greeting that met Alice at the door of the house. Joel gave her a kiss before heading over and collapsing on the sofa. It was dark outside and the snow was falling heavily. Alice shivered and kicked off her boots before she spoke.

"I was just over in the surgery," Alice shrugged out of her jacket. "Had a few things I had to tie up." Her hands began to tremble.

Joel nodded absentmindedly as Alice joined him on the sofa. He instinctually wrapped an arm around her shoulders before he spoke.

"How are you feeling?"

Joel's face was dangerously close to hers and she could feel every inch of his body as he readjusted himself to be closer to her.

"I'm okay. I think I know what's wrong," Alice said, her voice trembling. "Back in the surgery, Danny was helping me do a blood test."

Joel frowned slightly but nodded.


"My hCG levels are sky high," Alice explained. She saw the bewilderment in Joel's eyes and laughed nervously. "Shit, sorry." When she was uncomfortable, Alice had a habit of resorting to medical terms.

"And in English, that means...?" Joel chuckled.

"Joel...I'm..." Alice stammered. She took a deep breath before she spoke again. "I'm pregnant. We're having a baby."

"You're pregnant?" It was more of a statement than a question, willing himself to believe. "You're pregnant." Joel said again, a little more convinced this time.

He got to his feet and walked over to the window, the muscles in his back protruding through his tight shirt. Alice held her breath, waiting for the wave of emotion. She had no idea how he'd react. After Sarah, Joel got himself into a very dark place. The fear of loosing anyone petrified him more than he cared to admit. He rarely got his hopes up for fear of loosing anyone close to him. This was increased tenfold upon hearing he was going to be a father again.

Alice got to her feet, still watching his back. She wiped her eyes and sighed, turning to leave him alone with his thoughts. Before she could, Joel swung around and crossed over to her wearing a smile that rivalled every sun in the universe. He gazed at her so longingly that she had to submerge the wave of pure adoration stirring inside her.

With unshed tears in his eyes, he cupped her face. "We're having a baby." Joel whispered in awe.

"So you're not upset?" Alice asked, her voice still trembling as she rested her hands on his hips. Joel wiped her tears with his thumbs and poured ever emotion he had into his answering kiss.

"Why would I be upset with the woman who's giving me a family?" He laughed, taking his time with each word.

"I just thought th-"

"Shh," he slid his left hand to her waist. "We're having a baby, Alice." He placed his palm gently to her stomach and kissed her forehead.

"We're having a baby," Alice repeated, giggling slightly.

"Thank you," he said, resting his forehead against hers. "Thank you for giving me this. I didn't think I'd get another chance after Sarah." His eyes started to cloud up with unshed tears once more. "I didn't think I'd ever be a father again."

All the words in the world couldn't be more perfect than that moment so she didn't say anything for fear that she would ruin it.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Alice murmured, rubbing his biceps softly.

"And I love you too." He said, crouching down on his knees and kissing her flat stomach.

Alice looked skyward to try and keep her tears at bay as Joel continued to talk to her belly.

"Hey there little one," he said. "I'm your dad and I can't wait to meet you. Your mom is the best in the entire world. She's beautiful and smart and stronger than me in so many ways. It still surprises me that she was ever attracted to a guy like me. She's one of a kind. We're lucky to have her."

Alice ran a hand softly through his hair as he raised up her shirt and placed his head gently on her stomach. Her tears were falling freely now as she stroked the spot above Joel's ear. He continued to talk to the baby.

"You have no idea how much she's gone through, so take it easy on her in there, okay? Try not to make her miserable, or she's gonna make me miserable." Alice rolled her eyes and huffed out a watery laugh as he continued. "She loves you. And I love you. And we want to protect you so you stay in there and grow as long as you can. You're gonna be so kind and empathetic, just like your mom. Be brave and considerate like your big sisters Ellie and Sarah and determined like your uncle Tommy. Pfft, I don't even know if you can hear me yet but I have to tell you that you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. We're a family. We're in this together."

Joel stood back up and melted into the kiss his girlfriend met him with. It was full of everything she wanted to say and even things she didn't have to. She ravaged his mouth like she would die without it and he returned the favour with equal fervor. They parted when their need for air was too much and he chuckled. She was panting and perfect, just the way he loved her. 

Picking her up in his arms, he headed for his bedroom and slid her under the sheets carefully before climbing in beside her.

"We're having a baby," he murmured excitedly, spooning Alice from behind. She didn't have to turn around to know that he was smiling brightly. He was going to be a dad again, she was going to be a mom to a baby who would be a perfect blend of both of them. Joel kissed her temple softly and just held her as they dozed off to sleep. 

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