Chapter 10

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"Well," Joel sighed, exasperated as he slammed the bonnet of the car shut. "Looks like we're walking."

Ellie hopped out of the front seat of the car and wordlessly followed Joel.

"Should be a straight shot through here," he said, looking out over the canyon. The winter snow had melted but there was still a cold chill in the air, making Ellie shiver as she rubbed her arm vigorously to try and warm up.

"Alright," she said, fixing her hair.

"Actually kinda pretty, ain't it?" Joel smiled, stretching out the barbed wire fence so Ellie could pass first. "Watch your head going through."

The pair had been through so much in the last 12 months that they were in sync with each other. Ellie wordlessly grabbed the barbed wire and held it up so Joel could squeeze through.

"Here, got it," she said.

"Oh...Feelin' my age now," Joel chuckled as he straightened up. "I don't think I ever told you but Sarah and I used to take hikes like this. I think ah... I think the two of you would've been good friends."

A soft smile crossed Ellie's face as she remembered the first time she'd mentioned Sarah and how quickly Joel had shut her down. They had both come a long way.

"Think you really woulda liked her," he continued. "I know she woulda liked you."

Climbing up the last ridge and rounding the corner of the mountain, Jackson came into view and a wave of relief washed over Ellie.

"Wow, look down there." Joel said, pushing forward down the hill. Ellie followed wordlessly. "Just a little bit further now."

They crossed over the stream and Joel pulled himself up onto an old mossy log. He managed to reach the ledge above and pulled himself up before turning back to reach for Ellie.

"Here, I got you," he said. "Gimme your hand."

Joel hoisted the teenager up with ease and they straightened themselves out before Joel turned to continue.

"Hey, wait," Ellie paused, anxiously fiddling with her hands. Joel stopped dead in his tracks and turned to face the young girl as she spoke. "Back in Boston, back when I was bitten, I wasn't alone. My best friend was there...and she got bit too. We didn't know what to do. So, she says "let's just wait it out. Y'know, we can be all poetic and just loose our minds together". I'm still waiting for my turn."

"Ellie-" Joel sighed sympathetically.

"Her name was Riley and she was the first to die." Ellie continued. "And then it was Tess and then Sam."

"None of that is on you," Joel promised. He had spent way too much time working through survivors guilt in the past so he knew what Ellie was going through.

"No, you don't understand." Ellie tried to protest but Joel continued.

"I struggled for a long time with survivin'." He said, absent-mindedly brushing Sarah's watch. "And you- no matter what, you keep finding something to fight for. Now, I know that's not what you want to hear right now, but it's-"

"Swear to me," Ellie cut across Joel, making him stop dead. "Swear to me that everything that you've said about the Fireflies is true."

Joel took a deep breath, not taking his eyes off her before he spoke.

"I swear," he said. They had a moment of complete silence before Ellie nodded slightly.

"Okay." She said.

"Let's get down to the gate?" Joel said, beckoning towards the main gate of Jackson. "We're almost home." Ellie nodded and followed Joel down the mountain until they reached the front gate. The familiar sound of guns being cocked greeted them.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

"I'm here to see Tommy," Joel called out. "He's my brother. The name's Joel, Joel Miller."

They heard voices coming from the other side of the gate before the large doors opened. The pair slowly made their way inside.

"It's changed a lot!" Ellie remarked, looking around her.

"Mhm..." Joel agreed, a pit in his stomach as he thought of Alice. "Hey," he grabbed the attention of a guard. "Is Alice still the doc around here?"

"Dr Reid? Yeah, she's still here. You guys know her?"

"Something like that." Joel said, nodding appreciatively.

"Well well well!" Tommy's voice drifted down to where the pair stood. "Look what the cat dragged in!"

Ellie and Joel span around and saw Tommy strolling down the hill towards them.

"You guys look tired. Y'all hungry?"

"I'm starving!" Ellie replied.

"Alright, let's head down to the Mess Hall and get y'all something to eat." Tommy smiled brightly and beckoned for them to follow him.

"Hey, there's actually something I have to do first," Joel said. "I'll catch up with y'all."

Tommy shrugged but didn't protest as he and Ellie headed off in the opposite direction towards the Mess Hall. Joel turned on his heels and headed towards the surgery. He knocked on the door and stepped back, taking a deep breath.

Time passed incredibly slowly as he waited, then heard brisk footsteps approaching. There was a hesitation between the steps stopping at the door and the door opening. But as the door slowly swung open, he saw her. Though it had been some time since he had seen her, Joel immediately recognised everything about her. From her warm chocolate eyes to her soft brown hair and her high cheekbones, every detail was the same.

She was staring at him as if she'd seen a ghost, which in all fairness; she had. It had been almost a year.

"Joel?" she whispered, not quite sure if she believed it.

He felt his emotions rise to his throat and did his best to swallow them. "It's me, doc."

She took a step closer to him but kept a safe distance.

"Didn't think you'd get rid of me that easily, did ya?" He reached back and rubbed the back of his neck, nervous and uncertain of her reaction.

Alice half laughed, half sobbed as she leapt forward and wrapped her arms around him, her enthusiasm almost knocking him off guard. But he quickly regained his balance and wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in her hair.

Breathing in the familiar scent of her shampoo emphasised the reality of the moment and tears fell down his cheeks as he tightened his hold on her. He could feel her shaking in his arms, as well as the tears soaking into his shirt.

She pulled back enough to look him in the eyes and affectionately punched his chest. "You're late, Texas." She accused through her tears.

"Yeah, I couldn't get a taxi," he quipped, not able to hold back the small smile that pulled at his lips. She reacted similarly and even let a small laugh out before her emotions overcame her once more, and he wrapped her in his embrace again. "Alice, I don't know where you're at, but if you'll have me I'm here to stay."

Alice once again pulled back to look at him.

"Oh, you don't have an option, Joel," she chuckled. "You're not leaving me ever again, you hear?"

Joel's throat choked up with emotion again. "Yes ma'am."

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