Chapter 11

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This is a smut chapter, plain and simple! I felt like Alice and Joel needed a release and here it is! So, feel free to skip if smut isn't your thing. This is my first time writing smut too so I hope it's not cringey! 😂


Alice woke slowly, sleep gradually slipping through the cracks of her fingers as she tried to hold onto it. But just because awareness began to slowly creep up on her didn't mean that she had to actually do anything about it. The only thing that could make her leave the comfort of the bed right now was if the building was on fire. And even then, she would have to think long and hard before actually doing so. Nuzzling her face into the soft pillow, she gave a small sigh of contentment as she snuggled further back into the warm body wrapped around her.

"Good mornin'," Joel murmured, his voice husky and sleepy. Alice rolled over to face Joel and smiled as she took in his appearance. His eyes were puffy and his hair was unkempt and wild. Alice gently reached out a hand and stroked his cheek, softly humming. 

"Morning," Alice replied, softly tracing the lines on his face. 

"Sleep well?" Joel asked, looping a strand of her hair behind her ear. 

"Mhm," Alice smiled as she snuggled against his warmth. He chuckled, wrapping his arms around her again. 

"Y'know something?" Joel mumbled after a moment of silence. "I've spent the past 25-odd years focusing on survival, looking after others, protecting others and fighting off a hoard."

"Where is this going, cowboy?" Alice smiled softly, playing with the messy strands of his hair.

"Lemme..."Joel laughed to himself before he spoke. "I'm workin' on it. I'm not a feelin's guy so cut me some slack, 'kay?"

Alice let out a giggle but held her hand up in defeat, beckoning for Joel to continue.

"But, that day at the gate," he sighed. "When me an' Ellie left...I-I wish I hadn't."


"We've wasted so much time. I've wasted so much time," he huffed out a nervous laugh, rolling over on his back as staring up at the ceiling. "I should've held you in my arms every single day and told you how much I..." He hesitated for just a moment and Alice could see the muscles of his shoulders and jaw tense. " much I care about you."

Alice propped herself up on her elbow and smiled gently. She reached over and softly stroked Joel's cheek.

"Joel..." she said softly. "You mean a lot to me. When I first met you, you kinda scared me." Joel laughed and finally looked over to Alice. "But now, I feel like I can trust you. No matter what."

Alice leaned over and planted a delicate kiss on Joel's lips.

"So, whaddya say?" Joel said, shrugging. "D'ya wanna give this thing a go?" Alice raised an eyebrow in confusion before she realised what Joel was trying to ask.

"Joel Miller, are you trying to ask me to be your girlfriend?" she smirked.

"I mean...only if-if.." he stammered, scratching the back of his neck nervously. 

"Let's give this thing a go, Texas," Alice giggled, kissing him once more. She felt him completely relax for the first time ever and she smiled against the kiss, eventually breaking it apart.

"I am starving!" she murmured. "So what do you fancy? I can cook us breakfast! Eggs? Waffles? Whatever you have in your kitchen?"

"I don't think I have anything in my kitchen," Joel chuckled, planting a trail of kisses along Alice's jaw line. She giggled and ran a hand through his hair as he slid down to her neck.

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