Chapter 1: Project Rebirth

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December 1942

Thirty minutes had passed since the start of the meeting and not a single item on the agenda had been dealt with. The chill from the wintery conditions outside had made its way into the underground base and therefore the conference room, the small radiators did little to make the room comfortable leaving everyone to sit in their coats.

The Colonel, the genius that was Howard Stark, and Dr Abraham Erskine had been arguing back and forth for the full thirty minutes the meeting had been taking place for. Well, Howard and the Colonel had been, and about a topic that seemed to be a nonissue to Nellie. She sat in the corner of the dimly lit room, the light only just about reaching her feet as she sat in silence, she had her notebook resting on her lap ready for her to take notes but she didn't see the point now, not when the men were acting like children.

"You're absolutely ludicrous if you think a woman would make an effective super-soldier." Colonel Chester Philips raged with anger as he slammed a closed fist down on the table within the small conference room.

He was a hard no-nonsense man, his expression constantly folded into a frown of disapproval. Nellie had tried her best to stay clear of him... that was until she had been dragged into this meeting.

"Not necessarily a soldier, women in this war are useful for other reasons." Howard Stark countered as he leant back in his chair, not the least bit phased by the Colonel's outburst.

For a twenty-five year old, Howard Stark had achieved so much in his short life. Nellie looked up to him, hoping that one day she could be as successful as him if society allowed it. Howard believed in equality and it was just that factor that helped make him even more attractive, not that Nellie was interested, it was just refreshing to see a man so accepting to the new and modern ways.

"Like what?" The Colonel spat, eyeing Mr. Stark with dubious speculation.

Nellie rubbed her lips together, ensuring her deep red lipstick remained intact. Usually she wouldn't be involved in meetings like this, she would oversee Mr Stark's technological projects, not the biological ones. As Howard Stark's official second in command he had thought a mind as brilliant as hers would be of some use to the Strategic Scientific Reserve and their new, top secret project labelled 'Project Rebirth'.

When it seemed like the other woman in room, Agent Margaret 'Peggy' Carter, wasn't going to say anything, Nellie spoke up from her dark corner. "A woman's best weapon is her mind. Looks and all her other qualities come after that. Take Agent Carter for example, she was recognised for her brain and skill, don't get me wrong she is beautiful, but if we had more women like her in the field, acting as intelligence behind enemy lines-" Nellie pressed her lips into a thin line as the Colonel's booming voice cut her off. Despite always speaking her mind she knew that it was not her place to insult or speak over the Colonel.

"I'm sorry, but who are you and why are you here in my conference room? Stark why is your secretary-" The old man fumed, standing from his chair to signal for the guards at the door to remove Nellie from the room. They stepped forward.

"I am not his secretary." Nellie stated firmly, remaining in her seat as the two burly men in their uniforms moved towards her.

Howard glanced back at her, a small grin playing on his lips. Howard admired the brunette's confidence... and her beauty as well as her brain. To him, she was the perfect woman. He stood from his seat too and held a hand out to stop the guards mid-stride.

"Colonel, this is Eleanor Barnes, she is a true genius, graduating first in her class at MIT at the age of seventeen. She is my second in command. There's no one I trust more within my company. She is of great value and will be a part of Project Rebirth. Trust me, we need her." Howard once again glanced back at Nellie and winked, the act caused a slight blush to rise on her cheeks and she looked away from his gaze and back to the Colonel who was watching her warily.

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