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The intention to sleep did not last for long, Nellie felt as if she had only closed her eyes for five minutes before Steve was kissing her again, his hands roaming over her body much to her own and his delight. They had been bitten by the love, or better yet, sex bug and in between short power naps they had gone again four more times, only realising they should really get some sleep as the sun began to stream in through Steve's bedroom windows.

When the team parted ways after their lunch the day before, they had agreed to meet at 5pm on the Bethesda Terrace, there they would say goodbye to Thor, his brother, and the Tesseract. It had been agreed between Tony, Thor, Secretary Pierce and Director Fury that Shield would get one night with Loki, and that the Tesseract had caused too much damage on Earth, Nellie's plan had been agreed to and it was to be the transport for Thor and Loki to return to Asgard. The Tesseract was to remain with Tony overnight, ensuring its protection completely.

Whether it was right or not, Nellie had not given the team, or the events of the day before much thought at all. She was all consumed by Steve, his touches, his kisses, his love, his body... when her eyes flickered open around midday she ached but in the most glorious way. This was life together now, and if she could stay with Steve curled up in that damp bed together for the rest of her life, she would.

Despite what she wanted, reality had to unfortunately set in. She watched as Steve's alarm clock clicked over to 12:15 and she knew that the day had to start. Delicately she unpeeled herself from Steve's arms, trying her best not to wake him but ended up being unsuccessful. He tried to pull her body back towards his, but with lightening quick movements she was up from the bed, standing wobbly on her legs next to the open door... completely naked.

"How did I get so lucky?" Steve mused, resting back against the pillows, his arms folded behind his head as she smirked at her.

Nellie tried to hide her smile but was unsuccessful. "You saved me from a bully." She said matter-of-factly, the muscles in her legs practically screaming in pain for her to sit down. "That's how." She added, leaning against the doorframe for support.

"Come back to bed, honey." Steve beckoned with a wave a of his hand, the hardening of his length drawing her attention too. Her insides clenched with need.

"No!" She said quickly, a chuckle escaping her lips. "I ache!" She complained lightheartedly. "My legs need a break." Steve smirked again at her words, he too felt a little sore, but he could ignore it. Nellie was his drug and he was addicted. "Besides, we need to be more careful." Nellie's tone turned a little more serious and Steve's smile faded.

Despite the high they were riding, they knew they had to have the conversation, to decide the contraception they were to use, to decide how they were going to deal with the events of night. It wasn't a nice discussion, but quickly after the discussion Nellie jumped into the shower and rushed down to the pharmacy across the road.

Her oldest great niece had told her of such pills a few months ago, and despite the wonderful idea of having a child with Steve, now was not the time. It was a mutual agreement. They had so much to do together first, to try and fit into this new world as a couple. A child would just complicate things and that was not what they needed right now. As sad as it was, it had to be done. She left the pharmacy with a large box of condoms too.

At around 2pm, after another round and learning how to put on a condom - the army had distributed them back in the 1940s but Steve had not been part of that introductory course, he was rushed in after saving Nellie, and they had not had a need for them until now - there was a knock at the door.

A vaguely familiar agent from the Helicarrier had arrived to drop off the belongings they had left behind and to take their uniforms for cleaning and repairs. Steve did not part with his shield but he helped bag up the dirty uniforms before sending the agent on his way. Nellie was quick to check her phone, seeing multiple calls and messages from her brother, his children, and her other family members... and Tony.

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