Chapter 22: Am I Strong Enough For This?

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Steve opened his eyes, finding himself thrown across the room towards the doorway, lying upon his left side and staring into the blistering remains of the lab. Just ahead of him Tony was coming to, and with a sudden burst of adrenaline he sat up, looking to Steve with astounded horror.

Steve moved to a sitting position too and tore his eyes away from Tony to search about the room for any sign of Nellie's purple suit through the charcoal and slate smoke. Across the room Thor was already on his feet, helping Fury to a sitting position also. Steve's panic then began to set in.

"Nellie!" He called out, scrambling to his feet as his eyes fixated on the smashed glass window that was situated towards the back of the lab. He noticed Nellie, Natasha and Bruce were all missing. Though he remained silent, Steve felt Tony rise beside him, and together they rushed towards the opening at the back of the lab. The unlikely duo peered down over the edge towards the lower level, their eyes peering into the darkness as they tried to make out the three bodies strewn about the once pristine equipment room. "Nellie! Nel, can you hear me?" Steve cried over the dazzling alarms and sirens.

Nellie was conscious once again, the smoke having cleared from the lower level allowing some oxygen to fill her lungs. The pressure was still against her back but her strength was returning. Faintly she could hear Steve's voice from above her, but she was more worried about the unconscious Natasha who was laid beside her, her legs trapped under debris similar to that which was on top of Nellie. The brunette tried to turn her head but she could not see Bruce.

"Eleanor!" This time it was Tony's voice that called down to her, the surprise rippling through both herself and Steve. His voice was thick with concern and Nellie couldn't help the joyful jolt in her heart.

She sucked in a deep breath of air. "I'm fine." She croaked, the smoke and dust still within her lungs.

Steve sighed with immense relief. "Thank God." He whispered under his breath, his throat closing as the emotion choked him. "I'll come down to you!" He offered, his voice echoing about the dark room.

She heard the creaking of metal above her and knew that Steve had began his careful manoeuvre. "No!" She snapped, her voice stronger than before. "Go help, I'll get us out." She knew she could help Natasha and Bruce, but she would never forgive herself if other people lost their lives because Steve and Tony were seeing to her.

"We can help!" Again, Tony surprised them both with his distress and he tried his best to ignore the perplexed look Steve was giving him. In all honestly, Tony wasn't sure what had come over him either, about ten minutes ago he was ready to completely and indefinitely disown his aunt and her other half... now he just wanted to help.

A grumble rolled through the ship, once again the belly of the Helicarrier began to shake... and then it began to tilt. Nellie's eyes widened, they were going down. "No! Go help now." She ordered, her voice now clear and firm.

Despite the anxiety he felt about the leaving her and the pain it caused his heart, Steve knew she was right. "Goddamnit Nellie. You better be okay when I come back for you." He called down to her. He wanted to tell her those three words but knew that if he did, there was no way he would leave her side. He felt the angle the ship was now flying at, he could hear the instability in the walls. With a grit of his teeth is turned to Tony. "Wanna put on the suit?" The question was no longer a threat but an offering, their differences were to be brushed aside for now.

Tony tore his eyes away from his aunt and looked upon Steve's hopeful eyes. "Yup!" Tony nodded, ready for the action as Steve helped him to his feet and they rushed towards the door and down the corridor.

Nellie sighed as she heard their retreating footsteps, feeling the weight of the beam across her back, her hips being crushed against the grating. She blinked away the tears, partly for the pain and partly for the fact she had sent Steve away. Get it together Nellie, you can get yourself out of this and find him after.

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