T H I R T Y - S E V E N

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I have officially breached 11k!! I wish my past self could see!!!

Katsuki sat next to Kaminari. He'd been wanting to watch the movie since it was release date was given, but he found himself watching Kaminari more than the movie. And sure, he could still hear and turn to see the movie, but Kaminari was just so much better. He was infatuated with the electric blonde, he knew it. He'd been for a while. He'd started with a small puppy crush that he assumed would disappear,  but it only grew. And now he sat here, on a real date with the teen he'd only been stealing glances at before. A date. Katsuki grinned, turning his attention back to the movie. As he did, though, Kaminari leaned over. 

"Hypothetically, if I were to hold your hand, how okay would that be?"

"Holding my hand?" Katsuki turned to the teen. 

"Hypothetically" His answer was. 

"That'd be fine. Y'know, you could've just said you wanted to hold my hand, idiot" He reached over and interlaced their fingers before visibly turning his head back to the movie. His eyes, however, remained on his date. He took in how the movie's lighting framed the boy's face perfectly, highlighting the blush across his otherwise pale cheeks. 

There was never a moment like this. Time had stopped. He wished he could take a photo of this moment, but it'd never be the same. The atmosphere was just right, the dark of the surrounding room; the lack of people in their surrounding seats; the way he could feel Kaminari's warm hand; the way he could just barely feel the sleeve of the sweatshirt he'd given to his date. Katsuki wished so bad that everything could stay like this. Forever until the ends of time. He just wanted to go on dates with Kaminari and feel this over and over. He wanted to be a hero, but he wanted to ba a hero with the boy. 

"Hey" He whispered so quietly that it couldn't be heard over the movie's . "I think you're perfect" Kaminari didn't hear, as intended, but when the teen turned to him to gush about the scene, Katsuki could only smile at the boy. 

He pulled a candy from the barely legible package and put it close to to his date's mouth. "Here, now shut up and watch, we can talk about it after" He took the snack, lips brushing Katsuki's fingers ever so slightly as he did. 

"Fine, softie" Kaminari mumbled through the snack. 

Katsuki liked to think that when Kaminari's hand tightened in his grasp when the scene of the main character protecting the love interest came on it was on purpose.  He watched the final scenes if the movie with his stomach doing flips. Kaminari was really holding his hand.And he'd been the one to initiate the contact, not the electric teen. Today was so good.

Extra to make up for how late this is:

"I'm paying for that" Katsuki said as Kaminari picked out the snacks. 

"Over my dead body you will" His date responded. 

"Okay" He smirked, stepping towards the electric blonde in a threatening way. 

"Katsuki!" The teen shrieked, making him laugh. 

"I'm still paying" He paused a moment before adding, "You can pay next time"

Kaminari practically giggled, "You're so cute! Imagine if everyone knew the big bad boy was a shy, soft baby"

"I'm not a soft, shy baby, Kami" He scowled and watched his date gave a flustered smile.

"Sure thing, softie" Katsuki clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes. Kaminari laughed at his obvious defeat, bouncing on his feet as he placed his items on the counter

Word Count: 678

Sorry this took so long, but my surgery went well!! My wrist is all healed now so I can write on my laptop  I'll try to update more!! 

Also I just remembered that 'kami' is 'god' in Japanese... Which, in my opinion is so cute that Katsuki chose that over his first name

(I didn't intend it, until now that is)

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