ch.4 // the roommate

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After the events in the interrogation room, I made my way back to my room to try to get a good night's sleep. Loki however, stayed back with Mobius to talk over this new wanted variant information for a little while.

This whole thing was so farfetched, but I was getting used to it by now. As I settled in on my bed, I left out a heavy sigh.

"Well someone's tired." A male voice said from the front of the room. I sat up, eyes wide from surprise. It was Aldaric.

"Oh it's just you." I said, finding myself smiling. I stopped myself, hopefully before he could see.

"Yep... just me," he said with a grin, "how did it go?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't think guards were really allowed to engage with prisoners like this." I said, raising an eyebrow at the cute guard. Sure I never had any attachments but that didn't mean I didn't know how to flirt. I've had my fair share of suitors.

"Yeah we aren't- but I figured no one would find out and you kind of needed the therapy."

I scoffed, "I don't know what you are talking about, but if there's one thing I know it's that I don't need therapy."

"Sure sure, okay then at least someone to talk to?" He said, compromising.

I thought for a moment before responding, "Isn't that what my roommate is for? Where is she anyway?"

Aldaric's crooked grin spread, "The more important question is, who are they?"

I cocked my head, "they?"

Aldaric nodded, "yeah... we don't have to gender-based restrictions here- so you're roommate could really be anyone."

I groaned and fell backward onto the bed, covering my face in my hands. I couldn't handle any more surprises.

"Great. Then who are they."

"Right here." A voice that I recognized all to well said.

I sat up again, this time seeing none other than Loki. Aldaric must have left, and Loki entered in his place. He stood there in the jumpsuit, which he pulled off surprisingly well. His black locks hung down, curling at the ends.

"You're my roommate??" I said, shocked from where I sat.

"It would appear so." The steel eyed god responded, shrugging his broad shoulders.

Great, I thought. I was stuck in the TVA, with a God as my roommate. How was I ever going to survive.

"Aren't you supposed to be having an existential crisis or something right about now?" I said.

"And why would I be doing that?" Loki asked.

I internally rolled my eyes at the toxic masculinity of that statement. Of course he would pretend like nothing happened- its not like he had watched himself die, and it's not like I hadn't given him my life story or anything. Gods.

"Because you just watched yourself die. I'd think that would mess up a person." I responded after a pause.

"But I'm not a person, I'm a God." Loki said with a smirk- holding his hands up in a gesture of grandeur.

"Wow," I chuckled dryly, "smooth."

I could hear the smile in his voice as he replied to my 'compliment.'

"See? Someone's finally warming up to me."

"Aaaand that's where you're wrong," I said crossing my legs on the bedspread, "I don't warm up as you call it."

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