ch.5 // collaboration

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I awoke to an alarm ringing in my ears. I groaned and rolled over, pushing my pillow over my head in an attempt to drown out the annoying sound. When it persisted, I let out a tired huff and tried to slam my hand down on it, but it jumped away. The shock woke me up, and I got a good look at the device. It was that annoying orange cartoon clock.

"UgH not you again." I groaned, shooing it away.

"Hey there! I'm miss minutes! It's time for your first full day at the TVA! Rise and shine variants!" The animated clock said in an irritating voice.

"Alright alright I'm up! Now leave me alone before I run a pillow through your incredibly pitchy mechanical voice box."

With that, Miss Minutes let out an annoyed huff before poofing off to whatever poor variant she was assigned to next.

"Wow, what a great way to start your day." A male voice said from the other bed. I wasn't recalling who it was in the moment, but my heart fluttered at the sound.

Suddenly remembering my circumstances, I squeezing my eyes shut from exhaustion before responding to Loki.

"How come I got the clock from hell?"

A chuckle came from the other bed, "Simply put, because I'm a God."

I groaned, "Again with the God thing?"

I heard him roll out of the sheets and heard his feet slap on the floor gently. Turning my head to look at him, he winked at me and spoke in a rough but soft morning voice,

"You look like crap."

"Your not looking so great yourself for a God." I shot back, trying to cover my embarrassment.

Truth be told, he was looking great. His dark curly locks flopped onto his face, his steel eyes bright from the night's sleep. One side of his face was slightly flushed from where his pillow had been, and I won't lie- it was pretty cute.

"Looks like they gave us some new clothes." Loki said, interrupting my fantasy and gesturing to an outfit hanging from a closet door. It was a button up shirt and tie, complete with slacks. I looked over at my closet and beheld an outfit of my own. It was a light colored button up shirt with an orange tie, complete with a brown skirt. It was okay looking, for sure better than the jumpsuits we were currently sporting.

"Yes! I don't think I couldn't stand to be stuck with this diarrhea colored jumpsuit for any longer." I said with a grin.

Loki laughed deeply at this, his chest heaving as the laugh lines on his face deepened. Gods this man was just getting more and more attractive.

"Yeah that would have been pretty bad." He agreed between laughter.

Trying to conceal my smile, I climbed out of my own bed and padding towards the outfit laid out for me, rubbing the remaining sleep from my eyes.

After we both changed (separately of course) and ate some breakfast, we were off to the desks we were assigned to for the day.

——-time skip about 10 mins———

I was leaning back in my desk, feet up. Loki was in the desk next to mine. This time, Miss minutes had been assigned to bother primarily him. I was just a causality of the crossfire.

I smirked at his expression which was somewhere between boredom and annoyance.

"Guess Gods aren't an exception hUh Loki?" I shot at him with a grin, looping my arms behind my neck. He shot me a dirty look, making me snicker from where I leaned back in my seat.

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