ch.9 // sylvie

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I know the pic has nothing to do with the chapter but i just love it. AnYwAy

Me and Loki emerged from the time doorway, spitting us out in a large room adorned by orange lockers and tiles. Both our breathing was labored, and our hands were still intertwined. Sheepishly, we dropped the contact as we were no longer in material danger.

"You've gotta be kidding me. Not this place again." I muttered, smoothing my shirt.

"The variant went this way, cmon." Loki said, starting around a corner and down a hallway.

Lights flickered as an announcement rang over the speakers. "All Minutemen to armory. Protect the timeline."

The line was repeated over and over again, joined by the sound of an alarm.

As we walked down the hallway, Loki stopped somewhere, his back to me. When he turned back around, he had those two daggers in hand and a smirk on his face.

"Nice." I breathed with a nod. We set off, our strides matching each other's. As we moved, we passed unconscious guards strewn about the hallway. Stepping over them, we moved forward cautiously.

Eventually, we caught up with the Lady Loki variant. She was doing something with her back turned to us.

"Hey!" I shouted at her, making her whirl around to meet us.

"A few questions." Loki said, taking a step forward.

"Have you two got nothing else to do?" She sighed out, clearly aggravated by our presence. Her accent was thick, but her attitude was thicker.

"Rude." I said, "Are you sure you're a Loki?"

"Just because this Loki clearly has a soft spot for you, doesn't mean I have to. You're in my way." I stood shocked, mouth agape.

"You ARE my way." Loki quipped back at her, lunging forward with his dagger.

After a brief fight, Loki ended up locking the variant in a headlock. His chest heaved with his labored breathing, whipping his hair out of his face. How was that so hot?

"I thought perhaps we could work together." Loki offered, as the variant struggled against his grasp. It might not have been the time, but I sure wouldn't have minded to be the one in his arms.

Snapping back to reality, I cleared my throat the unsolicited thoughts.

"...But now I see you lack vision." Loki groaned and the variant got free and began fighting again. They both panted from the exhaustion of fighting, but to be honest I was too distracted by Loki to be of any use.

"So, either you'll come willingly..." he panted, "Or you won't. Either way, that's how I get to the Time-Keepers." They became a mess of cloth and limbs as they fought, each one gaining and losing the advantages over each other.

"Oh, Gods Shut up!" She yelled angrily, throwing a few hits of her own. Loki stumbled back, his eyes desperately landing on me

"Y/n! A little help here?" He shouted, before the variant landed a punch right where I had elbowed him earlier this morning. He doubled over, and I was sent into action.

Lunging forward, I grabbed the variant's arm and twisted her into a headlock position in one swift motion. As I disabled the use of her arms, She let out a mix of a gasp and a yelp.

"Woah." Loki breathed, wiping beads of sweat from his nose, "Where have you been?"

I just smiled sheepishly, not about to tell him that I was fantasizing about him while he was fighting.

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