ch.10 // lamentis-1

877 38 13

Finally, we found an open booth and I plopped down on the nearest bench. Sylvie piled in next to me with a heavy sigh, leaving the seat across from us empty.

"Um, look, I can't go backwards on a train." Loki said, gesturing to the chair Sylvie had left for him.

"Well, I never sit with my back to a door." Sylvie responded, unmoving.

"What? There are doors on both sides and I can't go backwards!"

"Oh bother, you just want to sit next to y/n. just sit down." She rolled her eyes, and I looked down- trying to conceal the deep blush on my face.

Reluctantly, Loki sat down across from us. He mumbled mockingly at Sylvie, before letting out a tired sigh and relaxing into the seat.

"FYI, that wasn't even a plan." Sylvie said.

"Oh, really?" Loki raised an eyebrow, leaning forward.

"Plans have multiple steps. Dressing as a guard and getting on a train is just doing a thing." Sylvie said nonchalantly.

"You know- she's got a point." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

Sylvie flashed an almost-smile at me, before yawning.

"Oh, you a bit tired?" Loki teased, "Feel free to, you know, get some rest."

I tried to hold in my own yawn, in fear of the joke landing on me. Though I'm sure I just looked like I had eaten something that disagreed with me.

"I can't sleep in a place like this." Sylvie retorted.

"You can't sleep on a train?" I asked, turning to her.

"No. I can't sleep around untrustworthy people." She said, eyeing Loki.

"Hey! Why did you look at me and not y/n?" Loki shot back, wounded.

Sylvie just raised an eyebrow, and I snickered.

"It's obviously because I'm her favorite." I fired, a smug look on my face.

"But you feel free to take a nap." Sylvie said to Loki, feigning sympathy.

"Nice try." Loki said, shaking his head.

"Well, If you two aren't going to sleep, I will." I said, relaxing in my seat and propping myself up against the window.

I let my eyes flutter shut as I listened in on their still audible conversation.

"I'm not gonna waste my time rooting around for the TemPad when someone taught you fairly decent magic." Sylvie fired at Loki.

"My mother." Loki replied, a softer tone to his voice.

"What was she like?" Asked Sylvie.

"She was, um... A Queen of Asgard." Loki said gently, and I could hear the faint smile in his words, "She was good. Purely decent."

"Are you sure she was your mother?" Sylvie scoffed.

"Oh, no, she's not actually. I was adopted." Loki replied.

Loki had parent problems too? I hadn't known this.

I tried not to let my facial expressions change as it turns out, I can't sleep on trains. But they didn't need to know that.

"that a bit of a spoiler for you? Sorry about that." Loki said.

"No, I knew I was adopted."

"What?! They told you?" Loki exclaimed, nearly startling me from my sleep-like position

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