ch.13 // the nexus event

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I lay on my bed, unable to make any movement but the impossibly slow rise and fall of my breaths. My heart was heavy, weighing me further down into the mattress of the silent room.

The room didn't feel right without him, like there was a massive hole right through it's heart. I ran a hand down my face as I mustered all my willpower and rolled off of the bed. I padded over to the kitchen unit, sluggishly opening a cabinet and pulling out a familiar shaped box. Once I had the cereal tucked beneath my arm, I retreated back to the comfort of my bed.

Pulling out a handful of cereal, I stuffed it in my mouth and chewed lazily.

"See? I knew you were warming up to me." The first feeling of his hands on me had changed everything. His touch was so gentle, every tiny movement of his was so completely intoxicating.

"this is all... new for me." I remembered how it had felt to have Loki's lips pressed against mine, hands tangled in each other's hair. His heart had been racing, even faster than mine if it had been possible.

"She's just a pawn." Loki's words echoed over and over again in my head, and although I knew they were fake I couldn't stop the tears that came to my eyes.

I had sworn to myself countless times that I would never break either of my rules. Because this is what I knew would happen. What always happens. Me, crying alone in my bed, using a cereal box as an emotional support method. I shoved another handful into my still full mouth.

I was just about to finish the remainder of the cereal, when a person burst through the doors to my room.

"Mobyush?" I froze like a guilty child, mouth still full of cereal.

"Y/n." Mobius said, breathing hard.

"Why are you here?" I asked, swallowing my mouthful.

"Becau- is that cereal?" He asked, pointing to the near empty box in my hands.

"Look, I'm a little pissed at you right now so cut the charade and just tell me why you are here." I said, brushing my hands off on my blanket.

Mobius cleared his throat, his urgent demeanor returning.

"Do you remember when you and Loki tried to convince me that we were all variants?" Mobius asked.

"Uh, I should hope so." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Okay okay so I swiped Ravonna's TemPad-"

"Who's Ravonna?" I asked.

"Judge Renslayer." Mobius corrected, and I nodded as he continued, "I swiped her TemPad and-"

"You WHAT!" I exclaimed, making Mobius let out an exasperated sigh.

"Just let me finish!" Mobius said, and I muttered "sorry."

"Anyway, something wasn't sitting right with me. So I took her TemPad and found this."

Mobius pulled out a TemPad from his suit pocket, opening it and pulling up a video. He moved closer to me, turning the device and making the screen visible to me.

"That's Hunter C-20." Mobius declared, as he was shushed by me.

I watched as the girl wildly explained that she had a life. Her eyes were panicked as she recounted that everyone who worked in the TVA were variants. When the video ended, another face came on screen. It was Judge Renslayer.

I looked up at Mobius expectantly, "Now do you believe us?"

He nodded sheepishly, "Yeah. Yeah I do. I'm sorry y/n."

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