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Dami: What the fuck! Do you not trust me or something?
Y/N: I don't know anymore Damiano!

You were having the biggest argument you had had during your relationship so far. Damiano was being accused of cheating by the public. He has been spotted walking around with this girl, a beautiful girl actually and you didn't know if you should listen to him because it seems pretty clear he could be cheating.

Dami: Y/N! For gods sake, she is an old friend!
Y/N: How do I know that? How do I know you aren't just making this all up!

You begin to shout. You can see Damiano's face scrunch and you know he's getting angry now.

Dami: What's wrong with you? Why would I make this up? You really think I would fucking cheat on you, are you stupid or something?!

He begins to raise his voice. He's really scary when he's angry.

Y/N: you would make it up, to cover the fact you're cheating on me! Are you cheating on me?
Dami: of course I'm not! I fucking love you!!

He shouts at you, walking towards you, looking very angry. He puts his hands on your shoulders, trying to calm both of you down but you push his hands off and step back.

Y/N: Stop Dami! How do I know you aren't lying?! Do you have proof she's an old friend?!
Dami: how would I have proof? What do you want? Me to go looking everywhere for an old picture of us in school just to satisfy you?!
Dami: oh fuck off, if you're going to be like this! I'm not cheating on you, end of!

He says turning his back on you. You don't know whether this made more more sad or just more angry. You storm past him, elbowing his shoulder as you do. You walk out the door, slamming it shut.

Y/N: I can't believe him! How could he do this? Would he really cheat on me?

You mumble as you walk quickly down the street, trying to get away. Then you realize you've left your phone.

Y/N: Ughhhh! At least he won't be able to contact me...

You mumble again. You couldn't keep your anger inside.

Meanwhile at home, Damiano was on edge. He regrets telling you to fuck off. He regrets ever walking with that girl, even though he knows he's done nothing wrong. He sits on the sofa, tapping his feet in irritation praying that you'll just come home.

He picks up his phone, and dials your number. It rings and he slams his phone to the floor as he sees your phone start ringing just a few steps from him.

Dami: fuck, I've got to find her

He storms out the door and runs straight to the beach. This is where you normally go for some peace.

He arrives, to see you sitting still on the sand, throwing pebbles and shells into the sea.

Dami: Y/N.... Please let me explain

You turn around to see him and just roll your eyes.

Dami: she really is an old friend. I would never cheat on you, I am so sad you don't trust me. I would never hurt you. Ti amo moltissimo...
Y/N: prove it then
Dami: huh?
Y/N: prove she's just an old friend.

Damiano pulls out his phone. He had found an school picture of the two of them. Now you just feel stupid. You've overreacted again.

He sits down next to you, and puts his arm around you shoulder. Usually now, you would lean your head onto his shoulder, but instead you just remain still wondering if you should apologize or not.

Dami: I'm sorry
Y/N: don't apologize Damiano.
Dami: no, I am sorry.
Y/N: no, I should be the one saying sorry. I should've trusted you. I love you.
Dami: I love you too. Please know I would never cheat on you Y/N...

You say nothing, only look up into his dreamy hazel eyes. He tilts his head and leans in. Your lips meet softly, he is being gentle and passionate. But you decide to escalate things. You grab his head with your hands and pull in him tighter. The kiss soon changes from gentle to aggressive. He adds his tongue, he pushes you down onto your back, and has his hands behind your head as he continues to caress you.

Dami: don't ever say I would fucking cheat on you again.

He says as he begins to kiss your neck and trail his kisses down to your thighs.

Y/N: Dami! We're on a public beach!

You say as he doesn't stop, just keeps kissing the inside of your thighs. And then he pulls the towel over your bodies...

hi I'm currently working through requests! I got a total of 17 through everything so please be patient with me! it will take me maybe a few weeks to get through them all but I promise I will do as many as I can! <3

Damiano David Imagines &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now