🌸-you meet his family

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You were in Italy, going to Damiano's family home to meet his family. You were feeling very nervous about whether they would like you or not, what they would they would think of you and if they would approve of your relationship.

Dami: You ok?
Y/N: yes, just a little nervous...

You say as you stand outside the door preparing to knock. Dami leans forward, grabs your cheeks and pulls you in for a quick kiss.

Dami: You have nothing to be worried about, mi amore.
Y/N: but what if they don't like me? Will you leave me?
Dami: Bambina, they will absolutely adore you, I promise. I love you more than anything, they will all be able to see that.
Y/N: I love you... who am I meeting again?
Dami: just my mum, dad and brother ok?
Y/N: ok, I'm ready to go in
Dami: Don't worry Y/N, they will love you.

He knocks on the door and takes your hand in his. You stand there for a minute, very nervous waiting for them to open it.

Then the door opens. Damiano's mum is stood there smiling. She runs straight to Damiano and gives him a big hug.

Dami's Mum: Mi sei mancato! {I've missed you}
Dami: Mi sei mancata anche tu mama {I've missed you too mum}

The hug breaks and she instantly looks over to you.

Dami's Mum: you must be Y/N!
Y/N: that's me
Dami's Mum: You're even more beautiful than Damiano said you were! It's so nice to meet you finally. I've heard so much about you!
Y/N: It's amazing to meet you to! Thank you for inviting me over

She steps forward and hugs you as well before welcoming you into her home. Damiano puts his arm around you as you walk in. He smiles at you and whispers:

Dami: see it's not so bad!
Y/N: no it's not! You're mum is so sweet.
Dami's Mum: Ok, this is Y/N guys

She says to Damiano's brother (Jacopo) and his dad.

Jacopo and Dami's Dad: Hi!
Y/N: Hi, it's nice to meet you both!
Jacopo: yes you too, Damiano has said such nice things about you.
Dami's Dad: you're just as beautiful as he said
Y/N: thank you!
Dami's Mum: so Y/N: have a seat at the table, dinner is almost ready for us!

You all walk over to the table. Damiano sits down next to you. You all have casual, friendly conversation and then the food comes out.

Dami's Mum: here you go everyone, I've made you my pasta. Enjoy!
Y/N: Thank you, it looks lovely
Everyone else: Thank you.

You sit down and begin to eat. It tastes amazing. It's proper Italian pasta.

Dami's Mum: oh Y/N, I forgot to ask. What is it you do for a living?

Damiano puts his hand on your thigh, comforting you. He strokes his hand up and down your leg.

Y/N: oh I'm a (whatever job you want)
Jacopo: oh that's so cool!
Dami's Dad: yes
Dami's Mum: you're obviously very intelligent!
Dami: Oh she is.

Dami says laughing. He leans towards you and kisses your lips.

Jacopo: Get a room.

Jacopo says laughing. Everyone else begins to laugh as well.The rest of the evening is amazing. You get in so well with his family and manage to talk about everything.

You're now laying in Damiano's bed in his old room. His arm is around your waist and your head is on his chest.

Dami: I think it's safe to say, my family loves you.
Y/N: you really think so?
Dami: definitely, they all said how wonderful you are!

He kisses your forehead. You blush.

Y/N: Goodnight baby, I love you.
Dami: I love you too, amore mio

Damiano David Imagines <3Where stories live. Discover now