Chapter 15.

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I woke up and got ready for school. I grabbed some fruit and went out the door. I got stopped by Alli. "Alright you have hardly ate anything at all since you've came here. Your so skinny Hayleigh you need to eat more." Alli told me. "I'm fine. Honestly Al. I'm okay. Kay." I said as I walked away from her and to school. I got to school and went straight to my locker when Carter came over. "Morning." He said. "Morning." I replied. He smiled. "You seem slightly.....what's the word......" he said thinking. "Pissed off?" I said. "Yea that. Why?" He asked. "Well Alli thinks I'm not eating enough and that I'm 'too skinny'" i said to quotation marks in the air. He laughed. "You're not 'too skinny' your perfect." He said. I smiled. "You think so?" I asked. "I know so." He said. I smiled. "Thanks." I said he kissed my cheek. "Any time babe." He said winking at me. I laughed and punched his arm. "Your so cheesy." I said as he wrapped his arm around me. "Of course." He said kissing my head like Cody used to. I kinda miss him now he's on tour. I wonder what he's doing now.
****Cody's POV***
I stood on the stage rehearsing Wish you were here for the 40th time today. "Can we have a break now please?" I asked grabbing a bottle of water. "Okay fine. BECKY RUN THROUGH YOUR PART AGAIN!" The director yelled at Becky G. God being a popstar is hard. I wish I could just go back to Australia and be with Hayleigh. Suddenly I got a message. I checked my phone it was Alli.

From Alli: Look at this.
I looked at the pic it was Hayleigh with another boy. He was kissing her cheek. She's over me already? Great. "Right Cody run through Surfboard again." The director said. I sighed and put my phone away and sung Surfboard while thinking about her.

***Back to Hayleigh***
I sat in music looking at Carter as he looked back at me. He smiled at me and then went back to his work. I smiled. My phone buzzed. I checked it. It was a message from Cody. I frowned.

From Cody: Alli sent me this pic how could you?

I scoffed and replied back.

To Cody: I didn't forgive you. We aren't together anymore also so what since when have you cared anyways?

A few minutes later I got another text

From Cody: Umm since I met you also it's fine I have a new girlfriend anyways. Her name is Gigi and she's a model unlike you who is a normal girl.

I scoffed again and replied.

To Cody: so what? I really don't care .

I was about to put the phone in my pocket when I heard. "Miss Michelson you have detention for texting in class hand your phone over you will get it at the end of the day!" Mrs Davis said. Great thank Cody. I handed her my phone. Scoffed and sat back in my seat. "Also don't scoff at me young lady." She said returning to the front. I rolled my eyes and got on with my work before the bell rang for lunch. I didn't get anything and sat at the table alone until Carter and the girls joined me. "You okay?" He asked kissing my cheek. "I'm fine." I said. "You don't look it." He said. "I'm fine honestly." I said he smiled and hugged me. "Well if something is bothering you tell me because I don't want my Angel to be sad." He said. "Awwww." The girls said. I blushed. "Well Cody texted me in class." I said. He frowned. "What did he say?" Carter asked. "He said that Alli had sent him a pic and he started being all big headed saying stuff like he's got a new girlfriend who is a model unlike me who is normal." I said. Carter looked horrified. "He told you that?" He asked as he started going red with anger. "Yeah but it's fine. I really don't care. In fact I couldn't care less about him at the moment." I said. Carter smiled and hugged me. The girls were smiling. "You to are so adorable." Kimmy told us. I just laughed and blushed. Courtney rolled her eyes. Carter looked at me as the others were eating. "Your not eating?" He asked. "Not hungry." I said. He frowned and scooped up some of his spaghetti. "Open." He said. I opened my mouth as he put the fork in. I smiled and ate it. "There better?" I asked him. He smiled and nodded as I shook my head and got up to check my locker.

After the school day had ended I went to Mrs Davis's room for detention. I swung my bag off my shoulder and sat in my seat. I looked out the window and drifted into a daze. Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder making me jump. I saw Mikayla sit down next to me. "Why are you here?" I asked. "Oh I was running in the hallways and miss caught me." She said. I chuckled and shook my head. A few minutes had past before I said. "I love being in detention." Mikayla just laughed at me. "So are you okay about Cody and Gigi?" She asked. "Yea why wouldn't I?" I told her. "Oh I dunno just the fact that I know you miss him." She said. I laughed at her. "No I don't. I have Carter." I said. She smiled. "You two are cute together just watch Taylor." She said. "Taylor? Who's Taylor?" I asked. "She is the captain of the cheerleading team and she has a massive crush on Carter so watch out." She said. "Ahhh of course." I said nodding my head. "Right girls you may go. Hayleigh no texting in class and Mikayla no running in the hallways. Okay?" She said. "Yes Mrs Davis." We said at the same time then we walked out but I grabbed my phone first. I had a text of Carter it read.

From Carter: Hay meet me at the Beach at 7. Dress nice my Angel. xx

I laughed at the text as Kayla looked over my shoulder. "He is so sweet." She said. "I know. I'm lucky." I said as I walked home and Picked out my outfit for our date tonight. I can't wait.


Heyya Carrots another Chapter which is a good thing. I wonder what's gonna happen on Hayleigh's date with Carter? Keep reading to find out.

Love ya xxx

~Shani xoxo

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