Chapter 12.

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***Isabella's POV***

It was a few days after Hayleigh left that I got a text from Cody. I rushed into school it looked like Delia was egar to meet me. "Hey I got a text from Cody inviting us for the weekend."She said. "OMG YOU TOO?" I screamed she nodded frantically. Georgina came over to us. "What are you screaming about?" She asked. "Oh well Hayleigh's now living in Australia and Cody just invited us for the weekend." I said. Delia was smiling like crazy. "Oh could I come?" She asked. "You?" I asked Delia scoffed. "Oh did you get a brain transplant finally realize that you're actually the losers and we are the cool people?" Delia said. I smirked at Georgina. "No I just wanted to see Hayleigh." She said. "Haha almost like you wanna get with her boyfriend Cody." I fired back. "Ha so I can't see my friend?" She asked. "She stopped being friends with you in year 9 after your attitued changed plus she hates your guts right now since you broke her noes." I yelled at her. Georgina was taken back my volume in my voice. She scoffed fliped her hair and went away from us. We walked into the hall way and went to our lockers. 'Y'know Georgina will do anything to make us say yes. Right." Delia said closing her locker. "Yeah I know but just don't break down." I told her while shutting my locker. "Yeah okay." She said as we walked down tue hall.

We went into our class and sat in our seats. "Remeber say no." I said. She nodded. "Right everyone will be put into groups of 3." Mrs Clark said. I sighed. "Isabella, Delia and Georgina you 3 are together." She saod. I looked at Delia. She shook her head."Heyy besties." She said. We scoffed. "Okay look im sorry I just wanted to apologise to Hayleigh about her nose and her mam."Georgina said. Also Georgina is British oohlala. "Whaddya mean sorry about her mum?" I asked eying her. Noone but me and Delia knows about her mum. "Oh just to give my condolences." She said. I looked at her. "Whta do you know?" I asked. "That she got stabbed." She said. I smirked. "How could you know that?" I asked. "No body else does." Delia added. I smirked as her eye went wide. "Okay fine I snuck into her house and grabbed the necklace Cody gave her and I saw her mam on the floor so I smashed a plate loudly so they'd come down but i got out of there." She said holding up the necklace she got. "Fine come along." I said. "What about saying no?" Delia asked. "I know but maybe she should apologise she looks sorry enough." I said she sighed. "Fine." And she sat back in her chair. After school we packed up for the weekend and met Georgina at the airport. I sighed as we went through all the checks and got onto the plane. I was in the middle of Georgina and Delia. This is going to be a long flight.

We got to Australia in one piece thankfully and met Cody there. "Hey." I said. "Hey." He said walking us to his house. Could you just stay here at the beach?" He asked as we all set up this little party for her. He texted Hayleigh. a while after that we saw Hayleigh come over. Cody put his hands over her eyes. "Guess who." He said. "Hmmm Terence no David NO wait I know this. Cody." She said. "That's right." Cody told her then spun her around and kissed her nose. "I love you." He said. "I love you too. "she told him. Then we all cheered. She looked behind Cody to see us 3 standing there. Me, Delia and Georgina. "GEORGINA?!" She yelled out loud. I'm gueesing she didnt mean to. "Yeah um Hi. I wanted to say sorry about your nose and everything and I never had the chance then I heard that Izzy and De were coming here and they let me." She said. Hayleigh frowned. "Oh. Umm okay." Hayleigh said turning around. "Hey Izzy De do ya wanna see my bedroom?"She asked us. We nodded. "Hey what about me?"Georgina asked her voice going high. "Oh sorry 'geeketeers' only." Hayleigh said as Delia, Hayleigh and I flipped out hair and walked to the house and upstairs into her room.

"I love what you said to her Geeketeers only!" Delia said. "Yeah I bet she wishes she never got eye surgery now." I said. "Yes exactly but maybe I should let her in." Hayleigh said. "OH no not now Michelson. Think about everything she had done to you since yr9." I told her. "Okay Kindle!" She replied calling me by my last name. "Y'know what Izzy has the same last name as that book-tablet thingy."Delia called out randomly. We all laughed. "Hey you know what song I like that the moment?" Delia said. "A part from BMTH?" I said. "Yeaa it's round of applause." She said Hayleigh and I looked at each other. "Round of applause as in Cody's round of applause or?" Hayleigh asked. "Yeah."Delia said. Hayleigh and I went wide-eyed. You see Delia prefers rock to mine and Hayleigh's taste of music actually she always used to say mean thing about Cody and Justin in camp which we just laughed at. "I though you didn't like him." Hayleigh said. "No not really but I love that song."She said. "Which part?" She asked. "Youyouse." She said. "What?" I asked. Hayleigh smiled and played the song.

After to around of applause conversation we were talking and Delia upset Hayleigh then Cody and Georgina walked into the door. I looked at Hayleigh her eyes went wide. She looked Horrified while still crying. "Are you okay baby girl?" Cody said giving her a hug. "Yea I'm fine." She tod him while hugging him back as De and I made gagging sounds. "Hey Cody why don't you invite Jake around." Hayleigh said. "Yea good Idea." He said leaving the room. "Hey I'll go with you." Georgina said. "No you wont you'll stay here were I can keep an eye on you."Delia said grabbing Georgina's top. She huffed and sat on Hayleigh's bed. "I'm going to get him y'know. He'll see how ugly you really are and he'll dump you for me." Georgina said. "In your dreams maybe." I said. "No not even in her dreams." Hayleigh said. "Because Cody said that he wouldn't break up with me for anyone in their dreams." Hayleigh told us. Georgina scowled at her. "Why don't you just join back up?" I said. "What?" Georgina asked. "Why don't you buy a pair of fake glasses and wear them and be apart of the group again." Delia said. "OH I have a better Idea." Georgina said. "You can go buy you're self's a...." She got cut off by Cody walking into the room. "Yea he's coming over." He said. "Hey hun I need to speak to you alone. Girls out." Hayleigh said. We all walked out and Cody looked a bit worried.

We went downstairs to see Alli, Tom, Angie and Brad on the sofa. "Hi Alli, Tom, Mrs and Mr Simpson."Delia said. Alli and Tom said hi. "Please girls call us Angie and Brad." Brad said. We smiled. "Okay Brad."Georgina said. We rolled her eyes before Cody came downstairs. Georgie eyes lit up. "Heyy Cody."She said twerling her hair around her fingers. I scoffed before she glared at me. Cody smiled at me as it go her to stop trying to flirt with him. "Cody do you maybe wanna go the beach later?"Georgie asked. "No." He sadid sitting down on the couch. "Why not?"She asked sitting next to him. Practically on his knee. "Because I'm taking Hayleigh out tonight for a date." He said. Georgina scoffed and got off the couch and walked out the room as Cody laughed and Delia squeeled in delight. I smiled as we saw Hayleigh come down she was wearing ( "Wow. You look wow." I said. "You're beautiful." Cody said. She smiled and blushed lightly. I smiled and I hugged her. Delia joining us. Cody laughed at us. "Right I want my girlfriend in once piece please." He said. "Hmmm that's not possible." I said he raised an eyebrow. "Right be home by 11 and if anything and I mean anything happens to her you're going to regret it." I said sturnly with Delia hitting her had with her fist. Cody looked horrified. "Girls stop scaring him and i'll be fine."Hayleigh said. "Fine but it's no fair. We got to do it with Lee." Delia said. I laughed. "Yea but that was my boyfriend on Hayleighs." I said. "Oh yeah." She said I patted her head. "Right well go then." I said as they walked out the door for their date. I smiled. My best friend is growing up. We sat on the couch and talked to Alli untill Georgina came back in. "Where's Hayleigh?" She asked. "On her date."Delia said. Then Georgina gave us and evil look before running off. Uh oh.


****Hayleigh's POV again****

I walked out the house with Cody and we headed down to the beach. "You look lovely." He told me. "Thank you." I said blushing looking down. He put his finger and thumb under my chin making me look up at him a piece of my hair fell infront of my face and he moved it and put it behind my ear. He leand in and kissed me. I was romantic. We sat down on the sand and cuddled looking at the stars. "I love you. You know that right?" He said. "I turned to face him. "Yea of course I do." I said he smiled and kissed my head. "I have to tell you something." He said. "What?" I asked looking at him. "I'm going on tour soon and I won't be able to see you." He said. "So?" I asked. "So it's going to be hard." He said. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Right." I said. "And?" I added not knowing the answer hoping it wasn't bad. "Well I just thought that maybe we should........"


Heyya carrots Cliffhanger. I say cliff you say hanger. CLIFF....... Oh come on. you people are no fun. *Stomps foot like 5 yr old* too many feels in the last paragraph I can't even ASDFGHJKL; *Has a massive fangirl fit* *Dies off too many feels*

Love ya xxx

~Shani xoxo

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