Chapter 8.

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I woke up again smiling and I checked my phone. It was Monday. The 2 weeks were up. I frowned. "HAYLEIGH GET READY!!" My mum screamed. "I AM!!" I yelled back. I got up and grabbed my uniform. Yes my school has uniform it's ugly. The uniform for me is black skirt, white shirt, a multicoloured tie a black tank top and a blazer. Ughh. I put it on and grabbed my bag. Well my school bag. I put my makeup on and did my hair. I looked in the mirror. I walked downstairs and went into the kitchen to eat something when someone grabbed me from behind. I squealed. I looked behind me to see Cody. "Morning." I said. "Morning baby girl." He said kissing my head. I grabbed my stuff and shoved it into my bag and walked out the door. "Do you want me to give you a ride?" He asked. I smiled thinking what would happen. "Okay." I said as he grabbed his keys and opened the door for me. "Such a gentleman." I said. "I know." He said hopping into the driver's seat. I layed my head on his shoulder. We pulled up to the school. I frowned. "It'll be fine." He said. "I suppose so." I said as he kissed me and he got out the car. I heard screams. He opened my side and I got out and hugged him. "See ya tonight." He said. "Okay." I said walking off. I heard whispers. "Ew what is Cody Simpson doing with the geek?" People asked. "She's so ugly and he's so hot. It doesn't work." Another said. "Its like beauty and the beast. She being the beast Cody being the beauty." Another said.

I rolled my eyes and joined up with Delia and Izzy. "Morning." I said. "What happened last night?" Izzy asked. "Well after dinner Cody and I went for a walk along the sea edge on the beach then we watched the sunset. He kissed me then he splashed me so I pushed him into the sea then he pulled me into the sea too and we sat there in the sea looking at the stars." I said remembering every detail. "Woah. Sounds romantic." De said. "It was." I said sighing. We went to the bathroom and I took out my glasses and put them on. They were thick black nerd glasses. I walked out as people laughed. Izzy and De had their glasses on too. "Oh look it's the three geeketeers."Georgina said. People laughed. "Oh how original grow up Georgie." I said she flipped her brown hair and fluttered her green eyes and joined the 'popular.' People. She was talking to them. "WHAT?!" She screamed. She marched over to me. Oh god. She's more of a Simpsonizer than me. "Is it true?" She seethed. "Is what true?" I asked. "Are you going out with the Cody Simpson?" She hissed. "Yeaah?" I said although it came out more of a question. Suddenly I got pushed against the locker. "Ow." I said she grabbed my collar. "Stay away from him or I'll cause you so much pain it's unimaginable." She hissed. "Well that's impossible." I said. "What how?" She asked backing off. "Because he's working with my mum who's a music producer and he's staying at my house." I said. Georgina screamed in frustration punching me braking my nose. "Owww." I yelled as Izzy and De grabbed me taking me to the office.

"What happened here?" The nurse asked. "Georgina Emerson punched Hayleigh in the noes and I think she broke it." Isabella said. "Okay can I take your names down please?" The nurse asked. "Yes it's Hayleigh Michelson, Isabella Kindle, and Delia Cortes." Delia said. "Right okay and who punched Hayleigh?" She asked. "Georgina Emerson." I said. "Okay I'll phone your house phone and see if your mother can pick you up and take you to the hospital Hayleigh." She said as she went into the office. "Wait wont your mum be at work?" Izzy asked. "Yeah buy Cody will be in as he has a free day." I said. "Awwww that means your boyfriend gets to take you to hospital. That's sweet." Delia said. "Technically I'm here because Cody's my boyfriend." I said. "True." De said. "Right I was on the phone with a mr Simpson. He is coming to pick you up. He sounded really worried." She said. I smiled. Awww Cody's worried. I though. "Oh okay. Should I wait here?" I asked. "Go into the reception." She said as Izzy and De took me to the reception. I sat there bored out of my mind before Cody showed up. He rushed straight to me. "Are you okay?" He asked looking worried. I gave him a look that said 'Does it look like im okay?' "You're right that was a stupid question. C'mon we better get you to the emergency room." He said picking me up. "Cody." I said. "Yea?" He asked. "My nose isn't connected to my legs." I said. "I can still walk." I added. "Oh." He said putting me down. I laughed even though I sounded nasally.

We got to the ER and we went in. "Hello I'm Hayleigh Michelson. I think my nose is broken." I said to the receptionist. "How did you do it?" She asked. "A girl at school threatened me then punched me in the nose." I said. "Right fill out this form and we'll get a doctor to see you as soon as possible." She said handing me a form. I filled it all out. "What did she threaten you?" Cody asked. "What?" I asked him. "What did that girl say when she threatened you?" He asked. "Oh Georgina said and I quote ' "Stay away from him or I'll cause you so much pain it's unimaginable." I said. "Who's him?" He asked in confusion. "You." I said. "Why me?" She asked. "Well she's more of a Simpsonizer than me and she got told about you and me as it's going round the school from when you dropped me off this morning and she started waffling on about How I had to stay away from you and stuff and I told her it's impossible because your working with my mum and you're staying with us and she punched me." I said. He looked horrified. "So this is because of me?" He asked. "No this is because Georgie is a back stabbing bitch and when she doesn't like the answer she gets she punches the person who said it." I said. "Oh. How is she a back stabber?" He asked. "Well our group used to have 6 people in Georgina, Isabella, Delia, Amalia, Frankie and me." I said. "Right." He said. "Anyways Frankie and Amalia moved away coz they were twins so it left me Izzy De and Georgina. We were the loser group or Geeketeers like musketeers anyways we all had thick nerd glasses and then Georgina got laser eye surgery and she joined the 'cool' group then she started blabbing about Izzy, De and me. Delia didn't come to school for a while and Izzy stayed off a lot and I got lonely and she started hanging out with me again and she planed this prank thing. So Izzy De and I planned a prank on her and everything happened after that." I said. "Oh that's bad." He said. "Yea but now we're the three Geeketeers as Georgina calls us." I said. Cody smirked and laughed a bit. I laughed with him.

Then the doctor came out. "Hayleigh Michelson?" He yelled. Cody and I stood up and walked to the X-ray with him. He checked my nose. "Yup it's broken." He said. I frowned and Cody gave me a sympathetic smile. "Right we'll get it fixed up then go home and keep your head elivated." The doctor said. "Okay." I said as he put some tape over the bridge of my nose. Cody took me home and took me upstairs. He laid me on my bed and kissed my head lightly. "Want me to sing to you?" He asked. "Okay." I said as he grabbed my guitar. "Wait I recognize this guitar." He said. "In 2012 I gave away a guitar with my initials engraved in it." He said. "I know." I said. "Yeah this Hayleigh won it." He said then he yelled. "WHICH WAS YOU!" I smiled and laughed. "Yes that was me." I said. He sat by my bed and started strumming. He started singing Rainy Day which was weird coz it was sunny outside.

After he finished he smiled and kissed my head as I sighed. "I'm hungry." I said then I looked at Cody. "Cody?" I asked. "Yes baby girl?"He asked. "Make me something to eat please." I said. "Okay fine." He said getting up to get me something to eat. I smiled and closed my eyes for a few moments before I woke up to. "Here you go." He said giving me pancakes. I smiled. "Thank you Cody." I said. "No problem anything for my baby girl." He said getting up and kissing my head before sitting back down. After I ate everything Cody and I fell asleep together until we heard a crash coming from downstairs.


Heyya Carrots Hope ya enjoyed this chapter. :) I've been working hard on them as you can see. also that's Georgina on the side.

Love ya xxx

~Shani xoxo

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