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Just as promised James was back when the babies came. Three days after he had left my water broke. I was in the shower thank god. No mess to clean up. 

Steve made sure to follow Jame's instructions. My seat belt was kept on and we called him as soon as we got in the car. Well, Steve called, I screamed in pain. 

I was in labor for three hours before James showed up, then twenty more hours after. He rushes in and takes Steve's spot holding my hand. 

"Hey doll. I thought I told you to wait until I got back." He chuckles as he kisses my cheek. "I guess they just really wanted to come out." I laughed through the pain.

Hours of pushing, screaming and crying and finally. After twenty three hours of labor, I heard our first baby cry. Our baby boy came first. "Here's your little boy!" The doctor exclaims.

"What're you going to name him?" She asks trying to distract me from the next few pushes I have until we meet our baby girl. "James Buchanon Barnes Junior." I chuckle as I admire the beautiful baby boy in my arms.

James is in awe. One hand holding mine the other cradling our babies face in his giant warm hand. "Okay time to push again."

I push a few more times and our baby girl comes out. James takes her in his arms and smiles. Both of us overwhelmed by our beautiful children.

We tried so hard to get pregnant, it took such a toll on us and our twins were finally here. "Jamie Buchanon Barnes." Both of us laugh and smile as our babies coo in our arms. 

Both of them so precious. This was everything I ever wanted. I have the man I love, I had two beautiful children, and I have a cute little cat. "JJ." James whispers as he kisses our sons cheek. 

"Jamie." He kisses our little girls cheek too. I feed one at a time, Wanda, Natasha, Steve, Tony and Peter visiting us through-out the day. 

At the end of the night its just James and I with the twins. Our perfect  little family. Laying in the hospital bed together. Having one arm around each baby. Cradling them together.

"How was your mission?" I whisper to him, our heads pressed together as we hold our children. Carful not to wake them. "I didn't finish it." He chuckles softly. 

"Do you have to go back?"

"I'm not going anywhere ever again my love. I found us a house on the plane, and you'll love it. It's beautiful and we're going to move in and get away from everything else. We're gonna raise our babies and have more and we can get another cat and name him Noah for Allie."

I can't help but laugh and I kiss him. "I love you so much James."

"I love you so much more."


Two months later, James and I are moved into our house with the twins and Allie. It has a gorgeous pool in the back yard and a swing-set. 

JJ never sleeps, he's always trying to latch onto me in the middle of the night, we try to keep them on a feeding schedule but it doesn't seem to be working. 

Jamie sleeps through the night, which is a miracle. When she does occasionally wake up, James is the only one who can sooth her. We have a perfect life together and I couldn't ask for anything more.

Once a week Steve and Wanda come over to hangout and every other Friday they come over so James and I can go out. 

We have this parenting thing down pretty well so far, and our kids make it incredibly easy. They're little angles. 

Allie has gotten so big, she always brings us dead field mice and it freaks me out. James always throws them in the woods behind our pool but some end up coming back.

James is just as romantic and loving as ever. When the kids are napping during the day, we don't nap. We take advantage of our alone time together while we can.

I can't ask for a better daily, I love them so much, and I can't wait to have more.



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