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Ashley's POV

I woke up in a unfamilair bed with a massive headache. I looked around. Where am I? I panick as I get up and storm out of the room. The hallway and these doors seems more familair now. I slowly relax when I smell the cologne of Luke. The only thing I'm wearing is a T-shirt with panties. I walked downstairs and saw Gina in the kitchen cooking a meal.

''Oh hey Ash, did I wake you up?''

I slowly backed away towards the stairs and went to the room again, looking for my clothes. I look on the ground seeing different t-shirts and few socks laying around. I saw a wardrobe on my left and opened it, boy clothes. Randomly I grabbed a pair of sweats assuming it's one of the boys.

Hazel's POV

''so the answer to this question is that x=-62. Right class, I have a special announcement on this weeks...''. My thoughts wandered off when I looked outside the window. The last time I saw Ashley was this morning, sleeping. I decided not to wake her for just 5 hours of school. Ugh stupid school. Thank god the last two hours are just studytime. Good time for me to skip that shit.

''Alright class, you are dismissed exept Hazel''.

What? While the other students started packing the teacher made eye contact with me as I sat still on my seat. I let out a deep sigh when the last student walked out of class.

''So, Hazel'' he started the conversation.

''As your teacher I noticed you aren't really present in lessons, phsycally as mentally. I talked to your other teachers and they noticed the same. I understand that all this is new but our schools standards are high to pass this year and when I look at your grades it's not good. May I ask what's the reason behind this?''

I look away as he finishes. He can't know, not yet.

''Is there something you want to tell me?''

I look into his eyes. ''It's..uhm..Ashley.'' I pause for a moment. ''She had an accident'' I tell him with a stern voice.

He studies my face and try to solve it like I'm a math question he can't solve. ''Is that the only thing?''

''Yea, I..It affects me'' I say tying not to look away. If I did he would be suspicious.

''Alright Hazel. You can go'' he said while walking towards his desk. I packed my books and walked towards the door.

Ashley's POV

I walked into the kitchen where Gina was and sat at the table.

''How are you feeling sweetie?'' She asks with her soft voice.

''Fine I guess'' I try to manage a smile even though she doesn't see me.

''Good because for dinner we are eating your favorite meal'' she says looking at me with a bright smile.

''My favourite meal?''

''Yes, spagetti bolognese with a nice 'Gina sause''' I laughed and hissed when I felt a sharp pain in my head.

''You okay'' she turns to me, caring.

''Yea I just have a headache, do you have any aspirins?'' She opened a drawer, opened a bottle and handed me two pills with a glass of water.

''You should take some rest. You can go sleep upstairs'' she assured me and I went upstairs again. Eventhough I just woke up I felt like I was really tired. I went to a room with a bunk bed. I stood just a the end of it having faint flashback of Luke kissing me. My stomach slowly released its butterflies and I got a huge smile on my face. My eyelids got heavy and my knees started shaking. I layed on the lower bed and in a second I was gone to sleep.

(-) POV

''Yes, I'm sure. I did what you've asked. Now hold on to your part and give it to me''

''You did not. You did not complete what I asked.''

''I did man come on give me my money''

''Not when you say what you know''


OLA! wow that was a while ago. Sooo I want to try something new (the idea is not from me but I wanted to try it okay) what will make things more exiting

Have a nice day,
Rabia x :)

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