7. Melbourne

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"Eh, Ashley, your mom was walking around a bit when we were at the park, and ehm" "yes, hazel?" "Ehm, she saw David.."

Ashley's P.O.V

My heart started racing. David was here? David, who ruined my life.. Was here, in Melbourne..

David's my ex-boyfriend. We started dating 3years ago. And we broke up after 5months, because he was always drunk and he smoked. He was always nice to me, but one day, we started a fight. We were always fighting but this one, was a bad one.

He started hitting me everywhere and my clothes were covered in blood.

And he told me if I'd ever tell someone what happened, he'd find and abduct me. I've never seen him again after that.

"Are you sure, maybe it was someone who looked a lot like him" I said shaking. "Ashley, it was him" my mom started tearing like me. We were scared. What if he'd do the same thing to me again. He was very serious when he said he'd find me, he did.

I got a text from Luke

"Hey, let's meet up at 7 in the park? (: Luke x"

I didn't know what to do. I couldn't tell Luke what happened, I just met him 1day ago.

"Not really in the mood. I'm sorry :( - Ash"

"What happened?"

Before I could answer I heard the rocks on my window again. I looked out and saw Luke there standing in his room.

"Wanna talk?" he said slowly.

"I don't know.."

"I'll be there in a second"

"ASHLEY, LUKE'S HERE FOR YOU" i heard my mom shouting

Luke opened my door and stood there in shock with his eyes wide open.


Hey guys, i'm late with updating and i'm really sorry, some things happened and i was upset.

Loads of love,


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