another day

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It's been a month since nightmare ate the apple

Ink pov
I woke up on the couch again I've been feeling so drained lately I know I don't have feelings and all but I'm a bit tired I've been making AU'S but I still don't know who the destroyer is I haven't talked with error for a while I should go and check on him all I've been doing lately is creating AU'S I haven't even eaten whatever I'll go back to normal soon anyway I don't want to stand up*so ink rolls off the couch* what to do now eat? Food doesn't sound appetizing wait did I take my vials this month I should do that*ink walks up to his room and goes to his bathroom* no wonder I've been feeling so down the emotions are wearing off it's kind of surprising how error ever knew he'd probably call me disgusting and a liar well it's time to take them I kind of don't want to...*ink chugs every single one of them down* and now back to the inventory you go*he snaps his fingers and they disappear in thin air* gosh why do I have so many blades in here oh yeah knife collection I forgot which au I got them from I don't use them for stuff but I really need to put these downstairs and I need to do the laundry*ink walks out of his bathroom into his very very messy room* and I need to clean my room MIGHT AS WELL CLEAN THE WHOLE HOUSE WHILE I'M AT IT! Gosh I hate cleaning and where am I going to put these paintings my walls are littered with them where am I going to put my painting supplies? Where am I going to put my drawing supplies? Where am I going to put anything? I guess the vials are kicking in *ink walks downstairs and looks at the living room littered with trash and art supplies* this is going to take a while

Error's POV
Another portal yay it's been a month since I've talked to Ink and when I do talk to him I'm not going to tell him about me being the destroyer I feel like he would break down although negative feelings have been more high lately no wonder there's a lot going on and I don't want to be included with that mess I'm just going to wipe the au out delete it and then I'm done easy simple not a lot of work... *After error was done destroying the AU* I wonder when I'm ever going to see the Creator or whatever Creator is a pretty dumb title aren't they still like a person or something why am I treating them as if they're a non-humanoid being weird well anyways I'm quite hungry usually ink would make me something I guess I'll just have chocolate I should really visit ink I'm going to go do that right now*error opens a portal and steps right in front of the door to ink's house* why does this feel so foreign I've done this a million times right? *Error closes the portal behind him and knocks on the door*

Ink pov
I've been cleaning all day at least it looks decent? *There is still a lot of useless stuff scattered around the floor mostly everything is organized in a pile in the living room he hears a knock on the door* I wasn't expecting anyone to come over I guess I might as well see who it is *ink opens the door taking one glimpse at error and immediately shutting it* oh no what am I going to say to him how would that sound how would I tell him I'm the Creator that would sound so weird I might as well not tell him "oh sorry error it's just my house is a mess right now but you can still come in" *ink opens the door once again to see a stunned error* (error) "okay then you didn't have to slam the door on me" "yeah sorry about that!" *Ink steps aside to let error in* "I wasn't expecting to see you so soon" *Error takes a seat on the couch and looks around at the mess ink joins him on the couch* "I told you my house was a mess right now there's stuff littered everywhere" (Error) "I can tell I wasn't expecting it to be this messy though usually it's a minimized mess but this why do you even have all those useless paintings and are those sketches?" "Well yes I decided I want to draw sanses and other characters for fun!" I feel like this sounds like I'm lying although I'm not really.. (Error) "I swear to you if you get back in that horrible drawing habit I'm going to throw all those drawings in underfell" so that's where all of them went "hey they're not all useless they could be useful to make new...." Was I literally about to expose myself (Error)"make new what?" "Oh nothing error nothing you should be worried about absolutely nothing!! It's just silly old sketches haha.."oh my gosh I'm exposing myself right now aren't I (Error) "so I've heard that there's been a new creator I don't know who the old Creator was but you seem pretty suspicious are you the new creator?" I can't lie to him anymore "yes I am I am so sorry one day a voice appeared and said that I'm the new creator and that I can make new AU'S I swear that's the only reason why!"

Error's pov
He's actually the Creator?! "YOU'RE THE CREATOR DOES THAT MEAN WE'RE GOING TO HAVE TO FIGHT?!" Oh my gosh what did I just say *error quickly puts his hands covering his mouth* (ink)"what do you mean? Are you the destroyer... I mean I expected it the way you destroyed that AU was brutal but quick but I don't think we can hang out anymore.. I'm sorry error I just can't have you destroying any of my friends" what?! I thought we were best friends and no matter what we would go through it together I never expected this to happen "fine then I'll leave but if I see you I'm going to kill you!!" *Tears streamed down errors face all turning a dark blue at the touch of his bony skin running down his cheeks he left ink stared at nothing looked not even fazed he showed no sign of emotion as expected* I feel so MAD why did he do this to me I thought we were going to be best friends forever or maybe even more.. but now that I'll never happen not with me being the destroyer and him being the Creator maybe if I kill him.. but he can't die maybe if I torture him make him want to die I'll feel better right?

(1170 words)
(I edited it there was some spelling errors )

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