forget it

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Nightmares POV
You've been looking for these idiots for hours I don't think I can take it anymore if I look any more I'm going to go insane besides I don't even care about them I could easily do my... My plan! They're gone they won't be able to stop me but what am I going to do about blue and dream without ink dream is left restless what can I do to get rid of him If there's too much negative energy he'll have to go to a positive place to recharge but what if he can stand all of the negative energy now that's a chance I can take although I'm going to have to think it through more my brother is smart he might notice something is up and ruin my plans (nightmare)"it's getting really late me and my team need to rest up how about you guys do that as well" I tried sounding as normal as possible although wearing the same expression (dream)"you're right it is getting pretty late well then we'll meet here same time tomorrow?" I nodded my head opening a portal signaling for my team too go in quickly closing the portal behind me (nightmare)"killer meet me in my office we need to discuss something important" killer looked back at me silently he looked tired it'll only be a few hours I'm sure he can handle it he nodded his head as the others walked off he needed to plan this quick and put it in motion quick who knows when they'll get back but when they do they'll fall right into my trap killer better hurry I have big plans that I need his help with he's actually pretty smart aside from his almost numb exterior... I'm pretty sure cross won't get in the way and if he does I'm sure I can handle him killer knocked at the door just in time (nightmare)"come in killer" killer walked in shutting the doors behind him he quickly teleported right by my throne though (killer)"what can I do for you boss?" (Nightmare)"we have big plans"

No one's POV
(Ink)"what the hell was that?!" The fog slowly went away to reveal sharp rocks in the distance (Error)"how the hell am I supposed to know? Because I don't" ink rolled his eye lights leaning back try not to worry about the thing he saw and getting bored very easily (ink)"now what glitchy?" Error lightly blushed at the nickname (Error)"first of all don't call me glitchy" ink made a fake sad expression but his eye lights told a different story (ink)"awww why not glitchy!! When we were kids you used to let me call you that all the time!" Error got furious at his choice of words (Error)"we're not like that anymore and we were KIDS we're adults now Ink stop being childish" ink could see that error was getting genuinely mad at him and rubbed the back of his neck sadly (ink)"oh I..I just thought that maybe we could be friends again like when we were kids.." Error showed no sympathy but looked out into the night sky (Error)"that's not going to happen ever again and you know why? because you ruined everything!" Ink looked down at the black lava (ink)"remember when we went to that amusement park or whatever it was called"Error rolled his eyes (Error)"yeah why" Error said blankly (ink)"I honestly thought we were making progress and could at least be friends again, but you know what you ruined?"error stayed silent (ink)"you ruined our childhood you were the one who wanted to end their friendship just because of a silly mistake?! One mistake is all it took for you to decide that you just wanted to drop me"

(Error)"I don't think you understand-" (ink)-I understand enough" Error glared at ink (Error)"SERIOUSLY INK I WOULDN'T EXPECT BETTER FROM YOU" ink tried to interrupt but error kept on talking (Error)"THAT WASN'T ONE SILLY MISTAKE IT WAS A BIG MISTAKE THAT YOU DID! I HAD EVERY RIGHT TO DROP YOU JUST BECAUSE YOU THINK EVERYONE LIKES YOU DOESN'T MEAN THAT THEY DO!" At this point ink was getting mad (ink)"well dream certainly seems to like me better than you" Error gasped angrily (Error)"you do realize he was the one who hurt me right?!" Ink stared at the lava emotionless (Ink)"and you were the one who kidnapped me what gives you the right to do that after I saved you" error was getting more mad every second (Error)"you know what? The protector of aus is a manipulative idiotic jerk!" Error stood up staring down at ink although ink didn't even look back at him only staring at the black lava (Error)"you are a worthless soulless being I don't even know how you got the privilege of you being a "creator" you can't even do your job right" ink stared at the black lava slightly shocked (Error)"what are you looking at-" suddenly a Sans mermaid? Came out of the black lava (I'm just going to call the Sans lava) he flicked his tail out of the black lava inks eyes lit up (Ink)"WOW WHAT SANS AU ARE YOU!" Ink got really close to the black lava his hand almost falling in has error stared in shock (lava)"I don't really know myself but there's plenty versions of me!" Ink looked curiously at the new skeleton (ink)"so what's your name?" (Lava)"oh well my name is Sans but I prefer to call myself lava" ink looked curiously at lava (ink)"how can you swim in that?" Error looked at lava's eyes realizing that they were bright red not bright blue (lava)"what do you mean?" Ink realized that it must have just felt like water to lava (ink)"ohhh well whenever I go into it it burns me so I just wanted to know how you could swim in it" lava looked back at ink enthusiastically (lava)"well it does when I get to the very top but it's just a tiny sting and it doesn't hurt me I didn't know it could burn people!! Although it is pretty hard to see once you get past the inky blackness it's like a whole nother environment although the inky blacknesses is kind of thick" (ink)"could you take us to the other environment or maybe your home!!" Error would rather take his chances than be left alone with a possibly very strong monster (lava)"hmm I don't know you guys would probably be burnt to a crisp by the time we get there" ink looked sad (ink)"do you have magic?" Lava looked back at me like he was stupid (lava)"obviously" Ink rolled his eyes at the obvious sarcasm (ink)"maybe you can use your magic to get us up there" lava was unsure about this (Error)"it would be safer for both of us to go to your home we saw something in the fog and I think it's dangerous"lava looked over to error but didn't seem to be looking at error it looked like lava was seeing right through him (lava)"well then no time to waste come on let's go" lava created a tiny bubble that could only fit the two of them but it would be very cramped (ink)"thanks for your help lava!" Error could already feel the glitches from being touched but it was his only option he couldn't fight back who knows when the monster would come

Ink and error jumped in the bubble ink first and every second he was hesitant but when the bubble was closed they could feel each other's breath and it was very uncomfortable (ink)"error before he popped up what were you saying I couldn't hear you" they suddenly went under the black lava ink watched "lava" swim through the lava (Error)"I said you're dumb for starting fights that you couldn't even finish" Error heard ink giggle and then turn into a full-blown laugh Error didn't know why but he wasn't glitching as bad as he thought he would, although it did feel like spiders were crawling on him and biting him (Error)"what exactly are you laughing at?" Ink didn't reply and instead stared at the black lava which was slowly fading lighter and lighter eventually they both felt very sleepy and passed out almost immediately

(?)"I almost forgot that I put them in an actual AU..." ! Walked up behind him (!)"you forgot you put them in an actual AU?" ? Turned around to look at ! (?)"hahaha... Ya.. what are we going to do we can only put them to sleep for so long!" ! Didn't bat an eye (!)"then let them sleep until we're done" ? Eyes widened (do they even have eyes they're not real sans so?) (?)"they would be asleep for days or-or weeks!!" (!)"exactly they're gods they can handle being asleep for a few weeks" ? Was hesitant but followed ! Directions anyway

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