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Error's pov
It seems that there's only a few more pages that have writing in them before it completely stops I'll read it in a little bit, I put some string in the diary to mark where I was last I look up to see a pile of dust how did this get here didn't his dust fly around or something that's not WAIT what if ink is slowly coming back I remember he does this whenever he dies stupid idiot making me cry over him might as well look like I wasn't crying no wait I don't need to I guess we'll just wait but waiting is boring

Finally an ink puddle the size of ink formed it was a pretty interesting to see it looks like I could put my hand in it should I I'm going to besides I'm going to kill ink after this stupid ink, I put my hand in the ink puddle it went right through it seems like I could fall in almost

Inks pov
Floating I'm floating in my own pile of ink blackness is surrounding me like a canvas ready to be painted on and given life I knew this revive would be different but I don't know if this is a revive anymore everything is so dark and yet I feel nothing maybe it took my emotions to make this puddle if that's the case then I'm going to be emotionless when I get out well this is pretty peaceful might as well relax until it's over it feels like I'm in outer tale floating in space although it also feels like I'm soaking in a tub of cold water it's different that's for sure I kind of like it maybe I'll use this method more it's peaceful

Wait is that a hand? It looks like errors hand it seems trying to get a hold of me or something wait I recognize that clothes from anywhere it's Error! But what is he doing here hopefully he doesn't fall in

No one's POV
Ink just stared at the hand until it suddenly pulled out and disappeared into the darkness. Error stood up ready to jump into the puddle of ink it didn't seem to have anything in it he was a bit nervous that it would probably teleport him somewhere but he had nothing better to do so he jumped in it suddenly felt harder to breathe his eyes were closed he didn't want to open them yet it felt like he was in an ocean but yet he could still breathe (I mean yeah he's a skeleton so) it suddenly felt peaceful but yet cold so cold he opened his eyes to see only darkness but then he saw ink right in front of him he jumped back he didn't move much but to him it was good enough Error was just about to talk but when he opened his mouth the darkness made him want to cough or throw up when suddenly he heard ink speak (ink)"it's best for you not to talk here especially since you have a soul" error just stared at him a death glare sent inks way but ink had those creepy white pupils and he was uncomfortable with the aura that ink was surrounding himself in (ink)"it's pretty dark here don't you think" Error didn't move and only listened finding ink's voice soothing (ink)"it's peaceful here although I don't know what's going to happen next I'm surprised we can still breathe" Error lightly not in his head his eyes closing as they both just floated in the blank nothingness (ink)"this reminds me of the void but it's not because if it was we would have to be standing or sitting" Error felt like going to sleep he couldn't tell if it was from the lack of oxygen or because of how peaceful and calming this place was (ink)"I'm pretty sure we'll go somewhere soon hopefully" the two of them fell asleep

They had been there for hours not moving they just let time go on although Error had lost a slipper leaving it with inks scarf which was in the AU blueberry returned trying to look for error although blueberry only saw a ink like puddle that was closing up he took notice of this and once it fully closed he ran to dream. Both of the skeletons woke up in a unfamiliar place they were on a Rock (unoriginal I know) surrounded by a ocean of darkness it looked like the inky substance was some sort of ocean they both immediately woke up ink was the first one to sit up but when he did he immediately laid back down his head was pounding and it hurt like hell luckily he still had his original clothing even his scarf which was gone before although ever took a little bit longer to sit up and his head didn't hurt (Error)"um ink what is this place" ink opened an eye looking around seeing that the scenery was absolutely breathtaking but terrifying at the same time (ink)"I have no clue wait is that where we came from?" Ink pointed at the inky like ocean it was completely black you could see your reflection in it Error shook some ink off of his sleeve (Error)"seems like it this place gives me the creeps" ink laid flat out his head hurting (Error)"how did we even get here" (ink)"I think you messed up the revive I don't think you were supposed to go in there" error then remembered what had happened before (Error)"oh yeah now I remember what to do!" Error slapped ink in the face two times it honestly hurt ink physically it made his headache even worse (ink)"ow what the hell was that for!" Ink setup glaring at error which made error turn his back to Ink (Error)"you died in such a dramatic way that I thought you actually died" ink was genuinely surprised by this (Ink)"so you do care after all I knew you had a soft spot for me!" Error whipped his head around with a disgust look on his face (Error)"of course not! besides if I did I wouldn't have read your diary" ink now had a angry face it seemed to be getting dark (ink)"you did... what?" Error immediately regretted what he said he never liked this side of ink it was always harder to fight which gave error and idea Error tried to summon his strings but couldn't (Error)"I don't think we have our magic" (ink)"huh what do you mean?" Ink tried to use his magic and he couldn't (ink)"I see what you mean now" suddenly both of them heard two voices arguing seemingly in the distance (?)"I don't want to talk with them you do it! you're better at social interaction " (!)"I swear to Lord asgore this was your idea in the first place own up to it" (?)"okay fine it was my idea but I didn't agree to talk to them you know I'm not good at that" ink laid back down having a tired smile on his face (ink)"it seems like they're talking about us" (Error)"ya why does this feel so familiar though" (?)"they can hear us" (!)"probably I mean they are in our domain so why wouldn't they be able to hear us" (?)"oh my Lord asgore fine I'll talk" (ink)"no this doesn't feel familiar the voices do though" (?)"okay hello destroyer and creator is that what you guys call yourself?" (Error)"we have names other than our titles you know" (?)"yeah I know that error I'm just trying to be formal what do you guys call yourselves" (ink)"well hello voice that is apparently not in my head I call myself ink!Sans protector of aus but for my name it is just ink" (Error)"dang I never knew that ink anyways my name is Error the destroyer of AUS" (?)"okay error and ink weird names why did you even pick ink whatever" (ink)"ouchie my feelings" (!)"that's why they seem funny" (?)"anyways we trapped you here I mean kidnapped you wait what were my lines?" (!)"we don't have lines fine I'll talk" (?)"finally" (!)"hey ink and error we were the former destroyer and creator we have chosen you both to be the second destroyer and creator and we have trapped you here because well you guys aren't doing your job" (ink)"hey I've been doing my job voice in my head!" (!)"I'm not a voice in your head I'm a person too you know" (ink)"oh sorry about that" (Error)"they seem weak like you Ink no wonder they chose you" (!)"I am going to ignore that comment and continue on what I was saying because you guys are not doing your job correctly we have to take you out of the problem for a bit I know we told you guys to stay away from each other but try and bond during this time it'll only be like a few days and we'll have everything corrected" (ink)"what do you mean?"everything corrected"" (?)"basically means we're fixing your guys's mistakes idiot why do we always pick the dumb ones" (Error)"even they agree with me!" (Ink)"I wasn't expecting insults this week" (!)"anyways since we're trying to fix your guys's mistakes you cannot be present or else you'll mess it up so have fun and don't fight you're watching over them first ? "  (?)"why me!" (!)"because you said you don't want to do work this week deal with it" (?)"then who's going to watch over the others" (!)"I'll have plus and minus watch over them" (ink)"okay who are the others?" (!)"oh your friend dream and Nightmare and also a few others basically emotions" (ink)" cool cool wait are you guys retired or something?" (?)" do you ever stop asking questions" (Error)"no he doesn't" (!)"don't be so rude to him besides he is talented if you look into it" (?)"that's just because you gave him talent" (!)"no I didn't actually he already had that in his system like he was built for it I didn't do a thing" (?)"okay let's get going we have stuff to do" (!)"okay officially bye now" (ink)"is it just me or did that thing just call me talented" (Error)"well kind of they said that drawing really good was already part of your system" (ink)"really that's strange" (Error)"so about that book you were talking about in your diary" (ink)"I almost forgot about that" (Error)"how many chapters did you read" (ink)"I think around 1 or 3 I don't remember" (Error)"what was it about" (ink)"if I remember correctly it was about some boy being trapped in a black void and a entity watching over him" (Error)"that sounds like the book I bought that I lost" (ink)"really? I just found it on my living room floor" (Error)"yeah but what are we going to do we can't leave we don't have our powers and there's nothing to do here" (ink)"aren't you used to this though?" (Error)"yeah but I'm more worried about you having a mental breakdown while we're here" (ink)"whatever I'm going to sleep hopefully this doesn't last long" (Error)"if you were gone then I would want this to last months or years" (ink)"HEY fine then I hope this last longer" (Error)"shut up we're both trying to sleep" (ink)"huh?" (Error)"you and me" (ink)"oh yeah" both ink and error had fallen asleep in a matter of a few minutes but the two gods were still watching over them not knowing what to do next the two teleported into a another multiverse they're home as they like to call it (???)"have you two done what I asked" (!)"yes they are trapped there depleted of their magic" (???)"great now fix what they did both of you they are going to be sent back in a few days so you both might want to get to work" (!)"but what about the wedding" (?)"you're seriously bringing it up now we can just move it to next month" (???)"they will not be having a wedding fate has not chosen the date yet" (!)"oh thank goodness gracious" (?)"anyways I will be on my way" and so "?" Teleported away ready to redo their mistakes (???)"you go as well they do not need to be watched over they're not children" (!)"yes of course sorry..."

(Yeah sorry this isn't too long then my usual 3000 word chapters but I had an amazing idea for a new book! I've also been busy yeah school sucks)

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