the date...

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Ink's pov
*Ink wakes from a not so successful sleep* did I stay up until like 4:00 again I know I had plans today or at least I think it's today yeah I'm pretty sure it's today what time is it*ink looks over to where one of his many clocks would be and it is* WHY IS IT SO EARLY?! IT'S LITERALLY 6:51am!
I would have never expected to actually wake up early does this mean I can actually have breakfast instead of always having lunch I am so proud of myself I should go back to sleep... yeah I'm going to go back to sleep *and so ink fell asleep again*

Error pov
"Wait killer what time is it" (killer)"oh it's 6:53am why?" Did we seriously stay up all night reading books "did we seriously stay up all night reading your stupid fanfics" (killer) "HOW DARE YOU YOU ENJOYED THREE OF THEM YOU CAN'T SAY ANYTHING!" "Killer it is late they're probably-"*error  heard a bunch of commotion going on downstairs killer also noticed a bunch of screaming* "what do you think's going on down there?" (Killer)"no clue want to go check it out?" "Of course!" *And so they both left the room and walk downstairs once they both got down there they saw horror trying to eat alive chicken dust trying to stop him nightmare sipping coffee while sitting on the table watching them and cross watching with a blank stare* "well I don't know what I just walked into" *everyone stops what they were doing even killer except for nightmare nightmare continued sipping his coffee and they gave him a stare that said run* "what I'm not lying am I"*error shrugged and walked into the kitchen pulled out some chocolate and sat on the couch they all went back to what they were doing killer was helping dust get the live chicken away from horror*

Third person pov
Nightmare walked over to error and sat down next to him error was flipping through channels while the others were scolding horror for trying to eat something that was alive error and nightmare sat in silence for a few seconds error came across something that said the star sanses and so error clicked it it showed the star sanses living room and kitchen blueberry and dream were in the kitchen making breakfast ink nowhere to be seen error turn to nightmare saying "the heck is this?" Nightmare replied with"I was bored found their base install a camera near the door that showed the living room and kitchen it's not a big deal"nightmare sipped his coffee once more error gave nightmare a unamused face and flipped through the channels once more it has been a few hours and error decided it was time to leave

Error's POV
"Bye" *error open the portal to the white space he calls home and walked through closing the portal behind him* gosh that was so much work being around people and not getting any sleep I wonder if what nightmare told me that ink and dream were going on a date is true but I don't want to be weird and go to his house and ask HeY InK YoU GoInG On a DaTe that would just be weird

Ink's pov
It is now 1:00 p.m. I should get ready *ink got up from his bed walked to his closet and changed into his regular clothing* finally I can- *ink looks over to the clock and it's 1:49* OH SHOOT I'M GOING TO BE LATE wait I'm not going to be late I have portals for a reason *ink walks into his bathroom which still has the knife collection ink picks up a knife and stores it in his inventory* I have a feeling that this will help me out later ANYWAYS I should get teleporting or else I am going to be late *ink grabs his paintbrush and paints a portal to dreams little place that he lives in ink jumped out of the portal and the looked at the scenery dreams place was surrounded by flowers and there was a tiny Forest nearby and at the side of his place there was a garden for vegetables and other types of plants ink admired the scenery one more time before knocking on Dreams door and dream open the door walking out of the house* (Dream)"hello Ink I didn't think you would make it on time I thought you were going to be like 20 minutes late!"  "Wow Dream wow" (Dream)"hey it's true though every time all of us hang out you're like 20 minutes late so you can't blame me" "yeah that's because I was protecting AUS Dream I need to protect them don't I so you can expect me being a little late from time to time you don't need to scold me on that"*ink said that kind of angrily* (Dream)"I didn't mean to be rude now are you ready to go on the date?"*dream didn't sense a lot of happiness inside ink but he would let it be for now* "uh ya I'm ready" (Dream)"you don't need the paintbrush for a date" "oh yeah sorry about that but I just don't want to leave it at home you never know people may want to steal it!" *Ink could feel that something wasn't right* (Dream)"okay then I'll lead the way it's just over by the forest since I thought you didn't want anything fancy I thought we might just have a picnic unless you have a place in mind" "no I don't have anything in mind I'm okay with the picnic" (Dream)"great now let's go" *dream and ink walked over to the little Forest there were a ton of trees almost everywhere you look but dream and ink followed a little river and once they got to the end of it there was a tiny waterfall and there was near the waterfall a tiny picnic area* "oh wow this is nice!" (Dream)"yeah it was hard finding a good place I'm glad you like it now let's get started with the date" *there was already food kind of set up for the picnic both dream and ink sat down and talked* I feel like something's watching me that could just be me right?(Dream)"hey ink are you okay? You were spaced out for a minute there" "I'm fine dream just thinking!" (Dream)"well we finished all our food and it's becoming pretty late I'll be going home you can look around the au I had fun how about the day after tomorrow we have another date?" "Oh yeah I'm okay with that at 2 p.m. again?" (Dream)"yep I'm going to head home see you soon Ink!" *Dream teleported away ink could still feel that something was watching him until* (????)"OOF!" "Huh?" *Ink looked behind him and saw* "blueberry what are you doing here?!" (Blueberry)"oh um hey ink!" "Were you spying on me and dream?" (Blueberry)"OF COURSE I WASN'T I AM THE GREAT BLUEBERRY WHY WOULD I STOCK YOU AND DREAM THAT'S RIDICULOUS!" *Blue says that in a embarrassed/excited tone of voice* "really well anyways I'm going to be exploring the Forest would you like to come with blueberry?" (Blueberry)"NO THANK YOU INK AND ALSO don't tell dream this because I really want to be supportive about you and dreams relationship but I don't think you two are compatible together dream seems kind of weird when he's talking about you I'm just telling you watch out for dream I know that he won't hurt you but still be careful THAT'S ALL I WANTED TO SAY GOODBYE INK!"*and with that blueberry teleported away* "I mean I don't really have emotions so I can't really like dream back anyways" well I guess it's time to go home I wonder what error is doing probably something more productive than me I miss him and our conversations how we would hang out almost every day how we would just talk about nothing almost every day good times good times well now I need to put another reminder *ink grab the end of his scarf which was clean and had no notes on it* I am so lucky that it comes off after I wash it because I put notes on my scarf almost every day oh yeah I have to write a note on my scarf *ink writes down the note on the end of his scarf and then makes a portal back home and once he jumps through someone jumps out from a bush ink ignores it though* finally home sweet home

Error's pov
Ink almost saw me I have a bad feeling about dream I mean I never really did trust dream but something's off about him I was stalking ink and dream I'm surprised they didn't notice me they were talking about random stuff while eating their food I paid close attention to dream he looks so happy and in love maybe he is insane but ink just looked like he was hanging out with a friend not actually going on a date I guess that's normal but I did see him have a knife so I don't know what dream was planning with that knife but it can't be good but ink can't die... Does dream know this because if so if he's really like a psychopath or a yandere which I don't think he is I think he was planning to kidnap Ink and I don't want my-I don't want INK to get hurt even though we're supposed to be enemies I kind of don't want to be I mean I care for him but we both have a job to do and blueberry knows there's something off with dream so something has to be wrong with Dream but I don't know what! This is frustrating I'm just going to go home now and think about this tomorrow

(Words 1685 I hope you guys enjoy I don't really ship drink that much but I don't judge anybody who does so ya bye!)

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