chapter 9

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(I don't have any more name ideas)

Errors pov
*Error wakes up* did I have a dream I don't think I had a dream but now that I'm awake I should probably visit outertale I mean I have to visit outer anyway *error creates a portal and walks in the portal being in the middle of where he assumed was Snowden he notices someone* what is dream doing here? And why is he staring at me like I just murdered someone? Hm weird well outer is probably at his station I still need to talk to him about that thing *error turns his back from dream only walking a few steps before he gets shot in the shoulder with an arrow he turns around summoning his strings aiming them at dream dream dodges his attack and sprints forward tackling error to the ground dream punches error multiple times in the face* how am I going to get out of this *dream takes out the arrow from his shoulder error almost screams from pain but holds it in once dream only sees a held in scream he takes his hand that the hurt shoulder is on and holds his wrist so tight that it breaks error screams in pain using his other arm to try and get dream off of him errors phobia was kicking in error was about to crash when dream breaks off his whole hand error passes out on the floor*

Outers pov
There's a bunch of screaming going on but I can't see what's happening I know it's something with error because I heard him scream but what's happening *outer then sees dream walking out of the crowd with blood on his hands outer runs up to dream* "DREAM WHAT DID YOU DO?!" *Dream turns around looking at outer with an unamused expression* (dream)"I just saved you from your AU being destroyed being thankful" he did WHAT?! Error has never tried to destroy this au why would he oh my gosh dream just beat up Error for no reason *outer grabs dreams wrist the one that had errors blood on it* "how bad did you hurt him" (dream)"why would I tell you outer just go look but I do got to say it I think I did a good job" *dream teleports away* what the heck dream what is wrong with him he was being all nice and friendly then error comes in and he beats him up the heck is with the mood swings?! I can't think about that right now I just need to know if errors okay *outer runs into the crowd kneeling next to error examining all his injuries* "SOMEONE GO GET GASTER NOW!" *Gaster than teleports to wear outer is and immediately see the other hurt skeleton gaster picks him up teleporting him to his lab with outer right behind him gaster immediately told outer to go get a medkit outer did so well gaster was waiting for outer to come back he examined errors wounds seeing that his right shoulder was shot with something and that he's right hand was gone and had blood and bone marrow all over where the hand should be he also saw that the skeleton was beaten up pretty badly gaster immediately used his healing magic it wasn't very effective but would keep the bleeding at Bay outer finally came in with the med kit gaster took it wrapped up his skull and his broken wrist gaster lifted up his shirt a little to see two broken ribs which were hanging on by a thread (yes that is a pun) gaster immediately wrapped up the two broken ribs* (outertale gaster)"he should be fine so what exactly happened?" "So dream Sans was here and he beat up error" (outertale gaster)"that explains why he looks so beaten up he should be awake tomorrow you can stay here if you want"*gaster than teleported out of the room outer took a chair and put it near the bed that error was laying on after he had done that he sat in the chair* I need to tell ink

Ink's pov
*Ink had woken up from an unexpected dream* bro what the heck did I just dream did dream make me dream of that I did not expect to say dream three times in a row four times in a row! What the heck but that was a really weird dream and it was about giraffes like what the heck why giraffes?! Giraffes are-*ink got a phone call from outer he picks up* "hi what do you need outer?" (Outer)" error um w- is um just come to my universe BYE!" *Outer hangs up the phone* what was that all about and why is outer calling me about error whatever it's probably important is his universe getting destroyed I don't think so then whatever wait did I sleep in my normal clothes I need to take a shower when I get home *ink opens a portal with his paintbrush to outertail
He walks through to see error on a kind of looking medical bed and outer sitting right next to him on a chair ink closes the portal* "Soo why did you need me here I am literally the creator of AUS why did you call me about The destroyer of universes?" (Outer)"well... I didn't really call you here for error I called you here to tell you something important" "and what is that?" (Outer)"dream... Beat up error for no reason.. and I was thinking that you could heal error?" *Ink was dumbfounded he didn't think that dream would ever do something like that without a reason* "did you see the whole thing?" (Outer)"yes I did are you going to heal error or not?" "Yeah yeah just let me go get the paint bucket" (outer)" the.. paint bucket?" "Ya I can heal people with a magical paint bucket just let me pull it out of my inventory"*ink opens his inventory and gets out the green bucket of paint which was listed as"the magnificent green" ink still doesn't know why it is named that he pulls it out of his inventory and grabs a tiny cup out of his inventory as well and pours some of the"the magnificent green" into the cup once he is done with that he puts "the magnificent green" back into his storage* "this should be enough to heal him are you okay outer?" *Outer is blushing like a mess Ink looks out the window to see science (or sci) right there talking to outertails gaster* "ohhhh I see I see Hahaha! You have a crush on sci!" (Outer)"I do not" "YESSS you do you're literally blushing while looking at him" (outer)"well don't you have a crush on...on um... ERROR!" *Ink slightly blushed * "what made you come up with that?" (Outer)" honestly I have no clue I just saw that error was right next to me and you were right next to me and... just let's stop talking about this" "so you ship people I didn't know you were that type of person outer" (outer)"I explained why I said that now shut up" "okay okay no need to be so mean now is this enough to heal him?" *Ink shows outer the cup that has green paint* (outer)"I mean I think so just do whatever heal him" "ok but then I have to leave I have some stuff to do" (outer)"like what?" "Hmm why should I tell you what I'm going to do" (outer) "well you're wasting your precious Time by not healing error so it must not be that important" "well actually it's going to take a day for the hand to heal completely back so tell him that when he wakes up I guess" *ink pours the green paint on error magic fills the room the smell is almost suffocating the smell fades away after a few seconds error wakes up from a burst of magical energy* "oh hi Error" (error)"outer why is ink here?" (Outer)"well since I didn't want to call dream for obvious reasons I called ink to heal you" I like how I'm just being completely ignored right now "so error since you seem fine I I'm just going to leave hehe.." *ink says in a nervous tone of voice ink goes to open a portal but strings stop him* (Error)"now where do you think you're going" "I don't want to fight today I just want to go home and draw!" (Outer)"have fun you two hehe maybe I am a shipper" "THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO BE SHIPPING US!" (Error)"what?" (Outer) "oh nothing error just continue on what you're doing I'm going to leave" *outer leaves the room error gets off of the bed he was on and opens a portal to the anti void he walks into the anti void ink still in his strings he closes the portal after putting ink in the anti void and tightening his strings*

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