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There will be traits of self-harm but nothing too serious just wanted to give you a heads up

Ink's pov
I woke up scratching and yawning but almost immediately a feeling of intense dread washed over me I forgot to take my vials! And I didn't take them before this month which means they're probably going to run out in an hour or less shoot where could they be I rushed out of bed looking for my vials I trashed my room even more than how trashed it was they weren't in my room I opened my door to the bathroom I looked at the shiny knives hanging up from the wall I checked the bathroom they weren't there where could they be I immediately run into the hallway I look in all the drawers photos in the hallway I go downstairs I searched the kitchen stuff being flinged everywhere I rush into the kitchen looking anywhere I could I rushed into the basement and that's when it hit I could feel my emotions being drained because my worry was not as strong as it was before I couldn't find them anywhere where could it have possibly went I checked the whole house I could feel my last emotion run dry I blinked and my eyes turned into white circles with no shine in them at all I just wanted to lay in bed all day I walk up stairs into my room, I'm just going to take a bath I open my bathroom door and almost immediately see my reflection I looked at myself in the mirror feeling nothing but blankness I took one of the knives without thinking looking at how sharp it was compared to the mirror I pricked my bony finger with the sharp end of the blade blood and bone marrow seeped out of the wound I watched it trickle down my finger until it hit the bathroom ground I wonder how much blood would seep through my hand if I stabbed it I turned the blade and put my hand on the counter knowing that I'm going to regret this if I ever find my vials

Self harm incoming
I stabbed the knife through my hand some of my bone chipped off from how hard I stabbed it I removed the knife letting the blood fall all the way down my arm but I wasn't satisfied I laid down my other hand gripped the knife and stabbed my other hand I dropped the knife to the floor almost in pain some of the bone chipped off from the other hand as well blood and bone marrow was pouring from my hand

Warning over

I picked up the knife placing it on the counter, I should have a nice warm bath, I walked out of the bathroom blood still pouring out of my hands I grabbed my regular clothes as I was in my pajamas I walked back into the bathroom placing my usual clothes in the sink I locked the bathroom door I turned on the hot and cold water as I watched it as it filled up with water the hot over powering the cold leaving a tiny steam radiating off the water I turned the water off as the bathtub almost filled I walked over to the mirror seeing that it was a bit foggy I looked down at the floor realizing that the blood is still freshly dripping from my hand although some of it has dried around the edges I take my clothes off and place them beside the sink I get into the bathtub not letting my hands touch the water just yet I watched as some of the blood dripped into the water slightly turning it red I put one hand in the water and a sting came from it almost like when you put hand sanitizer on a wound I see how the blood dried around my hand slowly dissolves into the water as my hand started bleeding again turning the water reddish finally I put my other hand in the water not even caring if the water is red anymore I laid back kind of wanting to fall asleep my eyes felt droopy as my body relaxed into the water leading my head back and closing my eyes but not exactly falling asleep, don't I have to hang out with dream today. I bet he's probably going to knock at my door around 3:00 I should call him and tell him that I'm going to cancel after this, all of a sudden I hear my phone ring I look over to the sink where my phone lays vibrating on top of it not bothering to get out of the water I dry one of my hands off although touching the wound hurts and teleport the phone into my hand I look at who has called me and it's Error, why would he be calling me how did he even get my number whatever I answered the phone coughing a little (Error)"ink we have a big problem" (ink)"what could possibly be more important than me relaxing" (Error)"wait what whatever anyways three Sans aus have gone missing in a span of 2 days I know I didn't destroy them but I can't find their code anywhere" (ink)"whatever I'll worry about it later" (Error)"look once you're done with your relaxation or whatever the hell you're doing go into the anti void we have some things to discuss" and then he hung up well looks like I have to go I pluck the drain stopper that's a stupid name and quickly get out of the tub I swiftly grabbed a towel and wiped myself off I put on my clothes and set the gloves aside I grabbed some bandages that were conveniently inside my inventory and wrap them around my bony hands I saw blood seeping through the bandages looks like that bath made the wound worse I put on my gloves, now where did I put that paint brush whatever I teleport with a snap of my fingers into the anti void right behind error he quickly turns around almost falling from the shock I look at him he seems frustrated (Error)"what the hell why do you look like you just seen somebody die ,you know what whatever I don't care right now" error opened up a glitchy portal and grabbed a chocolate bar unwrapping it and taking a bite out of it (Error)"why are you looking at me like that I didn't even try to attack you yet" (ink)"so you're planning to attack me great"I try and say with as much sarcasm as I can but my voice just came out blank with no emotion at all (Error)"ew you know I don't like this new attitude you're putting on I prefer the other one the annoying one change back to that while I eat my chocolate bar" what the, who does he think I am (ink)"that's not going to be happening anytime soon" he swallows the whole chocolate bar spitting out the wrapper a few seconds later kind of fascinating if I had emotions I pick up the end of my scarf grabbing a pen from my inventory and sketching it down so that way when I had my emotions I would draw it later once I was done I'd let go of my scarf and put my pen back in my inventory (Error)"anyway as I told you on the phone 3 AU's have gone missing" (ink)"and why is that any of my concern" (Error)"because you're the protector or Creator or whatever and I am the magnificent destroyer ew I sound like blue anyways this is your problem and I thought I might let you know about it" (ink)"they probably got deleted whatever was that all you called me for" I really don't care kind of just want to go to sleep (Error)"you know what! I am really confused by you today Ink FIRST I destroyed 2 aus and you didn't respond to either of them SECOND you didn't even care about the aus that were missing THIRD you're acting weird and your demeanor suddenly changed I don't know what's wrong with you but you're acting weird now I feel like I'm the adult here and you're the child I mean you always were the child but like you understand what I mean I'm calling dream I don't want to deal with you today" he said in an angry tone of voice I walk up to him staring him right in the eyes although my eyes are droopy he looks at me almost like he's planning to kill me he takes a deep breath and pulls out his phone dialing a number suddenly a goldish portal opens blueberry walks through saying his thanks to dream and then the portal closes (blueberry)"you almost never call me error! What happened..."right after he said happened he looked at me I looked at him his eye lights turn small almost like he's scared (blueberry)"i-ink are you sick?" He asks genuinely concerned I think (Error)"I think he is he didn't respond to AUS being destroyed that's why I called you here I don't know how to deal with him and he's getting on my nerves and he looked me straight in the eyes with a look of nothing like he doesn't seem to be feeling it anything at least from what I can tell" (blueberry)"oh yeah he probably is sick I mean this happens often usually me and dream take care of him but dreams a bit busy the weird thing is that whenever he's sick he doesn't have his paint with him" (Error)"okay and let's get him home you can take care of him" (blueberry)"Error taking care of him when he's sick is a two person job" (Error)"I don't want to help that freak" wow they really got a lot to say about me huh that bean bag looks comfortable maybe I should fall asleep on that (blueberry)"THAT'S NOT VERY NICE TO SAY YOU'RE TAKING CARE OF HIM WITH ME!" (Error)"no need to raise your voice geez fine" (blueberry)"you have to open up the portal I'll go get ink" what does he mean I'm right here (blueberry)"oh you didn't move this time come on ink you need to get some rest!" Error tries to open a portal to my house but he only gets random aus (Error)"what the hell I can't get to his house it's like it's blocked" (blueberry)"really I didn't know he had that good of coding skills hey ink we need you to make a-" before he could even finish his sentence I was already halfway through my portal it almost shutting behind me before error stopped it I looked behind me seeing them walk in with only a bit of the portal left once they got in the portal immediately closed I walked over to my house pulling out some keys from my inventory them walking just behind me I unlocked the door walking in and seeing my book on the coffee table and then immediately seeing the couch the comfortable navy blue couch immediately walking over to it I grabbed a blanket that was sitting on the side of the couch before sitting down I wrapped myself in the blanket grab the remote and the book it feels important to me, turning on the TV to a random show I finally sit down my knees being hugged by my arms I watch the show

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