Christmas one shot

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No one's POV

Christmas Eve

Ink was trying to figure out a good present to give error, ink wanted it to be special since they were starting to get along a little bit more but since he didn't know anyone who knew error better but the bad senses he decided to go ask them for help ink already had his presents laid out for the bad sanses even though they didn't completely deserve it ink pulled out his paintbrush making a blob of Ink on the floor and jumping through he popped out of the other end to his destination he was in nightmares office to see Nightmare and killer talking (ink)"sorry to interrupt but I have a question" Nightmare and killer immediately turned their attention to Ink (killer)"what is it that you need ink?" Ink blushed a bit although it was not noticeable (ink)"did you guys know what error might want for Christmas?" Killer gave nightmare a look although ink didn't know what this signified, Nightmare and killer have notice the way error has been towards ink and knew exactly what to do (nightmare)"how about you come back up here in a few minutes talk to the others in the meantime" (ink)"okay see you soon I guess" ink was quite confused he didn't know if they were just going to give him a gift that error wanted for Christmas he had no clue what they were doing which made him a little troubled he teleported into the living room to see dust horror and cross on the couch watching something on the TV he walked into the living room sitting down on a empty couch (ink)"hey so do you guys know what Error might want for Christmas?" (Horror)"I know he likes chocolate bars and knitting crocheting whatever it's called so maybe just make him a big chocolate bar I think he'll enjoy that" ink was taking notes silently in his head (dust)"no I don't think so you should just give him something from the heart maybe a custom scarf that you made yourself or give him some knitting supplies" (horror)"that's practically what I was saying since chocolate is his love language" ink took notice of what horror said love language what did he mean by love language does that mean he likes chocolate bars romantically he shake that out of his head almost immediately (dust)"yeah I'm pretty sure we all know that we're not dumb unlike you horror I'm saying to give something from his heart not from his stomach" (horror)"well that's all lovey-dovey save that for Valentine's Day just give him chocolate" (dust)"don't listen to him he's being dumb" (cross)"I completely forgot about giving error a gift"cross was now panicking although he knew almost automatically what to get error (dust)"seriously" (cross)"ya but no worries I know what I want to get him" (ink)"and what would that be?" Cross looked over in inks direction (cross)"pillows and blankets obviously" (horror)"that's the lamest gift ever" (cross)"definitely not for him he could use them he only has his bean bag" (horror)"I completely forgot about that" that would be a good idea but cross already stole that (ink)"well thanks for the help guys enjoy the talk see you Christmas!" And with that ink teleported back to nightmares throne room it was pretty late and he was tired from getting everyone's gifts and wrapping them once he got into the throne room he was immediately pushed down to the ground (ink)"what the!" Ink suddenly blacked out nightmare and killer told everyone that they were going to be opening presents at the castle everyone got a present for someone at least killer tied up ink real well with some red thick string and tied a neat bow in the back Nightmare and killer slowly walked downstairs to where the tree was encountering the three that were in the living room (dust)"we're kidnapping him on Christmas Eve?" (Killer)"of course not this is ink's present to error" the three of them were slightly confused but then horror suddenly realized and shouted (horror)"ERROR LIKES INK?!" (Nightmare)"exactly that's why ink's the gift to error" killer put ink under the tree far back so that way no one would untie him before opening presents

With Error

Error was now lying on the ground he had already set his gifts under the tree like 3 days ago it was pretty easy to find a gift for everyone but error wondered what they had got him although he hasn't been the best and doesn't deserve presents he still wondered what he got although he didn't want to ask besides that would just be awkward and then his mind wandered off to Ink blush started to form on his cheekbones he wondered what ink got him he would try to call Ink right now but it's pretty late and he was probably already sleeping and he doesn't want to bother a sleeping ink he's already done that and regretted it a few minutes later mostly because ink was very annoying when he was sleeping wasn't cranky just annoying he didn't know what to do to pass the time he wanted to sleep yet he didn't feel sleepy his thoughts were running he's never felt this alive besides this is his first actual Christmas with nightmare's gang so he was pretty excited although he does recall ink being pretty stressed out whenever trying to find a gift for Error sometimes he even cried to error asking him what he wanted for a gift he still remembers that sad inky face although it's only happened like two times it was still uncomfortable to error, Error could literally give ink anything absolutely anything and ink would be grateful Error didn't even care about the presents under the Christmas tree( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) see what I did there see okay whatever) he never actually had a lot of friends so this was new to say the least Error let out a light smile brush covering his whole face all he could think about was ink he kind of wanted ink to be his present because then he could finally say that he's all his without actually having to confess but it was only if ink allowed him to of course he still respected ink and he's been wanting to tell ink that he's liked him for some time now he just doesn't know how he decided to just sleep on it because thinking about ink would only make him wake up more

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