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No one's POV
Eventually dream woke up they have been sleeping for quite a while now dream didn't even know how long he was sleeping and how long he put them to sleep he let ink out of his protective bubble and set him down on the couch to check his stats to see if he was still sick eventually a box with words inks situation vaguely dream getting no actual information decided that ink was most likely okay although both of the sleeping skeletons were probably going to be asleep for at least a day considering that his magic had not worn off yet dream teleported both of them into a bed upstairs error in the guest room ink in his room he was going to have a Stern talking with blueberry later he quietly entered a portal his name being erased from the code

Time skip it is also the next day

The magic finally worn off both of them waking at the same time but ink not wanting to get out of bed considering that he had a bad headache error quickly realized where he was and walked into ink's room (Error)"ink are you awake?" Error asked quite gently (ink)"mhm" ink replied tiredly he turned his body to face error opening his eyes slightly (ink)"what is it?" (Error)"don't we have plans today" ink immediately set up (ink)"yeah we have to set two people up together I forgot the two people" Error shook his head slightly  (error)"blueberry and dust we're trying to set up blueberry and dust" (ink)"oh wait where is dream?" Error seemed to get a bit angry at ink's choice of words and quickly change the subject (Error)"so you said you just teleport to dust or close to where he is?" Ink immediately forgetting the other topic replied happily happy that Error remembered (ink)"YOU REMEMBERED!" Ink having a bright smile on his face (Error)"ya...I did"Error unknowingly pushed some feelings down a bit of blush covered inks face (ink)"yes to answer your question so how are we planning to get them to meet up?" (Error)"I mostly just teleport to blueberry and tell him" (ink)"hmmm oh I know! Tell blueberry to meet you at cherryblossomtale okay, okay see you there!"and with that ink turned into a puddle popping out in nightmares Castle right by the kitchen peeking through seeing that dust was talking to someone he assumed it was either horror or killer ink quickly jumped back into his portal but still making sure that his ink blended into the floor and once he saw dust walking out of the kitchen he reappeared jumping out of the ink landing swiftly without making a sound on the floor spooking dust a little bit he and dust whispered to each other (ink)"hey ya buddy!" (Dust)"what are you doing here?!" (Ink)"I just came here to let you know that I wanted to draw with you" (dust)"okay why so sudden though we usually only draw on Fridays and Wednesdays and today's Thursday" (ink)"well I couldn't wait to draw with you okay anyways meet me at Cherryblossomtale" (dust)"okay I'll try" (ink)"oh and is it all right if someone comes with?" (Dust)"I don't care" (ink)"okay then bye see you there"and so it looked like ink jumped into the floor disappearing just was quite confused but decided to get this drawing lesson over with as fast as possible as he had a mission to do later he quietly walked up the stairs being met with a huge door he lightly knocked on the door the knocking causing an echo through the mansion (nightmare)"come in dust" just took a big gulp before walking into the room to see nightmare sitting in his throne nightmare always liked to pretend he was a king but he would never say this out loud especially to nightmare (nightmare)"what is it that you need" (dust)"I would like to visit somewhere"dust said bowing his head slightly (nightmare)"where is it that you want to go do I need to send someone with you?" nightmare asked suspicion in his voice (dust)"no you do not need to send someone with me, Cherryblossomtale" nightmare was most likely going to regret this later (nightmare)"get going before I change my mind"nightmare said sternly dust quickly teleported off leaving only a bit of dust on nightmares floor (nightmare)"when he gets back I'm making him lick that dust off of the floor I just got this new carpet"meanwhile with Error he had already teleported off only a few seconds after ink left he quickly teleported beside blue who was quietly cooking some tacos blue noticed error immediately (blueberry)"why hello error what can I do for you?" (Error)"meet me in cherryblossomtale for us to hang out and crochet you bring the supplies" (blueberry)"sure I'll be there in a few" and with that error teleported off into a bush where Error was supposed to meet ink although ink was not there yet so he decided to sit and wait after a few minutes ink popped up from out of the ground ink seeming exhausted (Error)"what happened?" (Ink)"I had to blend My Ink into the ground and that took a bit of concentration and it was not worth it" ink quietly sat down next to error smiling (ink)"so when do you think they're going to get here?" (Error)"probably in a few" (ink)"ok how long have you been waiting here?" Ink asked trying to start up some small talk (Error)" actually been waiting here a few minutes pretty boring I must say" (ink)"really oh yeah is it true that you have no sense of time?" (Error)"I'd say so I mean I've been trapped in the void for so long so it's to be expected" (ink)"what were you before you look like that did you always look like that?" Error giggled (Error)"you're asking quite a lot of questions huh?" Ink blushed wanting to draw error (ink)"hey can I draw you, you just look so majestic" error was a bit startled by the question (Error)"ya I guess just make it quick I don't want to have to hold a pose for an hour" (ink)"don't worry it'll be quick just hold that position" ink got out a sketchbook and a pencil sketching Error deciding to paint it later once he was done he asked error to get into another pose he positioned error into a comfortable pose and begin sketching quicker this time knowing that they could pop up anytime once he was done he gave error a thumbs up suddenly both of them teleported right where they needed to be and ink and Error can just watch now (blueberry)"oh hello dust what are you doing here?" Blueberry said with a wide smile on his face (dust)"ink invited me here to draw did he ditch on me" (blueberry)"I supposed to be hanging out with error I guess they ditched to hang out I guess" blueberry said a little disappointed well dust just smirked (dust)"at least we'll be able to hang out more am I right" dust said cheerfully with a smile on his face (blueberry)"yeah so what do you want to do?" (Dust)"I brought art supplies and you brought crocheting supplies why don't we crochet is that what it's called I kind of forgot" (blueberry)"of course!! I love hanging out with you like this although I think they ditched us because they forgot that they were supposed to be going out on a date kind of ship them" (dust)"tell me about it they always seem like a couple sometimes have you seen the way they fight it's kind of embarrassing to be around" the two in the bushes started blushing upon hearing the news and looked at each other confused (Error)"do we really fight like that?" (Ink)"I don't know but if we do that is embarrassing" (Error)"yeah it's very embarrassing to even be around you honestly" (ink)"mhm like you're any better" (Error)"what do you mean by that inky" error was mocking what dream called ink, ink blushed not being used to being called inky he didn't like it very much (ink)"what do you have a crush on me?" Error didn't know how to respond to that and blurted out something random (Error)"no way in hell who would ever crush on you first of all you're annoying second of all it would be too much work third of all if they did like you they would probably be psycho" (ink)"I could say the same about you" ink got a little close to error just to tease him he had a grin on his face error just turned away slightly embarrassed and continued arguing with ink the two near the tree heard all of the commotion and decided to check it out dust had his magic summoned ready to attack ink suddenly sneezed making him bunkheads with error just as dust and blueberry turned to see who was in the bush dust saw that this "person" was attacking error and decided to strike the bone landing directly in the middle of his head ink has been meaning to try a new type of respawning as he likes to call it all ink did was cough and then he dusted all that was left was his scarf inks dust float in the wind error knew that ink could come back but now that he's just was scattered everywhere he was unsure and so he started tearing up (dust)"are you okay error?!"dust rushed to errors side blueberry was on the other side of the Bush and saw that it was ink that dust had just murdered now Error and blueberry were tearing up dust looked up confused at both of them (error)"I know you probably didn't mean it but... That was ink" dust was confused on why error was sad wasn't ink just attacking him? Although blueberry had no words he had just watched his best friend be murdered in front of him (dust)"then why are you tearing up error?" Error just looked blankly at the scarf (Error)"just go away both of you" all of them were silent for a minute (blueberry)"this can't be happening isn't he supposed to be immune to dying?!" Dust was just confused (Error)"he's supposed to be but that was a direct hit I don't think he can come back from that" blueberry looked at error confused (blueberry)"what do you mean?" (Error)"he's gone that's what I mean!" (Dust)"Error I'm so sorry I-" tears started to roll down errors face he was frustrated (Error)"DON'T YOU DARE SAY SORRY YOU DID THIS ON PURPOSE!" Error grabbed inks scarf and stood up stick tears running down his cheeks feeding into string lines he had a look of anger on his face (Error)"ARE YOU HAPPY NOW LOOK WHAT YOU JUST DID!" (Dust)"I SHOULD BE SAYING THAT TO YOU YOU GUYS ARE SWORN ENEMIES!!" (Error)"sworn enemies you say? That's funny coming from you weren't you the one sneaking off to have drawing lessons with him and don't get me started you're practically a traitor I could easily make you the same as ink. A PILE OF DUST" dust was shocked at this he didn't think Error knew so much tears were now falling off of blueberry, blueberry snatched inks scarf which was in error's hands (blueberry)"ink didn't deserve this he was- was..." Blueberry broke down sobbing he couldn't believe his eyes the two hostile skeletons glared at each other (dust)"aren't you happy now error you can destroy freely without him getting in the way enjoy your little pity party" and with that dust teleported away angrily the two are just left there with a small pile of dust being blown away by the wind it was silent (Error)"go tell dream the news I'll be taking his scarf though" blueberry still tears running down his face gave error the scarf and teleported away error sat down inks dust was scattered there was no way he could come back from that and even if so it would take at least weeks months even he stared at the scarf seeing that there was notes all over it he decided to read them having nothing better to do anyways reminder: tell dream that the cupcakes are done in an hour. reminder: tell dream I can't hang out for the week.

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