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Ink's pov
Me and error have been bored out of our mind and it's only been a few minutes! And I have nothing to occupy myself with I could annoy error since he can't use his magic but at the same time we would just get in fight that's why I'm debating going into the ocean? I don't know if it's an ocean or not I wonder what it tastes like does it taste like ink or water I stick my finger into the black liquid quickly pulling it back out since I felt a burning on my finger although my finger was fine just covered with the black liquid I quickly get a taste of it, it tastes like nothing disappointing I was hoping it would taste like candy or something now should I jump in yeah I should totally jump in I quickly get up and I feel errors eyes on me and jump in I opened my eyes and I was in the black liquid although I can't move I get teleported somewhere and landed on the Rock I was originally on with error

It felt like landing on a cloud of course nothing lasts long before I knew it I was screaming in pain it felt like my whole body was being eaten up by lava don't ask how I know that just know that it was an accident but it felt 10 times worse I guess I should call that water thing black lava that's a good name for it I'm surprised I can even think straight right now (ink)"error I'm warning you do not go in there you will die" the pain settled down slightly but it felt like my bones were dusting every time I tried to move them error just looked at me like I was crazy since I didn't turn to dust I'm assuming we can't die here which is not surprising in the slightest but it's still something to be aware of they could try and torture us I mean they could try but I'm pretty strong! Either way I wonder what they meant by fix our mistakes I haven't made any mistakes the past month okay maybe I've made a whole bunch of mistakes this month but I'm not going to address that hopefully my friends are okay

No one's POV
After inks screaming fit he laid on the Rock arms and legs spread out leaving error with only a tiny bit of the Rock left it seem to be getting dark in the place they were in Stars and the Moon started to come up which left a beautiful sunset error stared at the beautiful scene before him he wished that he could save this memory for years to come, the beautiful scenery something from a dream it didn't feel real not a bit and if this is a dream why is ink here, ink is a nightmare all of a sudden error came up with a brilliant conversation idea that would also get him more information on the situation

(Error)"so you and dream" Error was never one for keeping up conversations it always turned into a argument (Error)"you guys have been hanging out a lot recently what's that about" ink didn't know how to reply instead he had an idea for changing the subject (ink)"soo.. um about that one time when you... Got hurt badly who did that to you?" Error honestly wanted to destroy ink's relationship with dream their friendship was sickening to him he felt a ping of jealousy inside his soul

(Error)"eh I was going to go get something from outer and dream was there I think he thought I was going to destroy the place" (ink)"hah if you destroyed outertale I'd kill ya. I'm not joking" ink wasn't joking and error could tell (Error)"don't EVEN! I love that AU it's in one of my top three favorites" ink slowly set up rubbing his skull tiredly he scooted back a bit on the rock to give a error a bit of room they both saw the sunset and stared at it for a few minutes letting the sun blind them before talking again

(Ink)"wow picking favorites huh?" Ink had so many favorites that they wouldn't even be considered favorites at that point although ink did visit One AU more than others (Error)"mhm like you don't pick favorites you always go to this one "au" like once a week what's its name again" Error had obvious sarcasm in his voice (ink)"I find it kind of strange that you know where I'm going almost 24/7 like how do you even know that?!" Ink played around with a pencil he had in his inventory (Error)"that's a good question that I'm not going to answer"

(Ink)"why not, you got something to hide?" Error took great offense to that but didn't let himself get angry especially since they were in what ink called "black lava" and ink could easily push him in letting him die a slow painful death (Error)"I'm not stupid you know"error looked at the setting they were in once more, it seemed that the black lava was going on for miles until a fog stopped his vision he couldn't see anything past the thick fog it wasn't like he wanted to unless there was an actual threat here which he assumed there wasn't

Ink took a long time to answer thinking over his options which he usually never does but he's got the time to do that now (ink)"then tell me if you're not stupid" ink rolled his eye lights seeing a fog in the distance covering his view of what was on the other side he felt as though he was being stared at, not by error no, like something in the fog was staring at him making eye contact although he couldn't see anything past the fog what if they never actually left them alone

Ink didn't want to think about it just creeped him out knowing that he couldn't defend himself against (ink)"some overpowered boss"ink mumbled under his breath. error was in his own little world staring into space well ink on the other hand was getting anxious he felt like something was staring at him he needed to break the silence or else he'd go insane! it suddenly got a bit darker as the sun went down just a bit he could see through the thick fog just a little bit more and he could see piercing blue eyes looking at him as if looking at his non-existent soul

This isn't good someone's here the person knows where they are and they could be the one controlling everything here ink suddenly shakes error trying to get him to see the bright blue eyes in the fog error immediately steps out of his daydream and looks over to where ink it's pointing to see bright blue eyes the fog covering the rest suddenly they hear a splash and the eyes are gone (ink)"DID YOU SEE THAT?!" Error was just as shocked as ink maybe a little more considering he has real emotions they both stare at where the blue eyes used to be no words need to be said to express how terrified they were in this exact moment although he is going to tell ink not to never touch him ever again

(!)"boss we have a problem..." ??? Listened acknowledging ! Presence but he gave a light nod to show that he was not asleep (!)"well all of the sans are trying to look for Creator and destroyer and they're getting in the way of the project" ??? know this would be a bad idea if he got involved  (???)"honestly for the sake of greater good I should not get involved go talk with your teammate they'll have more advice than me" ! Suddenly teleported away leaving him alone AGAIN

Honestly ! Was avoiding the real problem and ??? Probably know but somehow a Sans got into the place he was holding Creator and Destroyer although it wouldn't do much the timeline it was still something to worry about ! Teleported in front of ? Not noticing that he was destroying some code (!)"sooo..." (?)"yeah I know I know I've been trying to figure out how to get that sans out of there for the past couple days killing it would be the easier option but we would probably get in a bunch of trouble"

? Was right but they had to figure out some way they didn't even know what type of sans got in there what if they were dangerous the Creator and destroyer don't have their powers there so they would easily get crushed unless he was given permission to give them their powers back but if he did it would end up in a big fight most likely the au being completely destroyed and it's lava would disappear which is pretty important for Ink at least he chose it for a reason not just because he was different although he likes the different aus

Of course ? Was more about favoritism and leaving the rest to die they did take care of plants once, boss told them to though he got the plants that required the most care and ? Got the ones that were pretty and needed lots of sunlight they were given five his thrived and we're well taken care of! sometimes he would even talk to them well ? On the other hand picked out one and only one took care of that one until the rest died but at least he got a punishment for that it was some sort of test he doesn't know what type of test it was to this day but he knew it wasn't supposed to be for there enjoyment it was never supposed to be

(Dream)"nightmare what are we going to do they're gone!" They both knew that if they looked anymore they would just spiral into infinite AUS and be lost (nightmare)"I know! it's been a week we shouldn't worry for them they're probably just taking a vacation in an au that we can't get to they will be fine"nightmare wasn't as worried as dream, mostly because error was more like a acquaintance more than a friend honestly he'd prefer it that way but dream see's ink as a best friend or maybe more he really couldn't care about this anymore although the negativity was refreshing

Seems like they're catching on quickly at least nightmare seems to not want to worry about them, reasonable (!)"hey um I'm going to go check on them" ? Just nodded his head I teleported into the watch room it had portals everywhere well time to do my job...

Feeling energized and ready to get back to work expect more uploads sorry this one was kind of short-

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