another day another chore?

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Ink's pov
It's been about 2 days since I've seen error although he's the only one that knows I can't die I wonder how the others will react although I am at the base dream wants to meet somewhere and he was blushing I have a bad feeling about this dream is somewhere and I'm just here hanging out with blueberry until 5:00 I think I don't know what's up with blueberry and dream today but I got to admit this drawing is pretty cute it's of all three of us! Me blue and dream we're all such good friends I wouldn't say best friends but good friends I'm surprised blueberry hasn't burned down the house yet I mean he is cooking and he's supposed to be going somewhere soon (blueberry)"INK I HAVE TO GO SOMEWHERE WITH MY BROTHER FOOD IS ON THE COUNTER I MADE TACOS AND THIS TIME I THINK THAT THEY'RE LESS BURNT! AND I DIDN'T BURN DOWN THE KITCHEN THIS TIME NOW I AM ALMOST LATE GOODBYE!" "Goodbye Blue see you soon" wonder what he's going to be doing although it's not my business I'm still curious it's almost five I think and he wanted me to meet him in the garden the garden is like half a mile away! Why did dream have to make me walk there now I have to get up wait no it's not five I have time maybe I should try some of blues tacos *ink gets off the couch and walks into the kitchen takes a taco and bites into it and immediately spits it out* "WHAT THE HECK BLUE?!"why do they taste like that disgusting even my cooking is better than rat poison that's rude but it is absolutely disgusting he said it is less burnt this time he didn't burn down the kitchen but he sure did burn his food I mean what did I expect I even see black marks on it gosh I'm an idiot did he do this on purpose because he is a really good cook when he tries I'll just let dream eat the rest of these it has been a few minutes *ink looks at the clock it is 4:54* OH SHOOT I'M GOING TO BE LATE! *Ink quickly grabs his paintbrush and a donut and rushes out the door and runs to the garden* I'm here that was certainly a run (dream)"did you seriously run here I was expecting you to be a couple minutes late but instead you're on time I'm actually shocked" "yeah I know right dream I actually made it on time for once also I brought you a donut I really wanted to eat it but I decided you've been waiting out here for like 2 hours so I thought you might have wanted it more" *ink walks closer to dream* (dream)"thank you Ink that is really thoughtful of you! Anyways I've been meaning to ask you something... Important" "what is it dream I'm all ears!" (Dream)"so I've liked you for a while now and I finally worked up the courage to on a date only if you want to of course!" Wait is dream serious? I don't really like him like that I don't even have actual feelings but at the same time I feel like we would be stronger or at least he would be stronger but I feel guilty about saying no I'll just give it a shot and if I don't feel any connection which I won't then I'll just tell him the truth I really never would have expected dream too ask me out "um s-sure dream I would love to.. so when do you want to have the date?" (Dream)"oh tomorrow if you're okay with that of course!" God I hate lying to dream "yeah that would be perfect! Looks like it's settled anyways I've got to go home now see you tomorrow dream by the way*ink makes a portal to his home* if you don't mind can it be at 2:00 I'll meet you at your house" (dream) "yeah sure that's fine with me see you tomorrow Ink!!" *Ink walks into the portal and closes it* I don't have any feelings for dream romantically that is, why did I lie to him like that I don't like like dream but if it makes him happy... I'll give it a try I wonder what people will think nightmare would kill me

Error's pov
I am bored but I don't feel like doing anything *error opens a portal to nightmares Castle and takes the unfinished killer doll with him he walks through and sits on the couch near horror* (horror)"hey error you still haven't completed the killer doll yet" "no I haven't do you know where he is by chance" (horror)"I think he's having a conversation with nightmare in the kitchen but I don't know if they're still in there" "thanks I need to complete this doll or else I'll never complete it" (horror)"no problem see ya" *error closes the portal and walks into the kitchen to see nightmare eating chips sitting on the counter and killer sitting right next to nightmare talking* "hey killer hey nightmare" (both killer and nightmare)"hi error" *killer notices the doll that error is holding* (killer)"do you want to complete the doll is that what you're here for?" "Yeah actually but you can still continue chatting with nightmare I just need to get the eyes and shoes right" (nightmare)"so how have things been with you error" "good I'd say why do you ask?" (Nightmare)"so I was stalking dream today"(killer)"that's weird stalking your brother not cool" (nightmare)"just let me finish so I heard that dream is going to try and confess to Ink and then I saw the whole scene play out and then I returned home I can't believe ink would actually say yes I'm going to kill him when I see him" wait what but why would ink say yes he doesn't like being in relationships he told me that himself one day

"So do you want to be in a relationship when you're older ink?" (Ink)"no not really besides aren't we going to be together when we're older? I don't need to be in a relationship when we already got each other!" *Error smiled blushing slightly at the comment* "yeah we don't need to be in no silly relationship! We will always be there for each other no matter what!"

*Flashback end*

I guess he was lying but at the same time he was young so I don't blame him really I wish we were still friends though (killer)"error multiverse to error hello?!" "Huh? What happened?!" (Killer)"I think you spaced out but you dropped the doll are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine killer just a bit confused" (nightmare)"confused about what?" "Well how dream knows about relationships" (nightmare)"my brother is not a complete idiot he still knows some stuff although I didn't teach him about relationships probably learn that by himself" "yeah anyways can I finish the doll of you killer?" (Killer) "yeah why not although can I get something to eat first I'm hungry" *nightmare gives killer the rest of the potato chips* (nightmare) "there I have stuff to do anyways if you need anything I'll be in my office by the way tomorrow at 2:00 there will be a meeting tell everyone before you leave Error" *nightmare walks upstairs into his office* (killer)"aw man I was hoping he would stay a bit longer" "you like him or something?" (Killer)"kind of.." "REALLY REALLY YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM?!" (Killer)"quiet down! I don't want everyone to hear you" "oh so you only want nightmare to hear that you have a crush on him?" (Killer)"oh shut up besides I ship you with ink so practically we're even" "wait what I never said I shipped you with nightmare what the heck?!" (Killer)"oh come on don't you like him or something?" "No I don't like him killer we are complete opposites I'm the destroyer he's the Creator it would never work out" (killer)"well it's just a fantasy it's not like I wrote 15 fanfics of you guys hah...hah....hah I just exposed myself" "you certainly did now what were they about by the way I'm going to be spending the night here" (killer)"oh then I'll let you read them they're not bad besides it's just ways that you guys can get together and that you guys would become friends and blah blah blah blah come on I'll show you a few"

(If you don't understand what's happening that is reasonable but in my AU I imagine that ink and error were both created as children and grew up in the anti void so yeah)

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