another chore

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Now let's go to the present since we're done with the past shall we?

Ink's pov
Bored bored bored bored bored TV's boring making aus boring UHGGGGGG there's nothing to do! *Ink is currently laying on his bed contemplating on what he should do* error? Who is error again? Have I met them before I feel like I met them before but at the same time I have a bad feeling about trying to find them who even are they are they a skeleton a monster a papyrus gosh it's been so long eons maybe! But this person seems special to me how come I've never thought of them before this is so confusing literally I feel like I know them but I feel like I forgot about them? It's been awhile a long while *memories start flooding inks head of him and error hanging out* OMG *ink remembers who error is* weren't they my childhood friend? Oh.. wait I can't believe I forgot about that... I miss him... WAIT I SHOULDN'T MISS HIM he's the destroyer and he's apparently a bad influence? I'm surprised I never actually encountered him for a long time he destroys I create I wonder if he misses me as well I shouldn't be moping around I have stuff I need to do I think I don't really know maybe I should paint something sketch something maybe I'll visit dream maybe blue I can't decide or maybe I'll visit no they don't really like me that much hmm what to do what to do I don't have any motivation to paint or to make another AU I guess that vile kind of ran out looks like I'm going to have to go there sooner than expected whatever I'll do it tomorrow since I don't have any motivation to draw and or paint but at the same time I don't want to hang out with people either but I feel like doing something but I don't know what! I should read a book! I almost forgot I trashed all my books why do I do this *ink looks over to his laundry bin and it's almost overflowing* oh might as well do that but I don't want to maybe I should make something to eat I haven't eaten in like a week wait I haven't eaten for a week?! Now I HAVE to so much responsibility taking care of yourself I kind of want to take a bath now I'll do that and then I'll eat!

Error's pov
It's been so long probably unlike ink I can actually take care of myself I wonder how ink is doing I haven't encountered him for a bit portals haven't really been showing up lately I take it to my responsibility now I feel absolutely no remorse when I destroy an au weird I know right crazy I've also been invited to a lot of meetings with this person called nightmare apparently they were the cause of all the negativity but I don't really care they destroy AU'S I destroy AU'S as long as we don't meet I'm fine usually when I think of nightmare nowadays since he's the guardian of negativity I think of a sponge soaking in all the negativity it's just funny to think about keeps me entertained and the rest of his gang they're weird I've been trying to make puppets of them but they can't stay still for longer than a minute I wonder what ink would say to all my new puppets but he's more grown up I guess I was talking to outer recently like literally 10 minutes ago and he said something about a question mark and an explanation mark outer is weird but his au is one of my favorites and people have been talking a lot about ink dream and blueberry? While I was hanging out with killer we went to an au and people were just talking and talking about those three and how they were heroes I don't know what makes ink think he's a hero he couldn't even help the ones in need like me nightmare even and many more or maybe they were supposed to be that way either way I don't think ink is supposed to be a hero before he became this hero he couldn't take care of his own laundry I bet he still can't or maybe he can it's been a while but at the same time I feel that he procrastinates doing anything I wonder if I should destroy one of those new AU'S one of those probably half finished ones it seems easier then destroying a whole world that is completely done and maybe I'll find ink there even if he can't die he can still feel pain I think well let's put this plan in motion *error teleports to the newest unfinished AU that only has the background done and the sans and papyrus* wow this is very pretty oh well *error looks around a bit and sees ink talking to the papyrus* /I did a random Sans name/ (Jenga)"hey buddy" *error immediately turns around seeing an empty-eyed sans he backs away a bit* "what do you want"
(Jenga)"I just want to know what you're doing here destroyer" "oh you know just checking the au ink didn't code this very well I just wanted to help" *error says with a big smirk across his face* (Jenga)"huh ink did mention something about someone coming to help him I guess you're that person I wasn't expecting the Creator and the destroyer to be friends I guess that's something to X out on my bucket list" *Jenga Scruggs and walks over to Ink* I feel like I'm about to get caught well might as well try and delete this well he's not looking wonder how sneaky I can be and how fast I can do this might as well find out today and then I can fight with him in an empty white void *error only deleted half of the background until ink noticed* (ink)"what are you doing here destroyer" *ink says that so sternly it kind of gives error the chills* "oh nothing much ink I just came here to destroy this au you know just the normal and what are you going to do about it" (ink)"I'm going to stop you that's what I'm going to do about it Jenga told me that you we're here I wasn't expecting you to try and delete one of the newest au!" *Error smirks almost satisfied with how angry ink looks* "how are you going to stop me and also I just thought I'd have a little break to myself you know destroying something that wasn't even done besides it's just a waste of space anyway" *ink seems shocked that he's even here* (ink) "you know what I'm sick of all this talking you're not going to listen to me anyway" *ink gets in a fighting stance and summons his large AF paintbrush error also gets in fighting stance gaster blasters get ready to fire as ink gets ready to throw paint at him    it has been a few hours both ink and error are tired and badly hurt ink suddenly collapses to the ground too exhausted from fighting to care* this is my chance I can finally kill... He can't die might as well give him some extra pain and leave I'm tired *error wraps his strings around ink pulling him up into the sky? And error shoots gaster blasters at him his dust scatters everywhere error opens a portal and leaves but once he got into the anti void he immediately collapsed to the ground asleep

(So I just realized that error has a lot of the spotlight I didn't have many ideas for what ink should do in his spare time so sorry about that)

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