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"i'm gonna miss being with you every day," jimin said, standing outside namjoon's house, with his boyfriend's arms around him and his head buried in his shoulder.

the two boys made it home the following day after many hours of travel. they were happy to be home and see sung-ha, but they were also sad to leave each other. even though jimin had absolutely no interest in leaving namjoon, he knew he would have to get back to his apartment soon to unpack and get ready for school the next day.

"me too," namjoon said, kissing jimin as his head left his shoulder.

the two stayed like that for a few minutes, embracing and chastely kissing in namjoon's driveway, until they heard someone and immediately pulled away from each other.

"well, looks like you two had a nice time," sung-ha said, from the doorway, with a smile.

namjoon looked over at his grandpa and smiled, immediately parting away from jimin and running over to him.

his grandpa gave joon a big hug, showing he clearly missed him.

they parted away and jimin took his turn, giving sung-ha a big hug, too.

"we missed you a bunch, sung-ha, but we had a great time," jimin said, smiling as he parted away.

"i'm so glad," sung-ha said, "come on in. i want to hear all about it."


the three had been talking in the kitchen for almost an hour, jimin going over everything they had done. namjoon was heavily struggling to make eye contact with his grandpa, though, knowing jimin was leaving out some of the best details that would be very embarrassing and inappropriate to share with his grandfather.

"no, seriously," jimin said, taking a bite of one of sung-ha's cookies, forgetting how much he missed them, "he brought a canoe out and everything. your grandson is a real romantic."

sung-ha laughed.

"i would expect no less," he said, ruffling namjoon's hair.

namjoon's face was beat red from embarrassment.

"i'm gonna run to the bathroom," namjoon said, excusing himself.

jimin just laughed at him, knowing his boyfriend was just embarrassed.

namjoon left, leaving just jimin to finish telling sung-ha the events of the trip.

"he also..," jimin started, "he gave me a ring."

sung-ha looked down to jimin's hand, seeing the pretty band with the blue jewel wrapped around his dainty finger.

"oh," he said, smiling at it, "do you like it?"

jimin quickly nodded.

"i love it," jimin said, "it's the sweetest gift anyone has ever given me."

jimin paused, staring down at the ring on his hand.

"joon told me where they came from," jimin said, seeing the little blue gem sparkle on his finger, "thank you for letting him give it to me. i know they were probably really important to you... and i'd completely understand if you'd prefer to keep them until he got married or something. i mean... we're both so young."

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