Chapter eight!

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I went back to the dormitory with Tomura, the halls were empty as everyone was at class. I started to think that being a hero wasn't right for me anymore, then I kept reminding myself about allmight, and how he inspired me growing up. After about 40 minuets of me and Tomura Cuddling in silence, I sat up right and looked at him. "I-I..." I started. "You okay?" He asked me. "I... don't think being a hero.. is right for me anymore..." I said in a sad tone. Tomura honestly looked upset, "I thought you wanted to be a hero! Don't you remember us talking the other day? You were ranting for ages about how much you've been training! Also what about your hero analysis'? You worked so hard!" He said rubbing the back of my head as I looked at him. "I-I know but... because of what happened with my mother... it doesn't feel right anymore..." I said. "Also those analysis' could be good for villain work. I have all about there, strengths, weaknesses, and loads of things we could use to defeat them heros!" I said smiling. "You want to be want to be a villain?" He asked as I cuddled back into him. "Well... yeah.." "we could use you as a spy on UA for a while before you move in properly, if that's what you wanna do. I can introduce you to the league later."

Midoriya has fell asleep on Tomuras lap. Shigaraki had to get back to the base. He got up and quickly scribbled a few words down on a piece of paper and left. He then arrived at the LOV base. "Hey shiggy!" Toga said. "I have an announcement to make." Shigaraki said getting the villains attention, this consisted of Kurogiri, Toga, Twice, Spinner, Dabi and a few others. "We have a new member of the LOV." A few smiles grew on on there faces. "Where are they?" Dabi asked. "There at UA as a spy as they were already studying there." "What made them go from a hero to a villain?" Toga asked. "Me and him found his mother dead in his house then found out that is was from a hero attack. He didn't want to be a hero after that." "..oh I'm sorry.." "what were you doing with a hero at the time?" Dabi asked as Tomura sat on the bar stool.

"He is.. my soulmate." He stuttered. They were in shock. "EEEEEE!" Toga squealed before Tomura gave her a death glare. "Run... crustys gonna get you.." Dabi Warned toga, the bar came up in laughing apart from Tomura and Kurogiri who was cleaning wine glasses.

Izukus eyes fluttered open adjusting to the sunlight from the window. He sat up and looked over to the note. 'Hey love. I've went and told the league this morning. Sorry i left early. I have other things to do as well. Have a good day at school. Bye my little villain.' it said. Izuku smirked and s crumpled the paper up in his pocket so it wouldn't be found my a hero.

He got ready for school before there was knocking on Izukus door. He opened it to find a tall sonic. "Hey Iida." "Midoriya. Your going to be late to class. It's my job as class representative to make sure everyone is in place." He said doing his arm movements. "Ah! S-Sorry iida!" Izuku said following behind Tenya to class.

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