Chapter 42

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"Ah...yes!" I hiss in pleasure, and pain.

My skin burning and yet somewhat relieved as I scratch my leg. Considering I'm still wearing the cast, I've opted to use a ruler to scratch the itches. It just about fits in the gap, and with enough movement it gets rid of all itchiness.

"It's starting to bleed, stop." Hardin demands, casually snatching the ruler from hand and out of the cast.

"I need it off." I state, glaring slightly as the instant burn on my lower calf begs to be itched.

"Not for another two weeks." Hardin tells me bluntly, like I have absolutely no say.

"You don't understand, it's driving me insane. I feel like taking a chainsaw to it." I scowl, crossing my arms angrily as I glare at the pink ugly cast.

"It'll be off before you know it, try and take your mind off it." Hardin says, grabbing the tv remote and flicking onto Netflix.

"I'm sick of watching tv." I exhale grumpily.

"We can go outside, visit Apollo and Aurora-"

"No." I cut him off, rolling my eyes in boredom.

I know it seems a little harsh, but all I've done for the last five weeks is watch tv, sit on the couch, sit outside in the sun, or sit in the barn with the horses.

"What about a board game?" He offers.

I just groan loudly. "I'm beyond bored, Hardin and a board game isn't going to help."

I'll admit it, snapping at him doesn't help. It's not his fault, and once I'm not so irritated I'll apologise, but can you blame me? All I want to do is scrub the filth and sweat off of my leg, and I can't even fit my fingers between the cast and my skin.

Hardin doesn't say anything, so I take that as my que to leave. Pushing myself to the edge of the sofa, I grab my crutches off the floor and pull myself up. I didn't want to keep bitching at him, he's only here to help me, to spend time with me so that we can figure out our relationship. And yet we haven't even made it to that point, we talk, but we haven't talked about that.

I mean, he hasn't even attempted to touch me. No kisses, no hugs, nothing. Is he even still interested?
The guy has to help me in and out of the bath every day, sometimes even dress me depending on what I'm wearing.

Maybe it's just...turned him off?

Deciding to feel sorry for myself elsewhere, I head upstairs and climb into my unmade bed. I lay there for the rest of the day, drifting in and out of pointless sleep. At some point I notice the sky beginning to darken, the bedroom shines brightly as the sun begins to set, I can only imagine how beautiful it is.

I imagine it being not half as beautiful as the spot looking out at the mountains on Hardin's land, nothing compares to that.

A gentle knock on the door snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I call out, trying not to sound so mentally exhausted and bored.

"Come downstairs, I have something for you." Hardin's voice is muffled through the door, and I hear his footsteps walking away.

He's got something for me? I silently wonder, frowning a little. I mean, I'm curious. Maybe he's cooked me something delicious? He usually does that if I'm in a mood.

With the slight hope of stuffing my face with a cheeseburger, I begrudgingly get off the bed and grab my crutches. The thought of freshening up doesn't cross my mind as I exit my bedroom.

ENDURING {Sequel to Everlasting}Where stories live. Discover now